TTC in December Through Friendship and Support
168 Replies
ROBYN - December 3

Oh leslie good luck sweetie cant wait to hear the wonderful news <<HUGS>>


mommy2josh - December 3

Wow, Leslie good luck. Speedy and painless delivery to you. ((((Hugs Leslie)))). Kelley glad you posted we were getting worried. Ok. Going Christmas shopping, be back later. Love yas.


Katt - December 3

Happy Sunday! I finally got my tree up and the lights on, yay! I was all goofily singing Christmas songs and dh says why don't you find a Christmas station on the radio and so he goes and gets a boom box thingie and I hunt forever for a radio station playing those tunes. Finally "ding ding ding" I'll burn me a cd, lol so I go upstairs and dwld some carols, burn it and stick it in the boom box thingie. Mind you he's watching college football in the next room. So, I am slowly getting lit up on wine and he says, can you turn it down, Christmas songs aren't meant for blasting. I wasn't blasting the music as the acustics in our home are really really good, lol. I am like this was your idea was it not, HA Eh he did all the laundry but I tell you there are two baskets full of unfolded towels, and clothes downstairs just waiting for ME! Anyway, I drank an entire bottle of Merlot, haha. I think I finished that and the tree at 11:30. I axed the garland and decided to pick up some gold bulbs instead. I am one of those people who think simple is best, lol My tree consists of clear lights and bows, that is it! I am not a big fan of excessively decorating a tree. My dh's tree is one of those small white ones - it has red garland, two strands of blinking colors thrown on it and some ornaments. He carries it to the basement after Christmas and brings it back up every year. No need to hassle with the mess, lol! SIlly. I watched The Lake House on ppv last night, it wasn't Sandra's best gig, but I smiled.

TANYA_ Yup, he can certainly be a pita that way, lol! I know that all his little quirks stem from his childhood - he had a rough one. It's funny to as my ex was the exact opposite, he was a musician, and a major socialite. Loved people, gatherings, etc..

KELLEY_ I am just glad to hear you and the baby are okay; although 158/101 is definitely not a good thing. How are you feeling exactly? I mean do you have dizzy spells or anything like that? I know it must be so intensly insane to calm down and relax but do try.

JAMIE_ Sounds like you had a wonderful day with your dh yesterday. I am thinking she may not show? LOL, sh'es probably reading everything and not signing up to post, haha ;)



cmelissa - December 3

Hey Ladies - well my e2 levels were 1700 yesterday and i had another follie check today - they measured 15 and then i had several under 10 still. I kind of had a break down today just b/c i'm anxious this might not work. They said my levels are much better this cycle ,etc.. but they will probably retrieve around 8 or so but that makes me nervous b/c last time they retrieved 7 and only one made it to the blastocyst stage. I just really want to have 2 to transfer this time. My ER is going to be on Wednesday most likely now. I feel like my follies are slow growers too. Does anyone know what the average # they usually retrieve is for mature follies?? Katt on the u/s the follies look like black circles. Kelley wow your due date is fast approaching how exciting!!! Leslie wishing you the best of luck!! YEAH!! I think my hormones are starting to catch up with me now have been pretty irritable lately and mroe emotion, ugh!!


ROBYN - December 3

Afternoon ladies, MEL - I answered your question on the IVF thread. Hi to everyone hope Leslie is doing well as the well as the rest of you well going shopping for a few I need to work tonite. Will check in later.


bl - December 3

Hi everyone! It looks like a baby is on the way!!! Leslie and Alex, can't wait to hear the good news. Melissa, I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you have two good embies to put back for e/t. Katt, too funny about dh telling you to turn down the x-mas music. The bottle of wine sounds kind of fun!!! I do miss a good beer. Robyn, are you having any symtoms? Only 4 more days to go. Kelley, so happy you posted, I though maybe you were in the hospital. Take care of yourself. Not too much longer to go. Jamie, it sounds like you and dh had a nice day for his b day. Well, our tree is up and twinkling! We had a great time cutting down the tree, we've turned it into a family tradition.Ds, got to go on a train ride and had a blast. I have to start x-mas shopping soon. Not my favorite thing to do! I love online shopping and gift cards!I try to stay as far away from the mall as possible. Have a good Sunday. Be back later too chack for baby news.


