310 Replies
JoTrapp - May 8

I came across this site doing research for the HSG, because I had some bleeding a day or two after the test, but the site is wonderful and gives me hope. So thank you


mommywannabe - May 8

CD21 bloodwork is for your progesterone. It's to see if you have ovulated. Were you taking Clomid by the way? If so that's what they are doing. They might be testing for other things such as prolactin, thyroid but my guess it progesterone.


JoTrapp - May 8

I haven't taken Clomid yet, I took provera 5 days and then I had to count 21 days after the first day of my cycle for my blood work and I have to fast the night before. I was hoping that I would ovulate on my own and the HSG would help, since I heard it sometimes do, but most likely I will have to start provera again and then clomid.


na25 - May 8

Morning how is everybody today??? I just wanted to say hello before i leave to work...I am working now Sun-Thur. 11:30 am -8:00pm..but will have every Fri and Sat off...Talk To Ya Soon... Love Ya i am totally ok with you starting the thread...LOTS OF BFPsss For my GIRLS!


mommywannabe - May 8

Well if you are fasting they are doing more than 1 test. I'd say thyroid, prolactin, progesterone (which they don't make you fast for) and maybe estrogen etc. So they may just be doing a complete blood panel to see what's going on hormone wise and they picked CD21 as the day because thats when most of the progesterone tests are done. GL and maybe you won't need provera.


NicoleM - May 8

Welcome JoTrapp, my DH also was resistant about the SA. :) Anyway, we found out that as long as we got the sample in within an hour that we could get it at home and drive it to the hospital. He was okay with that... but it was really hilarious. We got it and then I'm like hurry up, we've got to go. You're supposed to keep it body temp, so I'm holding the cup between my thighs all the way there. Then we get there and he hid in the car while I ran it in. LOL! Anyway, his count was great and he strutted around like a peacock for a week after we got the results. haha Like Erin said, on day 21 they check progesterone to see if you O'd and also to make sure your corpus luteum is producing progesterone. They also did prolactin and thyroid and some other tests on my day 21. Anyway, good luck to you - and maybe you can ask if you can get the sample at home so DH will be more comfortable? If I'm not pg this month after clomid and TI, we really need to do IUI, so I'll be doing my best to convince DH to give a sample in the clinic. We'll see. DH told me he feels like a guinea pig with the tests and the TI... I had to laugh - he thinks HE feels like a guinea pig!?? I told him until he's been a pin cushion - poked, prodded, temping, peeing on sticks, having the world (or at least it feels like it) looking at your hoo ha, you have no idea what it feels like to be the "guinea pig"! LOL!


mommywannabe - May 8

NO shit Nicole. Pardon my french. LOL!! I feel the same way. Yeah DH was more comfortable doing it the way your DH did. He did it at home and drove it to the lab. We were originally told he had to do it at the lab by our RE but we found that the local hospital could do it and it was covered by insurance and the lab by our RE wasn't. LOL!! SO it made it easier for him. LOL!!


JoTrapp - May 8

Thanks, mommywannabe and NicoleM(thats so funny about your husband). But the doctor told us we can get the sample at home and get it in within an hour but he is still acting up. Sometimes doctors set you up with all these test but don't really explain what is going to happen. It's kind of frustrating. But when you have people that went through it and is in a different stage they seem to be able to better explain. I'm not good with the abbreviation yet, I'm still new:) What is GL, mommywannabe?


JoTrapp - May 8

hahahahaha, GL is good luck, I figured it out. you must think I'm a square. hahahahaha


mommywannabe - May 8

No. It's really hard to keep up with abbrev. Not on in the TTC word but the internet world. I've been a IM (instant message) person for a long time and it took me until about 6 months ago to figure out what KWIM meant. KWIM= is know what I mean. LOL!!!


JoTrapp - May 8

It's like that one commercial with the mother and daughter and the mother is asking why and who the daughter is texting so much. And the daughter is abbreviating everything she say. I have to keep up:) LOL


mommy2josh - May 8

Welcome JoTrapp, I'll finish eating and will come back. Ciao ladies.


JoTrapp - May 8

Hello mommy2josh,


jlp - May 8

Greetings ladies. I am happy to see that we have a new thread. RHONDA and ROBYN I hope all is well with you guys. KATT and MOMMY2JOSH we have all been down that road. Except my high school love lived within 3 miles. JOTRAPP my DH is also embarrassed even with just hearing that he may have to give a sample. I guess it is the male pride thingy. As always I love conversing with you guys. My appointment with my new OB is tommorrow at 3 wish me luck. Love ya, ladies.


mommy2josh - May 8

JLP, good luck honey. Jo, believe me your DH is no different from all others. Good luck with the progesterone test. Mine was on the low side, may be that's my problem. If I will decide to do an IUI, I will definately ask for progesterone supplements. If you are not taking clomid they like to see progesterone over 10-12, if you are on clomid, they like to see over 14-15. Nicole, too funny about DH. Isnt he a doctor :) Erin, lol. This guy is really a class act, I mean you could never find a nicer person, may be that is why I never really got over him. I mean, I dont have any romantic feelings towards him, but its hard to let the old feeling go. LOL. Need to get to work, will be back in a few. Love yas.


mommywannabe - May 8

Tanya, same here. I don't have those feelings for him anymore but I guess like you I never let the "old ones" go. I don't know, all I know is I felt so upset the time and I felt sick for being so upset about it because I was with the man I love DH so why would I be mad at an ex. LOL!!! Who knows???



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