Starting IVF in Sept/Oct.--Support for first timers
317 Replies
Mega - October 2

Sel--Welcome. I missed your post the first time, I think we posted about the same time this AM. How many days post tx are you? What tx did you have--day 3 or blast? The 2 WW is especially henious during an IVF cycle. I'm on a FET cycle now coming off my first IVF fresh cycle that unfortunately ended in a BFN. I'd say there's a good chance your spotting is IB, sounds promising. Keep us posted and please spend the rest of your 2 WW with us! Good luck. This thread needs more BFPs!!! Hang in there. Isa--Yay, sounds like your baseline u/s went PERFECT. Goody. And a FSH of 3.2, wow! Wonderful news. Sorry about the migraine, glad the meds helped enough so you could make it to your appt., I'm sure Lupron had no small part in the migraine. Cmelissa--Your count sounds great. Let us know when you get your E2 # back tonight. Shooting up at the wedding, too funny. But that's life during an IVF cycle. My DH was in a wedding a couple of weeks ago during my 2 WW when I was doing the PIO shots which he has to do for me. So after the wedding he snuck me into the back room where the wedding party was gathered and we went into the private bathroom so he could jab my butt. I'm sure the bridesmaids were wondering what was going on in there! :) Thanks for your faith in this cycle, I hope the FET works better for me. Isa--that's right. Cmelissa's comment reminded me, that is excellent news about your FIL's remission. And just in time for Thanksgiving, that's this weekend for you, right? Perfect timing.


HeatherP - October 2

Hi everyone! I am fairly new to the boards and have just finished my last cycle on injectibles/IUI with no luck so it is on to IVF for me. I am meeting with the doctor on Thursday to discuss getting started. I am 35 and DH is 32. We have been ttc for over a year and a half. We had 2 early miscarriages in the last known cause. My doctor said we had what they call, "unexplained infertility". Anyway, I want to go back and read all your posts. I just wanted to introduce myself and say hello. : )


cmelissa - October 2

Hey Isa, i'm on 2 vials of 75units of repro and gonal f, i'm also down to .05 for the lupron! I go back in tomorrow for another follie check at 10:30! I just hope everything goes according to plan and i get pregnant! Mega i guess my bloodwork came back ok since i'm continuing the same amount of meds tonight. Welcome Heather - this is definitely a fabulous thread to join - we all have great advice and knowledge!! Wishing you all the luck this cycle!!


isa - October 2

HeatherP, after 2 m/c (so sorry about that) you should go in for chromosomal testings (my opinion -some docs wait til 3 but many more are looking into at 2). Obviously you can fertilize and that is fantastic (I cant even get that right) but before you spend tons of money on ivf look into all the testings first. My RE says there is always an explanation when there are m/c's happening you just have to find out what that reason is. Have you had the workups done, fsh, E2, progesterone, prolactin etc etc and all normal or are you just getting into it. You're more than welcome to join us hear and to lean tons just google anything you see about ivf, tests etc and you'll learn tons on your own (always important when doing infertility testings) so that you can understand what your RE is doing and if he misses anything or doesnt do something you can say "hey I heard about such and such" can we test for that. I will go get the sheet of the things I had tested when I was mistakenly told I was having repeated chem pregs last year. I had hcg higher than normal in my system 14 days after iui's and nurse thought it was chem preg but when I did my review with RE he said no i never hit a 5 so it wasnt. I had #'s like 3.3 and 2.8 etc but he attributed it to the shot. Anyways i had been sent for a whole lot of b/w for supposed m/c and I'll dig out my sheet and type you what tests to have run. They ended up finding I had a genetic problem thus my reason for ivf (and I'm getting on in age too and mf stuff) so it was my time b/c we have to see if I even have eggs. Anyways I'll get back to ya later with the dtls.


