endometriosis and lupron depot
480 Replies
JennSimpson - January 30

OOOPS I meant to say it has been 31 days since my last period and 2 months since my last shot!


bj - January 30

Hey. Lizelle, I'm not sure what my schedule is gonna be yet. My last shot is on Feb. 16, then I go in 3 weeks after that so my doctor can do an exam. He'll decide if I need another one, or if we can move to the next step. I would love to be able to move to the next step. I'll let you know when I find out. HI, Jenn. I think it's always a possibility that you could be pregnant. Are you having any symptoms? Let us know. That would be great news!!!!


HusbandWifeCouple - January 31

Greeting in the Matchless and Powerful name of Jesus. My Wife has done surgery (laporascopy) twice. She too, like most of you have had endometreosis. She was on the shots for 6 months and did not experience hot flashes. We are now awaiting her 1st period. We are trusting God for his children that was already promised to us. The word of God tells us to be fruitful and multiply. Let us all continue to "trust in the Lord with all our hearts". The enemy would want us all to believe that we will not have children...do not believe the enemy. The child(ren) that we all will have belong to the Lord, Jesus Christ. We all are loved by Jesus and My wife and I pray that the desires of our hearts will be fulfilled. I urge all of us to accept the Lord and know that He has our best interest secured. My wife and I will add you all to our prayer list. In the name of Jesus, we all are healed and our bodies are functioning the way God design us to be. We love you all and know more importantly, Jesus loves you too!


bj - February 1

Aman! Let us know when you get your BFP.


Joy - February 1

Hi everyone: I just got my first shot of lupron today and then I go again in twelve weeks for the second one. I will let you know how I feel in the next few days. My doctor prescribed something for the side effects. BJ: let me know what is your next step in order to get pregnant.


HusbandWifeCouple - February 2

Blessings to one and all again. BJ, one question...what is BFP?

Joy, congraulations on receiving your first shot of lupron. Like my wife, I pray that you do not have to use the prescription any side effect. My wife and I also went to a naturalist and he told my wife to stop eating meat and cheese for 6 months. He said that would help with the endometriosis. The doctor who performed the surgery told her to take Calcium pills once a day with a meal.
Taking the calcium pills will help with bone loss, which is a side effect of the lupron shots. Have a blessed one everyone. We are all in good hands!!


bj - February 2

BFP is Big, Fat, Positive!!!! Hey, Joy! I'm glad things got started for you. I'll keep you posted on what my next step is. I have to go in for one more shot though in a couple of weeks. You're in my prayers!


Joy - February 2

Thanks BJ for your prayers. You are in mine as well. I am also seeing a naturalist. I am going for detox sessions and I have taken little pellets that help the endo reverse itself. At least that is what my homeopath explained to me. She also told me to stop eating red meat and eat organic things. I am taking Juice Plus and folic acid. These are really good for you. I have to go for a follow up with her on February 16 so I will let you know how it goes. I heard that natural medicine helps with the endo. Good luck to all and best wishes.


bj - February 2

Hi. I go in on February 16 also. I'll be thinking of you that day.


bj - February 8

Hi, ladies! I was just wondering about everyone. How are you all doing?


Joy - February 8

Hi bj: Well as you know I got the lupron shot last Wednesday and my period has lasted a whole 7 days to finally stop spotting. This is longer than I have ever had it. Anyways, I am just waiting for the effects to start showing up. The doctor told me that the first two weeks I would have a surge and I don't know what that means. I forgot to ask him since I was so nervous after the shot. I will let you know once the effects start kicking in. Hopefully it will not be that bad. How are you feeling?


bj - February 9

I've been doing pretty good. Hopefully, my last shot is on the 16th. I'm ready for them to be done. Hope all goes well with yours.


court - February 15

I have taken Depot Lupron I started the shot in Feb.of 05, I took the shot for 6months I had stage 4 endometriosis. It took me I got my first peroid in Oct. of 05 I got pregnant a month later and am now in my 2nd trimester. I had three laproscopic surgeries prior to the shots were I had been scraped and cleaned out so to speak. my tubes and uterus had all been shifted due to the endometriosis. I had tried for 6 years to conceive a successful pregnancy. I did conceive 3 other times but I never made it past my 9th week. I still months ahead of me but please all of you taking the shot with hopes of conceiving hand in there it will happen God bless.


Joy - February 15

Hi Court: Thanks for your words of encouragement. I really needed to hear that as I also have stage 4 endo. I hope I am as lucky as you were to get pregnant right after. However, I do have to go for another surgery in August. Congratulations on your pregnancy and wish you the best. Thanks


bj - February 15

Hi, Court! Oh, man. That story just made my day. Thank you so much! I also, along with Joy, have stage 4 endo. Keep us posted with your pregnancy. What are you having? Congratulations and thanks again for the story! God Bless!


Tracy - February 17

Hey there! I was told yesterday that I need to go lupron depot this monday! I am very scared as i have heard of cardiac arrests from it and the like...i had laproscopic surgery last July and was told if I wanted kids, I needed to have them in the next few eyars. I was married in Dec and we are TRYING to wait 2 years. However, now with the pain coming back and endo getting worse again, I dont know WHAT to do. I am only using BCpills and pain killers to treat it now. Any suggestions on the Lupron? i am only 23!



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