IUI in March
130 Replies
addie1717 - March 3

Wow Tronyx, 5 follies! I didn't think clomid produced that many...most I have ever had is 3, but RE said the 3rd one was smaller and would probably not release an egg. I heard something about it being best to do IUI with a full bladder? Has anyone ever heard of this?


tronyx - March 3

Addie1717...I havent heard of doing IUI with a full bladder because this is my first time doing IUI but I will have a full bladder!!!I will do anything after 3 failed ivf attempts. I know with ivf at transfer you should have a full bladder because it is easier to see the placement of the embies via the u/s. BFP for everyone!!!! I agree I have been waiting for a christmas baby since i started my first ivf!!!


Apalonia - March 3

Hi, I'm new. I have been reading for about a year and finally have time to post. This site has kept me going through very difficult times. My DH and I have been trying for 2 years. We have had all kinds f tests. I had a fibroid removed that was very large ane it turns out he has a very low sperm count caused by Veroces (I think) which is a vericose vein and casues heat which causes sperm to die. Anyway, I have done 1 IUI and it was negative. Now we are trying our second and I am waiting. I try very hard to keep it out of my mind. Anyway, 2 questions. where I have the IUI is not the same location that they wash the sperm. Is this the case for anyone else? Also, Do they grad the sperm where you are? Last time it was A both times and this time it was C both times so we are not very hopeful.
Thanks for listening.


Apalonia - March 3

Oh, about the full bladder, everytime I go they force me to pee first. I will tell them next time I don't have to go!! (Or pretend I went!)


Gosia - March 4

Chele and Addie, Looks like we will be this cycle's buddies. Af showed up as I though yesterday. It was my day 18 past ovulation, exactly like last month on progesterone. Cheri's prediction for Feb did not come true but it's still can be birth month. Who knows...I did send her an email and she responded right away that she still sees February for me and that re might try something else or add something new to procedure. This cycle I got the same procedure, second month of clomid with estrogen, HCG shot and progesterone for past ovualation. I will insist on injectables for following month. Re-question about iui with full bladder - my re made me pee once before iui because it was too full. He explained that it will be easier to inject sperm if there is no pressure inside me. I have my appointment for the ultrasound on the 13 (day12). When is yours Chele and Addie? Tomorrow, I will be starting clomid and then estrogen.Good luck to everyone and welcome new ladies!


addie1717 - March 4

I don't know for sure if you are supposed to have a full bladder. I read it somewhere, and I do remember my nurse saying that while they were washing the sperm it would give my bladder a chance to fill up...and they did not tell me to empty my bladder? So,,,who knows... I think this time I will drink water on the way there, and I am also going to try and picture everything happening, and the sperm finding their way to my egg. Maybe if I mentally picture it, it will physically happen! It does not hurt! Tronyx, may I ask why you did IVF before trying IUI? This will be my second IUI...I go in on Monday for U/S. Baby dust to all!!!


kl99 - March 4

I just had my 1st IUI on Friday. So I am officially in the 2ww. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for 15 months. My husband has a high rate of abnormal sperm, but his count is OK. 2 months ago when he had his sa done, his count was 20 million, I was quite pleased when I went in to do the IUI, it was up to 35 million. IUI went very well, I had some discomfort when they inserted the catheder, and some slight cramping for maybe 15 minutes afterwards, but not bad. I had to lay there for 30 minutes and was instructed to take it easy the rest of the day. I am on a 100mg of clomid and when I had my ultrasound I had 2 good follicles, one on each side, one at 19 and the other at 23. So I am hoping that means 2 eggs this month. It has been a hard journey, my best friend is 6 months pregnant after trying for just 4 months. We always said we would be pregnant together, but I guess things don't always work out the way we want. One good thing that is coming out of all this is I feel it has brought my husband and me closer, I was really scared in the beginning it would bring us apart. But I am starting to realize how bad my husband wants this as well. Good luck to everyone this month. My heart goes out to you all.


jg - March 4

KL99 you sound EXACTLY the same as me - exact same measurements for follies & IUI on Friday - so we are the 2WW together. GOSIA - :-(. Sucks eh? Good luck for next cycle. APALONIA and TRONYX welcome and good luck for your cycles this month. SASHA no offence was taken AT ALL - but you did get me thinking and researching the unwashed semen situation so I thank you for that - dh and I will be having big discussions if this cycle fails and we consider trying again. HANNAH welcome to you as well. There must be about 6 or so on this thread starting a new cycle in the next few days, and KL99 and I on the 2ww. Wow this thread is already starting the get long - we might have to start a new one each Monday LOL. My boobies are VERY sore - must be the clomid I guess, though they only have just started hurting. Too soon to blame it on possible pregnancy. BTW, the bladder situation has never been mentioned to me - either full or empty..............I just assumed empty would cause the least discomfort. Who knows!


