Cycle Buddies 5
194 Replies
nans_n - February 11

Hi ladies, well i'm really sad and down today, AF arrived this morning. Ahay welcome to the thread, i just wish i knew the answer to your questions. I've been trying for the past 3 years and had MC last year. Maybe if your dr told you there's really nothing wrong with you and you already had a 16 month old baby, i'm pretty sure you'll get pregnant again. Natasha I'm so happy that you've decided to tell your family about your pregnancy that's really a great news for them. Goodluck when you tell your co-worker. I'm sure they will all be happy and excited too. Ann and Kerri how are you? Hope that you are doing fine with Kalyln and Delaney. Talk to ya all later. I'm just so frustrated and really don't knoe what to do today. God bless you all.


anns - February 12

Hello. Natasha, what fun it must have been to tell everyone! Don't worry about your mil, she'll be excited when the baby arrives. I am so glad to hear you are feeling better. I know the vitamins can make you feel crummy; I'm still taking mine. I didn't do much exercising when I was pg. Teaching the little ones keeps me on my feet most of the day. Also, I do exercises with them in the class ( I find they can concentrate better after getting a little energy out). I gained close to 40lbs. But, I have lost it all and then some. Also, I think my body looks ok, not much different. My bbs are bigger because of nursing....I'll miss those guys :0). Nans, I am so sorry to hear about AF arriving. I know you must feel discouraged. I can remember that when it happened I felt awful and then as O time came again I felt new hope. You got pg before it will happen again. Keep us updated. Hello Ahay. I waited two months after my m/c to try getting pregnant again. It ended up working on our fourth try and thankfully it stuck! I used a clear blue easy monitor because I was really irregular. Good luck to you. Take care everyone. Oh Delany is great; she has three teeth and is beginning to walk while holding on to furniture. She is such a charmer, I went to the grocery store with her today and 6 people stopped to talk with me because she caught their eye. Ok I'm done bragging. Heaven knows all of our angels (or soon to be angels) are just perfect!


NatashaV - February 13

Hi all, Nans..I'm so so sorry to hear about af this month. I was so hoping this would be the one. I know there's nothing I can say to make you feel better, but you know that we're here for you no matter what. You can vent your frustration any time and it's a safe place to do so. I know you're sad now, but don't lose hope. Before you know it, it'll be time to try again and you'll be ready. Ann, that's so cute that Delaney has 3 teeth, awwww. Kerri, how's things? Did you get a new pediatrician? I saw my dr. for the first appt today. It went well..he's SO nice, so I feel really lucky. Here's something good about it taking me so long to get pg. If I hadn't had fertility trouble, I would never have been referred to this obgyn (saw him for the first time over a year ago). AND, since I saw him then, he'll be my dr. and deliver my baby. If I'd tried to get in to see him now, he wouldn't have accepted me because he's not taking on any new clients. I had to point that out, because we never do know how God works, and why. I'm just so glad to have him, dh agrees that he's so kind and helpful. He spent about 40 (!) minutes with us today, answering questions and putting us at ease. He's also referring us to a pediatrician in our area, so that's great too. He was saying (before doing a pap test..yuck) that he'd try the fetal monitor (to hear the heartbeat) but thought it could be early to hear it. He put it on my belly and he tried...tried again...moved it..tried again...still nothing. I was trying to remain calm, but was thinking "please let him find it..please!" and then there it was! We could hear it! I didn't care about anything else after that..I was VERY relieved. Speaking of relief, the girl at work that I didn't tell all this time...? Well, I finally told her and she was so great. She said she completely understood why I would wait to tell, and was really happy for me. Turns out we're exactly 4 weeks apart. Nans..these are MIRACLE pregnancies we're talking about here - hers because she did many (like 6 or 8) iui's and 39 cycles of trying, and me because the dr. said I had 1-2% chance. Please know that your miracle is coming...I KNOW it!!!