LeslieK - December 3

Hi everyone. Not such great news to report...after 4 hours at the hospital they sent me home. I was 3 cm dialated, 80% effaced and then I stopped. We went because my contractions started last night at 11 p.m. and were strong for 3 hours at 3 -5 min. apart. Anyway...I'm extremely disappointed but I was so tired by the time they discharged me that I was relieved to get into my own bed. I got about 4 hours of sleep and now I'm just waiting I'm still having some contractions, just not as close together. They said I could go at any time so I'm not going to venture out anywhere. Okay....I'll keep you all posted.


ROBYN - December 3

Ok girls I must confess on Friday I took HPT test and it was barely barely barely 2 lines and I know it was from the HCG from the Novarel from Monday the 20th well tonite for the hell of it i tried again its 14 days past HCG injection and the shit came up really dark. I dont know what to think?? Its 12 days past retreival and 9 days past transfer is it too soon and could it be the Novarel still in my system. All the months of taking the HCG injections the most and longest is 14 days that it stays in your system and by then you almost need a microscope to see the 2 lines. Wanted thoughts on this one oh hubby is out buying tests am I overreacting??


cmelissa - December 3

Hey got my e2 levels ack and they were 2699 so thats good! Bl sounds like you are all ready for x-mas! Leslie i have a feeling tomorrow is the big day!! Robyn oh my gosh sounds like a definite possible + how awesome would that be! Keep us posted! Your beta is on thursday right??


ROBYN - December 3

Oh yeah sorry MEL my beta is Thursday. Oh.. Leslie sweetie its gonna happen its has too LOL . <<HUGS>> Anyway I have to go into work early tonite I will check in later.


mommy2josh - December 4

Robyn, OMG, I am getting so excited for you. It could definately be a + and you may be getting is to dark because bothe embrios took. I mean if Friday it was barely there and today its really dark, then it wouldn't make sense that this is the shot, would it? I mean, I know nothing about trigger shots or stuff like that, but it sounds good to me. Keeping my fingers and toes crossed for you. :) Melissa, great news about your e2 levels. I am wishing that this month you would get at least 2 embryos :) Gosh, before you know it you will be in the 2ww :) Leslie, so sorry that you are disappointed. Why would they send you home as oppose to giving you a little pitocin to kick start the labor? Hmmm. Hope it happens really soon for you. (((((Leslie)))). Well nothing new here. Thought I would go nuts in the mall today. GRRRRRRRRR. Hate shopping, period. I dont know how women get pleasure out of it. No seriously. I only go clothing shopping for myself, when DH tells me that I look like a bum and need new stuff. LOL. OK. Going to finish dinner, dh went to the airport to pick up his nieces boyfriend and will bring him here to eat. I know its kind of late, but we had a real late lunch. Hellos to Katt, Rhonda, Christine, Kelley, Erin, Kathy, Shauna, Brooke, Tan and anyone else I didnt mention. Good night. Love yas.


slowpoke01 - December 4

ROBYN-i think that if it was a dark line at 14 days then you are pregnant for sure. i dont think that the shot would have enough left to be really dark especially since you had already got a faint + before since this one is darker i th ink it would mean that you hcg levels are going up. let us know. hello to all and LESLIE-it sure sounds like any day now for you please keep us posted. take care all and good luck


bl - December 4

Leslie, you're soo close! I'm sure somthing more will happen in the next 24 hours. Maybe you should enjoy your last night as much as possible. Thanks for keeping us posted. Robyn, that sound like good news to me! Will you take the other tests tonight? Too exciting! Melissa, those numbers sound good. Only a few more days til the e/r. How are the shots treating you. Tanya, you brave girl to venture to the mall on a Suday. Don't get me wrong, I enoy shopping once in a while, but I hate crowds and rude people!


ROBYN - December 4

Ok I took another one before coming to work and it was darker than the 1st from a different pkg. I will take another one in morning. I dont want to get my hopes up. Jason said hes not going to believe anything till hes sees the b/w.


bl - December 4

Oh Robyn, I hope this is it! I'm keeping everything crossed for you too!!!!


Katt - December 4

Well it's halftime and I had to pop in before shutting down the PC to see what's up. I only skimmed the posts but LESLIE_ girl you ARE so close!! I don't get the sending you home part, but I am new to all this anyway so... ROBYN_ OMG!!! I'd be asking for the beta NOW! Don't think I could wait until Thursday. Oh man this thread is getting so exciting. I can't wait to see how all of this action plays out. Love you girls! Cyas tomorrows!



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