Follistim II
439 Replies
mari - October 16

see what i mean i cant even remember i read your age he, he disregard the age question :-).


Lynn - October 16

Hey girls - I can relate about moodiness. I am all over the place and did not even do a cycle this month. UGH!!!! We have been trying since March of 2003. mc in July 2004 and my ectopic this Sept. I am 37 and not getting any younger. My hubby is 36. My insurance covers the meds but not the IUI. If they code nthe ultrasounds correctly, they are covered 80% but this month they messed up so need to call next week. IVF is not covered and since I am older, it is not really an option. Most places like for you to finish IVF cycles before 38. Sucks to want a career and now look what I did. Must have waited too long and now I am being punished. Sorry there goes myself feeling sorry for myself. Maybe us girls just need to go do something for ourselves toady to cheer up. Talk to you all again later. Goin to do some yard work while it is still warm here in NC.


Lynn - October 16

Don't feel bad about wanting twins. If it happened to us, it would be a happy thing. I always wanted 2 children but since it has taken this long, I am not sure I will get that unless I conceive twins.


helen - October 16

hi're right Lynn about us going out and doing something for ourselves. we need to stop thinking so much, questioning our past decisions, and just move forward, but why is it so hard? Lynn, you are one step closer than we are so you've got that on your could fall pg. and Mari, you still have time on your side. i know its not too much of a consult but hope that helps. if feels better knowing that we are all going through this together. what would i do without you girls!!! Mari, i'm glad i reminded you of the prometrium. i don't think one dosage will make a difference. as far as the tylenol sinus, if your RE said it was ok, than it is. my RE told me to take only tylenol products if i need to. oh and thanks girls for sharing your info. Okiejpb, Carrie, Beth, and Anna, hope you are enjoying the weekend!


Okiejpb - October 17

Mari-I'm 36 and have been ttc for a year. We tried on our own w/o meds for a couple of months then decided we should go ahead and see an RE as that it was we did with our DD. Although I've been spotting since Friday, I still haven't started AF. From all the posts I've read, it looks like this is due to the prometrium. Hopefully it won't delay AF too long. I was just telling my husband that I'm actually looking forward to doing IVF. Definitely not all of the shots that are involved, but just because of the increased chance of having success. It's so expensive, but I'm trying not to focus on the cost of it. It's unfortunate that insurance doesn't pay for any part of IVF.


Okiejpb - October 17

Mari-I just re-read my post. Not sure what I was thinking, but I'm 35 and won't be 36 until March. Anyway, better try to get some sleep. Wishing everyone lots of baby dust and a wonderful week.


Okiejpb - October 17

Does anyone know how long the prometrium stays in your system? Still haven't gotten AF, but know that I'm not pg. Only light spotting intermittently. Hope it isn't delayed for too long.


helen - October 17

okiejpb, are you sure you aren't pg? if you aren't, did you stop taking the prometrium? from others, i've heard it comes about 2 days after stopping the prometrium. i can't remember how long you said you've tried before your DD, and what did you do differently to get pg that time? hey did you get more discharge or cm while you were on prometrium? i'm noticing a bit more than normal. Mari, Lynn, how are you girls feeling? any better? it's raining so hard today here in L.A. but my spirits are up. Anna, did you start your AF yet? well girls, happy baby thoughts okay!!!


Lynn - October 18

Well Girls - It appears we are around the same age, give or take a few years. Okiejbp - just a weird question, did you stop the prometrium? When I took a pregnancy test 35 days past, it was positive. But I went a week without prometrium. When we found out it was an ectopic pregnancy, my doctor said it was the prometrium that was holding all the blood in my uterus. PLEASE be careful. If you past due and no AF, call your doctor and have them run a blood test or something. Carrie, Mari and Helen - where are you girls in the waiting? Anna and Beth - How are you doing. Talk to you girls later...