kl99 - March 4

jp- how long have you been trying to conceive?? We are trying for our 1st one. My husband is 30 and I will be 30 in May. What is your story??


jg - March 4

KL99 - I am TTC my 2nd child. First one (Elijah) took five years of TTC, including five IVF and lots of operations and other methods. When I did get pregnant it was after a big operation, Lupron and using Clomid for the first time (not IUI - conceived naturally). Since I had my boy (he is 21 months now) I have had one more attempt at IVF plus one IUI. So this is my second IUI, but first clomid & IUI cycle. I am hoping that since clomid did the trick first time after all those years TTC, that it will be my magic medication and will work again now. This is month 9 that we've been TTC number two. My husband is 30 and I will be 30 in June :-) . We will be married 9 years in August. I thought we would have our last child by now, not still trying to achieve our dreams. Mind you, having Elijah has made us feel incredibly blessed since we were told we would never conceive naturally........so we will just be extra lucky if it happens again. This time, there is still a lot of disappointment each month when af arrives, but I don't experience the terrible heartbreak that I did before. Honestly, I can relate to EVERY feeling of the desperation that TTC brings......even now that I have my miracle boy, I can relate to every feeling, every tear that TTC'ers go through. But ......................... I can't say it enough, every cent spent, every tear shed, every wall punched, every harsh word snapped at an unsuspecting "well-wisher", every medication taken, every side-effect experienced, is NOTHING compared to the love, the emotion, the miracle of holding your own baby in your arms.


Apalonia - March 4

Hi Everyone, you can all call me Polly. That name was taken as a user ID. If I used another name I would probably forget. I had my IUI done on the 22nd of February and have been feeling cramping yesterday and today. Last time AF came 12 days post ov. I am hoping thisi s not a sign of things to come. My first pg test is not until Thursday. I did ot make the test last time either. Thanks for listening ladies!!


Hannah B - March 4

Hi Chele and Addie, I started my cycle yesterday so I am not to far behind you two. Chele, this month will be my third IUI and from the start I have been saying it will take me three IUI's to be successful. Let's hope it comes true. Addie, my RE's perform IUI's with a full bladder. They said it makes it easier. However, when I get sonograms they require me to empty my bladder. I guess a full bladder aides in an easier insemination. Apolonia, my RE is setup to wash the sperm onsite. They have adrologist to do that. They are also a fully operational surgery center as well. I guess they thought of it all and made ferility a one stop shop. It works out really well for me. Gosia, I'm just about with you on this cycle. I am going in for my baseline sonogram today and will start clomid tomorrow. Good luck on this cycle. I think this month will bring great things for all of us. KL and JG, baby dust to you and well wishes that your 2ww is relaxing. I can't wait until it's time for you to test.


leahb5 - March 4

hi girls. sorry i've been mia. jp- that sounds right about the smaller one not being able to fertilize. i guess because the smaller ones dont produce an egg they just remain a follicle. addie- are you doing clomid again and when is your iui going to be? are you doing an u/s to check your follies? i go tomorrow morning to see what the inc. dose of injections have done. they might be large enough to do iui on wed....i hope. the sooner the better for me! good luck everyone!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lets get us some BFPS!!!!!!


Chas - March 4

Hi all, I would like to wait with those of you who are on the 2ww. I just had first IUI yesterday. I am praying for the best !! Dh originally had a low count, it was much improved so we are excited and more confident !! Good luck to everyone. I will probably go insane these two weeks. I am hoping to some what keep my mind off of it. :)


kl99 - March 4

jp- your words touched me. I would love to have 2 or 3 kids, but my husband says once we go through this, if we can't conceive naturally he won't do this again. Maybe he will change his mind once we have our 1st. I agree, in the end it will all be worth it, and it will make us appreciate all our blessing in life even more. I always thought I would have my kids sooner, but I waited until my husband was ready, it takes them longer to grow up. I was resentful at 1st since I see 30 approaching, but being on this site has really helped me with that. The are a lot of women in their 30's having their 1st child. Chas- welcome to the 2 ww with us. Good luck to you Leah, Polly and Hannah. Leah- when I did my u/s the day before my IUI, I had a 2nd follicle at 19 and the nurse told me that it is possible I would have 2 eggs. I am really hoping so???


tronyx - March 4

Hello All!!!! Addie, to answer your question I went to ivf first because of my age. I thought i needed to have a child before i turned 35 and diminish my egg quality. DH is 40 no problems. I actually have been told i have unexplained and ivf would be the sure way for me to take home a baby. WRONG!!! Now that I am through with ivf i have to try different options. As I am reading theses boards I am kind of sad that RE did not suggest that I do iui first. But I also realize that everything resolves around $$$$ and I should have done more research first. But in this condition I am volnerable and all I want is a family which clouded my judgement.



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