55 Replies
KayW - October 21

I had IUI on Friday Oct 17th, I had 5 Mature follicles sizes were: 22, 24, 22,28,23. The previous day is when I had the ultrasound and dr gave me half of the 10,000 hcg trigger shot. My DH sperm count post wash was 2.8 million 90% motility. What do you think the chances of getting a BFP? Also what do you think the chances are of multiples? i have no diagnosed infertility problems. But I have been ttc for about a year. This is my second IUI. Used Clomid day 3-7 100mg. (wanted to be thorough with details.)


Optimistic101 - October 21

Wow those follicles are awsome! The times I got pregnant I had 2 at the most your chances of concieving are VERY good. Although, I don't have the answer for the multiple question, BUT Clomid only has about a 14% chance of producing twins. Please keep us updated!! Baby dust to you!


Chimerasai - October 21

what did your doc say about your DH count? my RE told me that anything below 5million lowers your chances. But the motility is super high. anything over 50% is considered normal. I got preg this month on 50mg clomid, 2 mature follicules and my DH count was 100m with 56% motility. It was our 3rd IUI. Good luck!


KayW - October 22

The dr said that Dh count was okay. I assume its because I have a better chance with 5 eggs. I know that the chances of multiples are low with Clomid but thats because usually produces 1 or maybe 2 follicles not like injectibles that produce many follicles. But I got 5 follicles, so it makes me kind of nervous. Two would be great. But oh my God if I got more!!!!!
Congrats Chimerasai on your BFP!!!!!
Baby dust to you Optimistic101!!!!


magicmarcy - October 25

I just had my first IUI on Saturday the 18th. I had 4 mature follicles pretty close to all the sizes you had. 28,24,22,23, and I had one 12 but the doc only counter the 4. My husband's post wash count was 21 million, but I don’t' remember the motility percentage. Been ttc for almost 2 years now. No known problems. Just the titled uterus that some people say it’s hard to get pregnant. I don’t' believe that, cause I have known plenty of people who have. So we are both looking for the BFP around the same time. How sweet!!! Good luck!


trying4myfirst - October 25

I am lost the RE didn't say anything about Follicles I am not really sure I know what that means? DH count was 39 million with 91% motility only had one IUI done and was not given any drugs what I am missing are there more aggressive things I should be doing?


magicmarcy - October 25

When they did my ultrasound that was when the doctor saw and measured the follicles.
this helps....


KayW - October 26

magicmarcy, I wish you the best on getting a BFP. This 2ww is the pits! Your follicles numbers, sperm count and size are great! Let's wait this out together. Keep me posted. When do you plan to take your first pregnancy test?


magicmarcy - October 26

I think I will try Friday or Saturday....how bout you?


Chimerasai - October 26

trying ~ your DHs counts are good. We talk about follicules b/c that is the number of eggs that are preparing to release for ovulation. this is important to know when on clomid or injectibles. especially for injectibles where you can have a ton of follicules and the rate of high order preg are higher. on clomid, knowing the number of follicules just ensures that you know what is going on and if the clomid is effective. clomid is usually the first line of medicine to prescribe. it is done to help you ovulate (sometimes from both ovaries) and then it also ensures your follicules are fully mature before releasing (this was my problem). There is no harm in asking your doc about it to see if it could be right for you. Good luck!!


trying4myfirst - October 27

Chimerasai-thanks so much for the explaination our RE thinks that its my CM thats the problem he says that I am ovulating normally so maybe thats why he hasn't put me on any meds. He also said that if the IUI didnt work this month he was scheduling me for Laposcropy which is very scary to me but whatever it takes hopefully the IUI worked this month and I wont have to have the surgery.


trying4myfirst - October 27

I have another question for you guys how long after IUI would you notice symptoms? Also is cramping on day 6 normal?


Chimerasai - October 27

This is my advice. IGNORE YOUR BODY. seriously. you are going to drive yourself insane and be totally convinced you have every symptom in the book only to find BFN at the end. I mean, I really really hope you get a BFP, but if you don't, you will be alot less torn apart if you relax and think of something else. My first IUI, I noticed everything about my body. The problem is, I had never paid any attention before. I was devestated at my BFN b/c i was so sure I was preggers. This is not easy advice to take, I know...................as for when you experience symptoms. I can say, you won't see any at all until implantation has occured. This is 7-10dpo. With my current pregnancy, I didn't see any kind of symptoms until 11 or 12dpo. and I didn't even realize they were symptoms until I got my BFP. For those taking clomid, my boobs were always more sore in the tww when i was on clomid. This does not necessarily mean you are preg. ...........................I don't want to be a downer, but I don't want you guys to be super crushed at the end either. that is why most ladies don't reccommend early testing (though I always started testing at 10dpo/dpiui.).........GOOD LUCK AND BABY DUST


gurinsa - October 27

trying..when I got pregnant after 2nd iui, I had small amount of discharge on 2dpiui. Then I had af-like cramps from 5dpiui-11dpiui. Then the cramps went away and more cm until positive hpt on 14 dpiui! I am currently 4 dpiui ttc baby #2. Lets wait together!!!


trying4myfirst - October 27

Chimerasai...........thanks for your truthfulness. gurinsa.....thank you so much for the glimer of hope its really what I needed I usually dont get a warm feeling from this forum so thank you and yes we will wait together I will keep you posted you please do the same.


KayW - October 27

magicmarcy - I am going to test either friday or Saturday also. I am trying to avoid testing early, but I am tempted to start testing on Wednesay.
Chimerasi - What symptoms did you experience 11 or 12 dpo? I am currently 10 dpo and I don't feel anything. I does seem that I go to the bathroom more than usual. I noticed that about 5 days ago.


magicmarcy - October 27

Chimerasai~I appreciate you honesty, but each of us knows our body. I have always paid attention to my body before PMS, so some of the syptoms are strange. But like you said might be because of the clomid. But i definitley know it's not the same. I want to stay positive no matter what. Too many times we want things in our time...and not God's time. Well I am being patient and waiting for God to tell me that it's my time. :-) KayW~the Tww is almost over for us!!! yeah!!! Gurinsa~ I look forward to all us getting our BFP's together!!! Trying4myfirst~ we'll get there eventually. Stay positive!



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