Follistim II
439 Replies
helen - October 14

okiejpb, sorry to hear that AF is showing her ugly face!!! let us know how IVF goes and the protocol for the whole procedure. I'll probably do one more IUI and then move onto IVF. why is your new RE choosing to do a hysteroscopy? Beth, i know how you feel about cancelling your cycle and what a dilemma it is within yourself to make the right decision. but i'm sure that whatever choice you made would be the right one. please keep us posted on your new journey ahead. and i will pray for you and all of us that are struggling through infertility. mari, i envy your peace of mind. carrie, you think that you have a stomach ache from that IUI? hope you feel better soon. as for myself, no more cramps but i have extremely sensitive breasts and nipples. lynn, any more dizzy spells? anna, haven't heard from you in awhile, how are things?


Okiejpb - October 14

Beth-We'll be moving forward with IVF. Not sure what medications will be used or what the protocol will be in comparison to IUI, but I'll let you know. Helen-Thanks. My RE wants to do the hysteroscopy because he had a tough time inserting the catheter during the insemination. So much so that he had to switch to a smaller catheter. I ran into this problem about 2 IUI's ago, except then they had to use a bigger catheter. All I know is that when I had the IUI before having my DD, the catheter went in with absolutely no difficulty. Maybe something changed after giving birth. I'll keep you posted.


Lynn - October 14

Mari - When I wound up pregnant in August I felt the same way. I just told myself the first trip out of the gates may not work so just go with it. Maybe this is your month. Helen - I had severely sensative breasts and nipples during the last IUI + follistim. Hope this is your month also. On meds so my spinning spells are under control for now. Thanks for asking. Okiejpb and Beth - I am sorry this was not the month for you. I was also put on the pill but I am experiencing spotting a week into them. Been so long not sure if this is normal. Any thoughts on this? Anna - Hey chick, where are you? How are you? Carrie - How are you feeling? Have a wonderful weekend girls!!!!!


Anna - October 14

Hi girls!!! We have so many new people! Thats great!!!! we go.... Lynn-I see you doing good and learning. I've also learn a lot for a past couple of days, reading girls post and seeing that my RE is not so good after all. Okiejpb - I though if u r on prometrium, than u shouldn't get u AF untill u stop taking them. And maybe it is IB, after all u r on medication so maybe there is still a chance. And if not than I'm really sorry. But dont give up yet. Beth- may I ask why r u cancelling this cycle and how many follicles do u have? Is it because u afraid to have multiples or....? I had 17 Follicles my last cycle and I didnt even get preg. Mary, Helen and Carrie (I think I got everybody) - have an easy 2WW. I will keep my fingers cross for u. Well as for me... nothing much. I dont even think I o'd this month. I dont have symptoms of AF coming at all. And Im on CD27 so it should be anyday now. I know that a cycts stops my body from o, but can I still get my AF? I'll wait another week and if not I'll take provera. Take care girls


Beth - October 15

Hi Everyone-I hope you ladies are staying positive! Helen, will you do another IUI next cycle? Okiejpb-Good luck with the beginning of IVF. Will you do a month on the pill? If so, we should be a little more than two weeks apart in treatment. Please, please keep me posted. Lynn, I wish I knew about the spotting. I would ask your RE. Anna, because I had 14 follies between 16 and 21 mm today with an E2 level doubling daily, my RE, husband, best friend and research told me the best thing to do would be cancel. I had a hard time with it, but I did a bunch of research and decided it was the right thing for us. I feel that if I am responding so well to Follistem, IVF is the way to go for me. Much less risk of multiples, less worry about how many and how large the follicles would be and since we really don't know exactly how much foll. I should get, IUI is difficult. It's also such an emotionally draining experience and I'd like to try something that has better chances of ending in a preg. at this point, after doing 3 IUI's. I don't know...I go back and forth. Right now, I'm questioning my decision. But I have to move on and get excited about the next cycle. Anyway, sorry for rambling. Lots of baby dust and happy baby thoughts to all.


helen - October 15

hey beth...don't doubt your decision at this point. i'm sure if you feel IVF is the way to go, than it is. the probability of getting pg is so much greater than IUI. i will do one more cycle of IUI because i signed up for 3 cycles and this was my 2nd one. hopefully, i won't need to do the 3rd. Anna, it's good to hear from you. why don't you think your RE is good? if that's the case, you should immediately find another one. is it true you don't O if you have cysts? i haven't heard that before. last month i had a LH surge and i did end up getting my AF after having cysts. will you be doing another cycle of follistim? okiejpb, when do you think you'll have the hysteroscopy done? you'll probably go to your RE on monday right? please keep us posted. lynn, i have no idea why the early spotting...i hope it's nothing too serious. carrie, mari, happy baby thoughts!!!