NatashaV - February 17

Nans, how are you doing....? Just checking in on you. N.


nans_n - February 18

hi all! how's everybody? hope that you are all doing great. Natasha nice to hear that you had a wonderful result of your US, i know that hearing your baby's heartbeat really put you and DH at ease. At least now you are really sure that the baby is ok. How are you feeling these days, I really hope that your MS is subsiding as days past. Just keep eating as much as your stomach can take. Do you already have a new prenatal vitamins? I just hope that you get well everyday. Ann how are you? Wow Delaney is really growing fast, she's now starting to walk...She's really a charmer, imagine 6 people in day notice her beauty, what a cutie..Kerri how are you? what's keeping you really busy? Did you find a new dr for Kaylyn? I hope that you were able to find a good one. How's your internet business? Are you starting now..? As for me, i'm pretty fine now. Havinfg to deal with sadness for the past few days but now i'm starting to be positve again and wait for O. I'm CD9 today and still continue to hope that I will get pg. Have a nice week ahead of you and talk to ya all later.


nans_n - February 22

Just want to check all of you...seems to be very bust these days...Take care everybody. Still waiting for O for me. God bless you all.


anns - February 24

HI everyone. Nans, I didn't want you to think you were alone! I am in the middle of doing my report cards, so I don't have much time lately. I will be saying prayers for you this cycle. I am glad your spirits are better. You need to gear up to try again. As we have all seen it can and will happen! Natasha, I hope you are feeling well. I am so happy that your able to see the doctor you want. I feel that is so important. Wow, you heard the heartbeat!!!! It is so amazing. I can remember feeling like everything was alright after I left those appointments. I thought your friend at work would be ok with you waiting to tell her about the baby. I'm happy that it all worked out. Take care.


NatashaV - February 24

Nans, sending love and light out into the universe for you this cycle! I hope and pray for a healthy pregnancy and baby for you... Are you on track for cd14-15? Or, does it seem you may be O-ing late this cycle? I o-ed on cd 17 or cd18 the month that I got pg (that is, late), so I hope the same thing happens to you! Keep us posted, please! Ann, you teachers..busy busy, huh? I know a lot of teachers, and they're the same. :) I'm doing pretty good actually, aside from a few weird 'tummy aches' that don't hurt terribly bad, but do still ache, I'm doing well. I'm able to eat more and gained a pound. :) Dh and I booked our last plane trip with just the two of us - we're going to Vegas for 5 days at the end of March. I'm hoping to be able to eat, shop, and sit by the pool..sounds SO good when it's 15 degrees below zero here today! :) Kerri, how's it going? Talk to you all soon!


NatashaV - March 1

Nans? How are you dolng? ..thinking of you...


nans_n - March 2

hi all! Natasha thanks for thinking of me. How are you? how's your pregnancy? Are you still having MS? what week are you in right now? Nothing new for me today. It's CD20 and still on my 2WW. I really don't know what to expect this cycle. I've never been to my fertility dr for 2 months now. Coz i really need time and space to think about the dr. suggestion. Half of me want to do IVF and half of me not. So i'm really confused and don't know what will be our next step. I'm still taking the herbs and have additonal herbs for the cysts which I've been taking for the past 2 months now. So keep praying for me and hope that i will have more peace of mind over this matter. Ann and Kerri how are you? I hope that you are all doing great and happy. Thanks for all your prayers.


Kerri_md - March 3

Hi Ladies...I'm glad to have found a free moment to touch base with y'all. Life's been really busy excuse though about not checking in with my Cycle Buddies! Nans, I pray that we'll be rejoicing soon about your BFP and that your cyst will go away and from His glorious, unlimited resources, the Lord will give you mighty inner stregth and wisdom through His Holy Spririt about ttc decisions. Hang in there and NEVER give up hope. NatashaV, how are you feeling? What week R U? Any baby flutters yet? I can't remember, R U finding out the sex, if so, when? We've switched doctors and I LOVE this new doctor, it was such a good decision. Kalyn's doing well, crawling everywhere now and very curious. She had a bloodtest done this week and she has low H&H levels(low iron) So I need to start giving her iron supplement drops for 3 months--they said that is common with babies that are exclusively breastfed. I'm to go get the drops tomorrow--I pray that goes well, I thought I was finished giving her medicine since we stopped the acid reflux drops just before Christmas. Well I hope everyone has a great weekend, there just isn't enough hours in a day for me anymore! Ann, email me a picture of Delaney when you find some free time! Take care


