Pregnancy after HSG
1300 Replies
Krissy68 - November 21

udbe2 - Thank you for the words of encouragement. I am currently on cd 22 and either 5dpo my caculation or 8dpo fertility friend caculation. I will keep you updated my temp went up from yesterday 98.19 to 98.33. I am not going to test early I will wait it out. I am just so tired. I am so happy that the numbers have went up some are you going to have to do any more blood work or do you just have to wait until you have your u/s. Take care and have a very nice weekend. Krissy68


Margoe1 - November 23

Udbe2. I took a Pregnancy test this past Thursday (4 days before AF is supposed to be here according to a 28 cycle) and it was negative. That doesn't mean that i'm not preggo because my cycles are usually 30 - 33 days. I got blood checked last week to check my progesterone levels. The results should be in tomorrow. I will keep you updated. I'm glad you are doing ok. Make sure you take it easy :) My hubby is doing a Semen Analysis this week so maybe we'll be good in his dept. also. Good luck to everyone :)


udbe2 - November 24

Margo please keep me updated on your numbers. My dr told me that the progesterone was very important and even though my HCG levels have not doubled like they would like to see I could still be in the 15% that continues to have a normal pregnancy. I always hate the waiting game to see what is going to happen. I truely thought that the HSG messed up my cycle so I didn't even think of testing until my husband bought the test and brought it home one night. He was scheduled for a sperm test but when I found out I was pregnant he was relieved that he didn't have to do it. Men have it much easier then women. ***Krissy/Margo*** do either one of you use the OPK? I was telling my dr that I did the temp charts and he laughed at me telling me that they don't use that method any more and recommend the OPKs. I should hear from the dr or nurse today to see what they would like to do. Either wait for the u/s or do another BT. I'll keep you both updated.


Krissy68 - November 24

udbe2 - what do you want to know opk? I use them but for only 3 to 5 days a cycle. Krissy68


Margoe1 - November 24

hi Udbe2 and Krissy. Ok, what is OPK? I'm still getting the hang of all these Acronyms we are using. I got my blood results back today and my progesterone levels are low. If i'm reading the sheet that they faxed to me correctly... it is 6. So, i start clomid on day 3 when i start my cycle this month. The doctor also said they want me to do more blood work to check my prolactin levels and thyroid. I don't understand why he wants to check thryoid levels being as i don't think i have a thyroid problem. I'm 28 and i weigh 135 lbs. I have never had a problem with my weight. Does anyone know why or how your hormones get thrown off? I don't get this whole thing. I always thought getting pregnant would be easy. Boy was i wrong. Ugh! Udbe2. I'm glad things are still looking good for you. Keep us informed on everything. I have my fingers crossed for you. Can someone tell me what is next after the Clomid and the HSG are done?


udbe2 - November 24

Krissy, I've never used them however I have heard that they are better then doing the basal temps. *** Margo*** OPK is the ovulation prediction kits or tests that you can buy over the counter to see when you will be ovulating so you can time having sex w/ darling husband to help chances of conceiving. I found this website about levels after ovulation.
was on chlomid once but it did not help me so I am unsure what is the next step afterwards. I would wait to see what the test results come back for DH to see if his sperm is good and strong. The next step might be IUI or even IVF? Not sure though. I used to think the same thing since my sister can be on birth control and get pregnant but I've never been on birth control my entire life and was having so much trouble getting pregnant.


udbe2 - November 24

Margo/Krissy. Update. I just heard from the nurse and they want me to do another Beta (HCG) level BT tomorrow and I'll have to do another progesterone level on Friday. Looks like I'll be having blood work done each week. She is hoping to see levels at least over 200 by tomorrow for the HCG and if so she will be quite happy that things are going the way they are supposed to. I was told I will probably be kept on prometrium until I am 20 weeks.


udbe2 - November 24

Krissy/Margo if you two would like to email me personally my addy is gail.trombley @

Yes I am a military mom to be. Thank goodness my husband is not in the military.


ldntown - June 1

Any updates from all these posts? I just ran across this thread because I just had an HSG and was "clean" so as long as my hypothyroidism is under control I may have a good chance of getting pregnant. I would love to hear of your updates! Please! :)


steph15 - August 26

hi i had a hsg on the 31th july uncomfortable,i should of come my period about the 24th aug day 32, i am getting sore breast feel like a burning feeling,high temp,going to the toilet alot ,got the bloating feeling to and not sleep very well,i am scared to get a preg test if it comes up neg,been trying for 2 years now


steph15 - August 26

i forgot to say to that i have had all the blood test to and a scan and all came back ok and my tubes are fine to just how when i do the preg test it is positive, i got told having a hsg you can get pregant with in the 3 months is it true


laura83 - September 21

I had my HSG on Friday. It was a little uncomfortable but otherwise ok. My tubes are clear and everything else is ok apart from my progesterone is a little low and i have folicles on my ovaries. I am hoping i am more fertile after the HSG. Been ttc 2 years.


May77 - December 9

Hi everyone...I came across this forum very much by accident...My husband and I have been TTC for 7 mos now, and a semen analysis showed my husband to have a low sperm count. This is unfortunate, but just to make sure there wasn't anything issues w/ me as well I had an HSG done on 11-19-09 (day 10 of my cycle). Thankfully, everything looked normal. As far as that experience, I took 2 ibuprofen prior to the procedure and it was relatively painless! Just a little bit of discomfort and minimal spotting afterwards. Overall, totally do-able. Well, a few days after the exam, I noticed that I felt the typical "ovulation" cramps 2 days later than I usually do...I didn't think anything of it at the time, just figured the procedure had thrown off my cycle. Well, now it would appear that I am 2 days an effort to see whether or not anyone else's cycle had been affected by an HSG, I discovered this forum where I learned that apparently an HSG can boost fertility! I even read a post about a woman who's husband also had a low sperm count and they conceived right after an HSG! So needless to say, I am pleasantly surprised and I am praying for NO FLOW this month. That's my story!


Leenie613 - December 16

I just had a HSG and I was so terrific for the past week that my husband gave me a gift of a session with a therapist who does work with imagery and association/disassociation, so that I could try to be "somewhere else" during the procedure. I also took two painkillers and 15 mg of Valium, since that's what friends of mine who had nightmare stories to tell suggested. In the end, it was really not bad at all. I had about 20 seconds of ow-ow-ow and then it was over. I think the drugs helped, and oddly, I wasn't at all loopy afterwards from the combination of them. The doctor said some places use a more painful procedure than others, so it's worth asking around in your area before scheduling the test. (Sometimes it depends on the dye used, but also on the instruments.) The result was that my tubes are not blocked, but she said the fluid moved more slowly around the left side uterus - not yet sure what that means. In short, after talking to friends and reading up on the Internet, I was expecting horrific pain and that I would feel bad for days. In reality, my husband and I made love the following evening - it was a happy surprise to me that I felt up to it! Keeping fingers crossed for good luck, and blessings to all of you out there who are trying.


Leenie613 - December 16

A clarification on my post - the first sentence should read...I was so TERRIFIED...not terrific


Chyna27 - March 7

Hello everyone, i'm new here. I had a Hsg thursday 3/04/10 adn it hurted really bad.I do have a child (9) and haven't got pregnant since. I have irregular periods, have had one in 5 months and today 3/06/10, i finally got my period. yeah it's weird but the HSG did help it come dowm. My fiance' and I have been ttc for 6 years now, what are the chances of getting preg. after HSG, and with irregular periods?When will I ovulate?Can anyone give me some advice?



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