New Study On DHEA And Female Fertility
A team led by Adrian Shulman, MD at Tel Aviv University in Tel Aviv, Israel has confirmed the results of an earlier study performed by scientists at the Center for Human Reproduction (CHR) in New York City on the benefits of the supplement known as dehydroepiandrosterone (DHEA) as a therapy for women with diminished ovarian reserves.
Threefold Increase
Shulman's study is small with only 33 female participants, but his work represents the only randomized study on DHEA as a treatment for infertility. Seventeen participants were given DHEA and 16 women served as a control group. This study confirms that the supplement increases the success rates for conception via vitro fertilization (IVF) by threefold.
CHR was the first institution to employ the use of DHEA and has been offering the supplement for women suffering diminished ovarian reserves since 2004. Under the leadership of Norbert Gleicher, MD, Medical Director of the center, and David H. Barad, MD, Director of Clinical Assisted Reproduction at CHR, the center performed a number of studies on DHEA and fertility. These studies have garnered much attention and were published in such distinguished journals as Fertility and Sterility, Human Reproduction, and the Journal of Assisted Reproduction and Genetics. Shulman references these studies in his own work.
Ovarian Reserves
After a review of the overwhelming evidence produced by CHR, the center received a U.S. patent for using DHEA in 2009, for treating women who suffer from infertility as a result of diminished ovarian reserve. Since that time, more than 2,000 women worldwide have been given the supplement at CHR due to diminished ovarian reserves resulting from advanced age or early aging of the ovaries. Thanks to the many women flocking to CHR from all over the world, the center has been dubbed the, "fertility center of the last resort."
Dr. Shulman's group managed to rack up an important research milestone that CHR had failed to accomplish in spite of its six years of important work on the subject: a prospectively randomized study. Shulman and his associates did make sure to mention that fertility experts worldwide, including those from Tel Aviv University had been using DHEA as a boon for female fertility for a number of years based on the work of CHR. The work done by Shulman and his colleagues adds to the body of knowledge about the benefits of DHEA for female factor infertility.
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