ROBYN - October 3

Hey everyone doing a quick check in I pulled out my back from moving so I am in a lot of pain. Gonna catch up and read the posts will check in soon. Take care.


isa - October 3

Robyn, thats not good. Can you take a day or two at least to rest up? How's the place are you pleased? HeatherP here are the tests my RE runs as standard for recurrent losses: both partners get chromosomal testings done, female gets: RF,ANA, Anticardiulipin (sp? can't read my writing), Nonspecific Inhibitor, Factor V Lieden, Protein c & protein S, Antithrombin III, Antimicrosomal activity, Natural Killer (NK ) cell marker, Lymphocyte Antigen, T&B cell Antibodies. -it was a bunch of viles all done at once. I was a no rush and got it back in 3 months so its not just something that can be done quickly. It's a big workup. My provincial plan covered it but if it had not it would have been $180 and well worth it in my books.


lifequest - October 3

Hi Ladies, how is everyone doing? Gee, just a day away from this tread and I have all kinds of reading to do. I’m glad this thread is so active. We have great women here! Anyways, speaking of great women, MEGA I’m so excited that our cycle is so close. I’m glad to be able to share those 2ww with someone. Your right, it does make a difference when you have someone to go along with you during that time. I look forward to my shot 101 class. My husband has already previously given me my PIO shots, and he too is an expert at that. But, I’m interested in what else we are going to learn. I also know how to give myself the FOLLISTIM pen shot…I did that with my IUI’s. ISA, your FSH is fantastic!!!!!!!! Wow, the acupuncture is really working well. That’s great! You mentioned you had a headache. I too had a headache for a good 3 days while doing acupuncture. I mentioned it to the acupuncturist and she put some needles on my head. She gave me some pressure point massage on my face, and presto… I walked away from that appointment a new woman. My headache was gone. Maybe the next time you go you can mention it to your acupuncturist…and he can help you with your headache too. CMELISSA, sounds like you have great number of follies…good for you. Good luck on Thursday. Don’t be nervous, we’re all praying for you…I’m sure your eggs will be just fine, and you will be fertile. Lots of baby dust to ya! Stay positive, you will get prego this month! Oh by the way my IVF journey begins on Oct 31st with my ER that day and I guess ET is 5 days following. I’m doing ICSI with assistant hatching too. ISA I hope you stay positive too, NO WORRIES! I’m a big worry wart myself, but I have to stay cool….otherwise it could effect the IVF ,(as per the acupuncturist). So BFP for all of us, okay!!!!!!!!!! Galina, I don’t really know the story regarding your dd, though I wish you all the best. HEATHERP, welcome…like I said earlier, this tread is full of amazing women, with great stories, advice and most of all a friendships. This is a very exciting and nervous time for us all, but with support we can all get through it!


Mega - October 3

Morning ladies. HeatherP--You found us! Yay. Welcome!!! So sorry about the recurrent m/c. What a rough year you've had in the TTC journey. Hopefully this next pg will stick. Though I think Isa's right about discussing with your RE various testing you could do to find an answer for the m/c. Robyn--So sorry for your back. Ouch! So otherwise, how's the new house? Rest, take it easy, there's plenty of time to settle in to the new digs. Feel better soon!! Isa--How's it going? How're the stims? This is when it starts getting real. Cmelissa--Hope this AM's follie check went well. How many did they spy today? What's the size range up to now? Hang in there. Like Lifequest said, it'll go well. You'll have lots of fertilized eggies. Lifequest--You're so sweet! A blast (5 day) tx, that's great. And AH helps with the implantation factor, according to my dr, that's why he's doing it this time with my FET. Yay, I'm so glad to have a cycle buddy for this 2 WW. You'll still learn lots of interesting stuff at the Shot 101 class I'm sure. Hopefully they'll discuss the embroyologists, what goes on in the lab, lots of cool stuff like that. I'm in awe of the science that goes into this! Don't you love the Follistim Pen? DH hated the pen device, but I love it, I never once felt any pain from it. I wish they had a Lupron Pen and better yet a PIO pen. :) Well maybe not that. I have a big box of FET meds to pick up today. My nurse had told me it's okay to use my left over Lupron since it's been in the refridgerator but the lady at Schrafts online pharm said the sterility might be compromised after 30 days so she rush ordered my meds for today. I don't think it cost extra, so that's good. Have a great day ladies!


