228 Replies
Mel - October 27

Welcome Roxie. We are one day apart in our 2ww. I did my IUI on October 21st, so today is day 6 for me. Nothing much happening right now except my 7 day post ovulation test and the yucky progesterone supplements! Isa, this last time, I did get a bit of cramping as well and I agree with the theory that that happens when the spermies are injected too quickly! But who knows, maybe that is when it works better???? Let's keep our fingers and toes crossed!


ali - October 27

hey everyone! i had my ultrasound was so exciting to see the start of new life! we were able to see the sac (only one), but my doctor said he doesn't expect a heartbeat until next week so we go back next thursday for another u/s. i was really hoping to see the heartbeat today, but i will just have to wait. i am sorry that i am posting so late today, the nausea has finally set in and i have been trying to take it easy today. thankfully my parents are here visiting and could watch my dd for me so i could get some rest! toni, i can't wait to hear your results tomorrow! how are you feeling? becca, will you test first thing in the morning? isa, congrats on your iui' really sounds like you had some great results...hopefully this is it for you!!! roxie, welcome! you are in the right place for your 2ww! this is the most encouraging thread there is. thanks everyone for the info on the flu shot..i am going to ask my dr. about it next week. lee, how great that you will have time to meet your new daughter first! how long before she comes home do you think you will get to meet her?


Toni - October 27

Ali I was so excited to read your post! I think it will be too early for me to see the hb, so I am glad I know that is normal at this point. My second u/s will be Nov. 7. More waiting! Congrats on seeing your little one!!


Lee - October 27

HEY ROXIE- Welcome, you have come to the right place for support. ......ISA, don't you even think about your next IUI, it will be after you have the baby you are going get from this one...........MEL-You think positive now because your implant should be happening in the next few days, good blessings to you and to Roxie........ALI-Isn't that the greatest feeling in the world? I am very happy for you. Sorry that you didn't see a heartbeat yet, it is just too early, I hope I didn't get your hopes up. As for my HOPE, if all went just perfectly, I could see her face in March or April and bring her home some time in June. It could take several months longer, but it could be a month earlier and a month shorter, it is just hard to know. She will be worth the wait, for sure.......TONI-You better post right away tomorrow, what time is your appt? I will be nuts until then. Love hugs and blessings to all of you friends, new and old. How are you doing Lola?


Solange - October 27

Hei girls. I am here again. Some of you may remember me. I had a first and negative IUI in august and the 2nd IUI last week (18 and 19). This is the day 8 post ovulation and I felt something really strange. I went to the bathroom this morning and noticed some kind of white and thick mucus. Outside of the vaginal area (sorry I don't know the right words in english) feels dry. So I went to shopping and when I came back one hour ago I noticed the same mucus with some pinkish blood in my underwear. I did not have this in the 1st IUI and I am a little bit worried. I know it can be a good signal but I am afraid it also can be some fungus or bacteria. Somebody had the same experience??


Lee - October 27

Hey Solange, welcome. It may be nothing, it is probably not a fungus or bacteria. It could be a good sign. There is mucus there, if you had implantation, and I am not trying to get your hopes up, but that is why we are here, you may get a little blood when the embryo burrows into the lining. In that case, a little blood would mix with the mucus that you have there and around the cervix and brings it down. Does it itch? Also, use a hand mirror and look to see if you have any signs of irritation or redness that you aren't feeling. You should be hoping that the vulva (lips to the vagina) are getting very dark and purple as extra blood will be coming down there, but no bright red. I am happy to ask my contacts if you want, the other girls may have additional ideas. Let us hope it is something good happening for you!


Solange - October 27

HI Lee. Thanks for your answer. It is a little bit red but it does not itch. I am using a gel lubrificant only outside and it is so good relief :-) I am trying to keep balance but is difficult. For example... I "think" that I am feeling some cramps but I am not sure... I am at that point that I don't know if everything that I feel is real or its is product of my mind.


Toni - October 27

Solange, it may be what Lee said. Implantation. I had cramps around 7dp iui and then had the bfp. I know it's hard to believe what you think you feel. I told myself for the 2ww it was all in my mind. That keeps you from getting your hopes up. Hang in there, so far so good!


