55 Replies
trying4myfirst - November 4

Well AF should her ugly face today and I am devastated looks like Lapo is the next step it just seems like with every passing month my faith and hope diminish more and more. My friends and family all tell me it will happen when the time is right or when its supose to happen and I just smile and agree but what I am really feeling is it is never going to happen its never going to be meant to be for me. I am being punished for things I did in the past that is the only explanation for why this is happening to me. None of the women in my family on my mother or fathers side ever had any trouble conceiving thats why this doesnt make any sense. I am sorry for just going on and on about this but you guys are the only ones that understand me. Oh I just want to scream and hit something.


gurinsa - November 4

hopeful..I understand how frustrating and sad it is to hear this news. My husbands count and motility were poor and our doc recommended IUI. We got pregnant with the 2nd IUI so it CAN happen! IUI increases your chances so hopefully you will continue on your ttc path and will be blessed with your baby very soon!!!! I think we are all having bad weeks. Af arrived for me too (we just had 2nd IUI ttc baby #2) so not feeling very positive over here either..


KayW - November 5

Hello Ladies..........Tryin & hopeful ~ hold on, your time as well as mine will soon come. I guess its not our time yet, but maybe this current or next cycle will be the one for us!!!! ,,,,,,,My update, today is CD5 for me. I found out yesterday that DH will be in town next week so I started again on 100 mg Clomid. I usually take it day 3-7 but since I just found out yesterday I will be taking it day 4-8. Does anyone have exp starting on cd4? I see that Chimerasai started on cd4 (but usually starts on cd3) when she got her BFP. I hope I follow in her footsteps!!!!!! RE says to start opk on Monday and will have IUI at least by Friday, Saturday (his estimate). I'll keep you all posted.........magicmarcy~ how are you? Our IUI's will most likely be a day of each other again if not on the same day!


Chimerasai - November 5

Hey ladies....too many BFNs. :( ..................gurinsa, Kay & magic ~ good luck this cycle...................hopeful ~ you may want your DH to see a urologist. My DH had the same problem and then found out he had low testosterone and now takes femara to help combat it. his urologist also had him take 1 advil and 1 vit E every night to help with count & motility. maybe a specialist could help your dh somehow. How did your first day of work go?................trying ~ YOU ARE NOT BEING PUNISHED. infertitliy is not like having bad karma. it just is what it is. we were unlucky to be part of this statistic. on the bright side, we could have been part of another statisical group with less hope and a whole different kind of pain. hang in there. you are a wonderful person and this will eventually happen..........................as for me, my first u/s is on Monday. It can't get here fast enough. nothing troubling happening that is making me worry. I am nauseated on and off, but nothing major to report. except i seem to be craving tempura fried shrimp? weird b/c i usually hate shrimp.


magicmarcy - November 11

Chimeraasi~ how did the ulstrasound go today?


hopeful in 2008 - November 11

Chimerasai--I am curious to know too how your u/s went! Keep us posted!


Chimerasai - November 11

hey ladies. my first u/s was awesome! i am measuring exactly right. yesterday's measurement was 7weeks 1day which is right where i thought i was based on my iui. :) there is a heartbeat and everything. My official due date is June 28th. this is so exciting? ....................... how is everyone else doing? this thread is pretty quiet now.


gurinsa - November 12

Hi Chimerasai..I'm so happy for you! I conceived my daughter (16 months) with IUI. She was born June 27th, 2007. Sooooo close to your due date! June babies are the best and even better..you aren't pregnant all summer! I have been MIA lately cause iui #2 didn't work. Something crazy is going on with my cycles - very short!!! Anyway, today is cd 10 and I have started my opk. Still trying to decide if we will go for iui #3 or try on our own for a month


KayW - November 12

Chimerasai ~ That is great news!!!!! I know you're sooooo excited! As for me opk is still negative. I will call the RE today to see if I should have ultrasound today or tomorrow.


magicmarcy - November 13

Chimerasai~ That is so awesome! I am glad you and the baby are doing good. I have my u/s tomorrow to look for follicles, then IUI on Friday! Yeah #2....let's hope!



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