isa - October 3

LUPRON QUESTION: ok what leeway do we have to take it. I normally take it about 930am but I have to leave around 8am for my next 2 u/s so I will have to take my Lupron 1 & 1/2 hours earlier than usual. Will this be a problem do you think? I'm also still suffering migraines. I've had to take migraine meds 4 diff't times since sunday. Ugh. I'm ok right now and heading to massage later this aftn but have basically been couch/bed ridden. I also want to start my new ivf meditation tape now that I have started my stims (last night). Took me a minute to figure out the pen but man I felt nothing with it going in. Yeah. Mega I dont mind the Lupron but i used to have to mix my hmg so this is a cinch compared to that. I already broke the container opening for my needle ends for my gonal f pen -a little over zelous trying to put it in and turn it and the round part that holds it snapped and popped into the container oops. Ok so I failed that test. Ended up having to twist it off myself -can you believe it? I had to manual twist it and put it in the container myself -my goodness..haha I have a call into the nurse to see if they can suggest anything for me re the migraines. I know people who got pg and had taken my migraine med and they were told it was ok but they didnt do ivf. I will assume I am ok since the nurse said you have to do what you have to do. If I didnt take it dh would have had to take me to the hospital both yesterday and this morning. I think its a combo of weather, lupron, tight neck, and water retention/hormonal which I used to get a few years back and doc actually had me on water retention meds that i took on a daily basis to thwart them off. lifequest i will definately tell my accup. when i go about the migraines. He helped me 2 weeks ago with a tight neck that caused a headache earlier in the day and got rid of that knot by the end of treatment. I just wish i was seeing him today instead of in a few days. oh well. hopefully it wont be a problem that day but i'll tell him anyways.


HeatherP - October 3

Good afternoon ladies! Thank you for the warm welcome and Mega - Thank you so much for the invite! I am enjoying reading all of your posts. I am so happy to find others that I can relate to and that can help me understand more about IVF and all the different procedures. I have a panic/anxiety disorder so I am extremely nervous about the whole process. I look forward to getting to know you all much better! Isa - I did have a bunch of b/w done and an hsg after my 2nd m/c and everything came back fine. They did not test DH though. I will definitely ask my RE on Thursday if we need to do any add'l testing that you mentioned. You are so right! I don't want to spend all that money for IVF without making sure all the necessary tests have been completed. I'll check back in with you guys after my appointment on Thursday. Is there anything else I should be asking? Thanks so much and I am really looking forward to getting to know all of you!


cmelissa - October 3

Hey Ladies - well had another follie check today - looks like about 18, however my dr. said they will retrieve as many as they can but my left ovary is kind of hard to get too so they may not be able to retrieve the eggs from that one. I take my trigger shot tonight at 8:30pm and then go in for my ER thursday at 7am and then the ET on Tuesday of next week!! Robyn - hope your back gets better - lay on a heating pad! Lifequest thanks for the well wishes - i know im a worry wart too i just want everything to work so badly and to get pregnant!! Heather glad you joined us - i sometimes tend to get anxiety too, especially when i have a lot going on! Mega - they said they'd retrieve at least 6 - 10 eggs i'm hoping!! Well wish me luck - cant believe its on thursday!!!