Anna - October 18

Hi girls ... I guess I'm the youngest one, 27 and from NJ (born in Russia). TTC for 14months (loooong time) Okiejpb - did u do HPT? U should, just to make sure. Helen, Mari, how many dpo r u? Beht-how r u? Lynn-when u took a hpt at 35 days, was that the first time? Im still waiting for my AF. Today is day 29 for me so hopefuly I'll get it with in next few days. I cant wait to start a new cycle. P.S. Im watching Sex and the City on were Samantha just found out she is not pregnant and she threw a celebration party for that reason. How wierd is that? I dont beileve anybody would do that in a real life?


Beth - October 18

Hi Everyone-Thanks so much for your support and your telling me that I made the right decision. I have second-guessed myself, but at the end of the day, I know I made the right decision, considering the possible outcomes. I'm feeling pretty sad, but nothing a few glasses of wine can't cure. I know I'll be on the pill next month, to prep for IVF, so I'm "relaxing" a little. I'll be thinking about, and praying for you guys. Stay positive and lots of happy baby thoughts!!


helen - October 18

hi girls, i believe Mari and I are 5dpiui. still a long time to go on our 2ww. anna, i saw that episode of sex and the city, it was hilarious!!! it's so funny how we try for many years after we reach puberty not to get pg, but when your actually ready, it's sooo hard to get pg. Beth, i'm so excited for you about starting IVF. i'm positive we'll be hearing BFP's from both you and Okiejpb!!! please let us know everything! Lynn, you are doing so well after all that you've been through (i'm sure you have your days) but i admire your strength. Carrie, how are you doing with your 2ww? according to my calculations, you should go in for a beta next tuesday right? how were your progesterone levels? keep us posted on your progress. Mari, what's up with you girl? any strange metallic taste yet? let me know if you have more CM after the prometrium. happy baby dreams!!!


Mari - October 18

Hi ladies, i'm not feeling well. i think i am getting a cold and because of my sinusitis it is not just an ordinary cold. Thankfully no fever but do you guys think it will hurt my chances of conceiving this cycle. i am really worried and mad, it's like why now iv'e been taking care of my self so much and i had a feeling this would be the month but know i feel it went down the drain. i'm sorry girls i think i'm rambling it's just that i am so frustrated. Helen sweetie i do have that metalic taste but not sure its the prometrium or the cold :-). Good luck girls. and thanks for being there guys.


Okiejpb - October 18

Helen-Definitely not pg; did HPT yesterday morning and it was BFN. Finally started AF last night. Cramping and heavy flow (sorry if TMI). So 2 days after stopping prometrium seemed to be pretty accurate for me since Saturday night I took my last one. As a side note, it wasn't near as messy as I had read or anticipated. Counting today as CD 1. Hysteroscopy scheduled for next Monday 10/24. Starting bcp tomorrow. The only thing different when conceiving DD was we used Pergonal instead of Follistim. Main difference from what I understand is that Pergonal is from post-menopausal women, Follistim is created in lab. Also, didn't trigger until follicles were at least 20mm (if I remember correctly). Here they seem to favor triggering at 17mm. That could be the problem, but at this point, I'm ready to move forward to the next step. Don't want to waste any time. As far as CM goes, I did notice that for a few days there was more of it. Beth - When do you start bcp? Mari - Cheer up:) I hope you get to feeling better. If it's any consolation, I remember having had a really bad cold when I started the cycle in which DD was conceived.


Mari - October 18

Okiejpb - thanks it is of great consolation. i'm glad to see things are rolling, good for you. Helen- i'm not sure but I believe it's not cm but the suppository disintegrating, the progesteron itself is absorbed quickly in the body, but it's surounded by a wax that disintegrates and makes for a messy two weeks lol. Anna- did you begin AF yet? Beth - enjoy that wine for both of us. Lynn - hope all is well. Carrie - how are u doing?


Okiejpb - October 18

What I had was actual CM. The suppositories that I used were not the little wax ones, but instead looked like little yellow oval capsules/pills. Sorry for the TMI that's about to follow, but it was actual CM because went I went to the restroom, it looked like the CM right around the time of ovulation.



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