Carrie - October 15

Ladies, I am learning so much from you guys. I have just begun this process and this has been my first IUI. I am paying out of pocket for all of this as my insurance doesn't cover sqat. I notice alot of you talking about IVF and I am wondering if I should look into that instead of doing only IUI. I know it is alot of money but it seems if I do 3-4 months of IUI and don't get pg..then.. Anyway..I am feeling much better..maybe those cramps and ache feeling was ovulation.. I don't think I have O'd in so long I wouldn't remember what it felt like. Everyone stay positive, our time will come. Thanks for all the support!


Beth - October 15

Carrie-Generally the protocol is to start with a few cycles of IUI first. Depending how aggressive your RE is, they may give you the option of IVF. IVF is ridiculously expensive, generally requires more doses of injectibles and a surgery with general anesthesia. Many women find success with IUI. I would go that route first. Talk to your RE about it and good luck!! Baby dust!


Mari - October 15

Hi girls - i don't know why but my boobies don'e hurt yet, and they usually hurt baaaaad. But i still have cramping and some pain like i have done 1000 situps. We bd last night just in case because i had some sharp pains on my left side that lasted for a few minutes. i wonder if i O late. what do u guys thin? If my boobies don't hurt yet like they usually do, does that mean the hcg didn't work? maybe it's a silly question but i'm confused. i have done so many iui's and i always get these symptoms(breast tenderness, boobies darkening etc.) this time it hasn't happend. Baby dust to all and enjoy your weekend.


Lynn - October 15

Anna - I was told the same thing about prometrium. If your on it, it could delay AF. I was on it when this ectopic pregnancy happened and they actually think it might have asved me from bleeding tons. I was told to stop when a D&C was decided on. I think sometimes it depends on how your doctor is schooled in all of this. My new doctor said he would not have me take it when we tried again. I will be asking again just to make sure but that is what he said. Beth and Okiejpb - if insurance or you have means to cover IVF, then go for it. Let us know how it goes. Carrie - I did 2 cycle of IUI + Clomid with no luck. I did 1 cycle of follistim + IUI and got pregnant so give it some time. Like it was posted earlier, give it some time. IVF is extremely expensive if not covered by insurance. Helen, Mari and Carrie keep positive these 2weeks. Happy thoughts and many prayers to everyone out there trying or waiting for the time to try.


Okiejpb - October 15

Beth-Not sure how long I'll be on the pill, I'm guessing 2 or 3 weeks. Lynn-Our insurance does not pay for IVF or any part of it, so it will definitely be very expensive. I know this may sound a bit crazy, but we'd be okay with having twins. We know it would be a lot of work, but worth it.


helen - October 15

hi girls...carrie, you should start with IUI like you are doing. it's much less invasive than IVF. generally the RE would like to do 3 or 4 cycles of IUI and than see what your options are from there. i also have to pay everything, including meds from out of pocket. believe me, i know first hand how expensive these treatments can cost. girls, i'm feeling a little depressed and hopeless today, don't know why? what can i do to cheer myself up? Mari, usually after the trigger you should O within 24-48 hours. i'm telling you girls, you should start thinking about charting your BBT's to see if you had O'd or not...than there would be no doubt whether you've O'd or not. on friday morning my temps have gone up so i know for sure that i O'd on thurs(the day of my IUI) and it gave me some relief to know that we timed it right. i wonder why your boobies aren't sensitive this time around? hmmm... Lynn, how long have you been TTC? that question goes out to all you ladies. for me, its been about 2 years. Okiejpb, i would love to have twins. it would be all worth it at the end. lets keep our fingers and toes crossed. Beth, so i take it you've made up your mind for this month? i'm so sorry you had to go through that sweetie. it was a tough decision to cancel a cycle. well, i hope you all are having a better day than i am...


Mari - October 16

Helen-i'm sorry u feel down today, but believe it or not so am i could it be the hcg? Hope we feel better soon. Beth - sorry u had to cacel ur cycle but if u made that decision it's the right decision, never second guess your self. How is every one else doing? talk to u later...


helen - October 16

Mari, it just made me laugh when i saw your post...i think we are just so emotional. but sorry that you are feeling down too. have you started with the prometrium? i am getting this strange metallic taste and i am guessing it's from the prometrium. (too much progesterone) let me know if this happens to you. maybe it is the hcg that's making us feel so hormonal. my poor DH is walking on eggshells today because of my moodiness :-) so how long have you been TTC? just curious where we all are at this stage. by the way, i'm 34. i know you just had a b-day, how old (i mean young) are you? if you don't mind me asking. if it's too personal, just ignore my question. just curious as to how we all got here. anna, have you started your AF yet?


mari - October 16

sorry helen i forgot to answer your question about ttc it has been over 3 years, but i have been with an re since march/april 2005. i am 32 yrs old how about you. i was supposed to begin the prometrium last night but i totally forgot, i began this morning (when i read your post), do u think this will be a problem? i'm a little worried, whats wrong with my head, how could i forget?. does anyone know if it's ok to take tylenol allergy/sinus med. , my re said it's ok but i want to know if your dr's said anything about over the counter meds. it's just that i suffer from bad sinusitis and iof course i will not take my normal meds while ttc. thanks


mari - October 16

see what i mean i cant even remember i read your age he, he disregard the age question :-).



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