Mega - October 3

Cmelissa--Trigger! Yay! You've done it. Great count, 18 eggs. That's a relief that most of your eggs are on your right ovary, the one that's more cooperative. My right ovary seems to be the trickier one, harder to reach & my left ovary was the overachiever. So we're the opposite I guess. Funny! It's natural to worry, but I think this will be a wonderful, lucky cycle for you. I hope so! What time do you trigger? HeatherP--You're welcome. I'm glad you took me up on the invite. This thread will be a good outlet for you I'm sure, getting all those complicated feelings out when it comes to TTC. Good luck on your appt. Thurs. Isa--Hmmm, Lupron leeway. You probably have about a 2 hour window on either side with that. You have a 2 hour window for the stims, according to my clinic. Another option would be to just take the Lupron after you get back from your u/s appt. I'm sorry you've been having so many henious migraines lately. No fun. At least the drug you have helps allieve them. As your nurse, do what you've got to do. Hopefully your accup guy will help you on the headache front too. Well ladies take care. Have a great night.


isa - October 3

cmelissa 18 is fantastic way to go. Question, did they have any idea your left ovary would be hard to get to ? I'm wondering if this too might be something I might have to face next week? Good luck with trigger and keep us posted.HeatherP my dh also has panic/anxiety and I know what he goes through so I hope you can try and relax some to help out. You know cortisol is not good when ttc and you need to keep it down. Have you tried meditation tapes at all? Re testings, I also had a sonohystogram to make sure uterous had no problems. It's sending a dye/saline solution into you while having an ultrasound and he compares it to a full bladder u/s you had the day before tosee any changes. It must be done on certain days of the month( after af but before ovulation). Also I had the hsg, and an endometrial biopsy to make sure my lining was where it should be for that particular time of the month. It must be done between cd19-22 or 23 if i remember correctly. I had mycoplasm (and men can have this too so can also be tested although we did not test dh)and chlymidia swabs also done. We had the hebetitis & aids b/w done.We also did a post coital test. My dh had some tests done, several sperm tests for motility, mobility, (dont go by one test you have to test at least 2 or 3 times and must be at least 6 weeks apart to get an accurate analysis (I've also heard wait 3 months in between so I'm not sure which is right )chromosomal b/w, testicular u/s, sperm morphology, sprem dna and sperm antibody. I found a great website for you to read. There will be no hyphens or dashes if they show up:


isa - October 3

ok I checked the website turned out ok. It is about recurrent m/c and gives what test the iacc recommend to have run. (infertility awareness association of canada). Keep us posted on Thursdays appt. Thanks Mega for your info. Nurse called back and she said I am ok doing that as long as its only occasionally so I am ok with the 1 1/2 hour but what i will do is move it back a little each day so it wont seem so far apart. My gonal f meds I was told at the original ivf 101 class 1 hour either side of normal time. I am trying to keep it within a 10 -15 min span. (after my shows end at 11 I'll get it ready to go ). Down to a headache now -fearing another migraine but once this weather subsides and mu E2 starts to rise it might go away. For now I hold my breathe it stays away.


cmelissa - October 4

Hey guys, Mega i triggered at 8:30 tonight - it kind of stung - its nice i can sleep in tomorrow and then i go back in Thursday morning super early, dh has to give his sample at 7am then my turn at 730am, i cant wear any makeup either. I hope they get at least 6 - just as long as they have 2 good ones to implant i will be happy!! Mega that is funny we are opposites on are dominant ovaries. Good thing the right one is easier to get too! Isa whenever they did the u/s my left ovary was always a little harder to find - but she said she will try to get the eggs still if possible. Its a little behind my uterus. Isa hope your headaches stay away - nothing worse than a migraine. You all have a good night!


Galina - October 4

Hi Ladies: CMelissa, the time is really nearing! Good luck to you! Isa, I hope the headache goes away. I often get migraines and they are absolutely unbearable. Well, Brittany did very well at the school testing and she'll be starting the 6th grade tomorrow! I can't believe I have a child who's going into the 6th grade! I hope these new kids will be kindler and gentler. Anyways, I am on cd3 and will just follow all of your stories for now hoping everyday for a BFP for each and every one of you ladies.



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