NatashaV - March 5

Hi ladies. Nice to hear from you Kerri, and that you love your doc - yay! I'm sure that's a load off. Nans, how are you doing? How many dpo are you now? I'm doing good, generally feeling well and definitely starting to show (especially after a pasta meal..then I look about 7 months pg!). I'm still frustrated about the prenatal vitamins though. The iron in them makes me feel ill, and gives me terrible constipation. I tried a new kind, and it's the same (it had slightly less iron, and you take it 2x a day, so I thought it would be better, but no). I'm now just taking my multi vitamin and my folic acid and trying to eat lots of iron rich foods. I want the dr. to check my blood for iron levels, so I know if what I'm doing is working or not. Went to visit my sis and sil this weekend (they live in another city), and they gave us a whole bunch of baby stuff. Playpen, highchair, maternity clothes etc. We feel very fortunate... I tried on the maternity clothes just now, and most don't fit though (they're both a little bigger than me), but it was the thought that counts. Honestly, dh and I felt quite overwhelmed when we looked at the back of my SUV stuffed with baby stuff - yikes! We're thrilled, but it was a little scary. I don't imagine most people in their 14th week already have a highchair! :) But, like I say..we're very grateful for all of it. Oh, and no - we're not finding out the sex. Dh said no. :( Ann, what's new over there? Nans, are you still on your herbs? Hoping that your 2ww is going quickly!


Kerri_md - March 5

Hey Natasha, when you a free moment, can you email me your email at [email protected]


NatashaV - March 8

Hi ladies, I did email Kerri, in case y'all were wondering. :) I was pleased to get a pic of herself and Kaylyn and my goodness..what a gorgeous child!!! I'm not kidding, I mean really extra cute. Kerri, as the song/saying goes "she oughta be in pictures.." :) Nans, I've been thinking of you... Where are you at in your cycle? How are you feeling? Are you feeling strong and confident these days, or not so much. However you're feeling, we're here for you anytime. I forget whether you post on other threads on here or you? I found that the other thread that I started for women my age really helped me. The combination of having the support on this thread and on that one got me my bfp, I'm sure of it. I sometimes feel badly posting about what's going on with my pregnancy, because the LAST thing I want to do is make you feel badly after you've been so wonderful to me. I know that you're happy for me, but I also recall how it felt to be the only one on here that wasn't pg (for a time). It was hard because I was happy for you all, and jealous all at the same time. I hope you've found your strength in reserve. Check in soon! Ann, how are you doing?


nans_n - March 10

hi ladies! how are you all? hope that you're all having a great day. Natasha don't worry about me, i'll be happy to hear details and progress of your pregnancy. You deserves to be happy I know what you've been through and today is your time. So don't worry about me. I really appreciate your concerns for me. So keep us posted with your pregnancy. I'll be very happy to hear your progress. Ann and Kerri how are you? what's keeping you ladies busy aside from your babies..LOL I think exchanging email add is a good idea, so we can share pictures. Kerri i'll save your email address. Ann and Natasha if you don't mind send me yours. this is my email add [email protected]. You can send me emails and pictures if you want. I'm still on my 2WW, and not expecting AF in a day or two, I really hope and pray that she'll not show up. I really don't know what to expect. Just want to keep myself busy. I'm doing basic pilates now. I have a dvd so i'm gonna try it 3 times a week for now. I hope i'll survive... I really doesn't exercise but i think it's about time for me to start. Anyways have a wonderful weekend and just want to let you know how thankful I am to have cycle buddies like you all. Talk to ya all later.


nans_n - March 12

hello everyone! just a quick post AF showed up last saturday so CD3 for me today...I hope that you all have a wonderful day! Talk to ya all later.



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