Toni - October 27

Lee, my appt is at 8:15. I will try to post between classes in the morning. That is so great you might get her early. You can actually start working on her room! That is so fun! No symptoms for me today. Thought I felt nautious but maybe that's in my head too! Did I spell that right? :)
Becca tomorrow is the day! Will you be able to sleep? And Amy you are doing the hsg? Everyone post as soon as you can!!! Baby dust!


Lee - October 27

OKAY HOPEFUL LADIES, Tomorrow is a big day for Becca and Toni and AmyR. Let's keep them in our thoughts and prayers tonite and let's all promise to post up tomorrow as quick as we can to make sure there is lot's of support from the rest of us, and posts from the three ladies we will be thinking of and waiting for! Sleep tight all, especially you my Toni girl.


Becca - October 28

Hey All! I will test 1st thing in the morning (I am in Mtn Standard Time) However, I will not be able to post the result until my dh calls and finds out himself. He has to work at 5 in the morning and I don't get up until 7 or 7:30 (although the last 2 mornings I have woken up at 6 having to pee and then 7 having to pee again). While I am expecting a BFN I do have HOPE for a BFP because my boobs have been so sore these last 2-3 days and my stomach does feel funny and I was sick to my stomach today. However, if my progesterone levels are out of wack I think they could cause these "symptoms". Only tomorrow will tell. BABY DUST AND LOTS OF HOPE!


Lee - October 28

Becca, I bet you wake up early tomorrow!!! We can't wait for good news. I will say a special prayer for you tonight. XXOO


Roxie - October 28

Thank you all for your support. How wonderful to be able to go through this with others. Mel, very cool to have a buddy. I hope so much you are pg! Are you planning on testing before the 2WW. My SO's birthday is November 2, on day 11, and I was really hoping to give the best birthday present ever. Toni, I am a wreck. My official test day is November 7. I guess I should wait.

I have never been so bloated. Is that the progesterone? I am very thin, so it is obvious. My pants don't fit. It is not a pleasant feeling.


Judi - October 28

Hi ladies, I have some great news to share. We had the first trimester screening for birth defects this week. Since I'm 35, my baby's risk of Down Syndrome was 1 in 270, and the risk of Trisomy 13 or 18 was 1 in around 400. After the tests, the risks dropped to 1 in 635 for Down Syndrome and 1 in 9341 for Trisomy 13 or 18. We are so happy and relieved! Also, we were able to get a really good look at the baby during the ultrasound for the nuchal translucency scan. It was too early to tell the sex, but I'm having a level II ultrasound on Dec. 6. We had a clear view of the head, arms, and legs, and my husband saw the heart. We also saw the spine and ribs. It was amazing! The baby did not like being poked and kicked, punched with its hands, and flipped over several times. It also appeared to wave at us at one point. We both had tears in our eyes by the end. Good luck to everyone who is still waiting, and also to everyone who's pregnant!


AmyR - October 28

Hi all!!! This thread has been busy today, and there are a few new names to welcome. Isa- Glad your IUI went well today ,and hope that the cramping has gotten better. Lee- so glad that things are going well for your HOPE and March or April will be here before you know it... how exciting. Toni- Can't wait for you post after your appt tomorrow. Becca- please post as soon as you can, my thoughts are with you for a BFP. Ali- glad things are great, and sorry for your disappointment, but now you have next week to look forward to. Tonya-- I' m jealous... wish I were in FLA, hope you have a wonderful relaxing time! Well All I'm off to bed, and my HSG is not until 1:30pm Eastern Time... I'll let you know how it goes.. Good Night and lots of Baby DUST


Lola - October 28

Hey Ladies,
Becca-keeping my fingers cross for tomorrow. Isa- I too had lots of cramping with my last IUI, I even bled a bit, not sure if thats normal. The time before that I had it done by a different dr and he said that it is better to go slower so that your uterus doesn't go into shock. Who knows, they all do it different. Roxie- Keep thinking positive, I know its really hard but the extra stress isn't good for you.
AmyR- good luck tomorrow and remember to breathe.
I'm just waiting for Nov 4th for u/s and have decided that this will be my last month trying until next year.. too much going on in December. I don't know ladies but November is looking like a lucky month for all us. Baby dust!!!



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