Cycle Buddies 5
194 Replies
nans_n - January 26

hi Kerri thanks for the link, just visited it and WOW!!! Kaylyn is such a big girl now. She's so adorable. I enjoyed browsing her pictures. Thanks again.


NatashaV - January 26

Nans, I'm truly praying right this second for your bfp this cycle. Are you still using your monitor? I was thinking just the other day that when I got pg, it was because we bd-ed at exactly the right time. If only we always knew how to do that! (hindsight is 20/20 as they say)! What I mean is that looking back, we bd-ed on cd14, then again in the mid-afternoon on O day (cd17). The lh surge on the opk was cd16. So, by bd-ing on cd 14, dh was able to have optimal sperm for cd17 which was O day. Anyway, I know that you know all of this, but I felt the need to tell you..maybe somehow it will make a difference this month? Of course there were also LOTS of months that I think dh & I bd-ed on the right days, and that didn't work. Who thing is for sure, when it's meant to happen, it will! Good luck! Kerri and Ann, nice to hear from you. Ann, thanks for your thoughts on ms..I really do feel like a bit of a freak (who can't eat fruit!?!), so it's kinda nice to know someone else knows what it's like. I don't remember you saying much about it your ms when you were going through it though..were you being 'sensitive' to those of us ttc-ing still, and didn't really mention it? Or did I just not think as much of it because I wasn't going through it? :) Kerri, I just looked at your website...what a cutie pie Kaylyn is! I just love her big dreamy eyes..and her momma's a hottie too! :) Did you work out during pg and after? How about you Ann? ~~~Baby Dust Nans~~~


nans_n - January 26

Hi Natasha just want to thank you for your prayers, I really need it this cycle. The more people in agreement with me that I will get pregnant the more i feel confident and builds my faith more. I'm using the monitor this cycle again. I always see the peak sign which means I will O within the next 24-48 hours. So we usually bd when I see the peak sign. So I always assume that we had the right time, but i guess sometimes I'm wrong with my calculations. I know it's so hard to pinpoint the exact date if my CDs also varies from month to month.Thanks for your info about bd'ing at the right time. I'll make sure we hit it this cycle....LOL..Have a nice weekend ladies. Please continue to pray for me.


NatashaV - January 27

Nans, I guess what I'm trying to say is that I really want you to get your bfp. And maybe it's silly, but I want you to try as much as possible, to do what I did this cycle. Who knows, it might work! So, try to bd only these times - 2.5 to 3 days before O day, then again in the middle of O day (if possible) and that's it. The 2.5-3 days that dh's sperm needs to get into optimal condition might just be the key..?. Of course I could be just talking nonsense! :) But, I'm just thinking of ways to help, so it doesn't hurt to mention, right? Still praying for you....


nans_n - January 27

Hi Natasha, I really appreciate your concerns for me and I can feel how you wanted to help me. Don't worry i'll keep in mind your advise. Maybe that will work for me too :) I will O maybe today or tom coz i got my peak day yesterday from my monitor. So please continue to pray for me. So how are you? hope that your feeling much better everyday. Keep us posted with your pregnancy.


NatashaV - January 30

Hi, Nans, how are you doing? Is O time over now? I hope you have luck this cycle! I have a good story for you... The one girl that I know (in person) who's been ttc longer than me got her bfp today! She's 37, and has been doing acupuncture for 2 full years, had about 8 iui's (her dh had sperm issues) and this cycle (after 3 1/2 years of trying) she got her bfp..completely naturally! I'm so happy for her, but feel strange about it because she thinks I'm still trying. This is the girl I've told you about before that I feel so guilty for not telling that I'm pg, but dh felt so strongly that we not tell people at work etc. until it was safe and I have to support his decision. Anyway..that's great news, huh? Inspiration! :) I'm not feeling terrible today..the sickness is not as bad and I have some wicked bloating (but I can handle that)..I'm REALLY hoping this could be ms ending..please please! Kerri and Ann, hope you check in soon... Sending baby dust to you this cycle Nans!


anns - January 31

HI everyone. I just have a quick minute. Nans, I am praying hard for you this cycle! My dh and I bded the day before O and the day of O?? Like Natasha, I am not sure why it worked then and not all the times before. But, just keep trying, it has to happen for you too. Kerri, what an adorable little person :0). She has grown so much! She really is beautiful. Natasha, m/s was really bad, I just didn't want to complain. Like I said, I had it until my fourth month.... all day. OH and it was a girl(obviously)...any thoughts on that?? But, I have been waiting to go through pg with you and Nans so please complain away, I love to hear all your pg stuff!


NatashaV - January 31

Hi, Poor you Ann, ms is really bad..and 4 months..yuck. Of course, not being able to get pg is awful too - no question! I really hope my ms is starting to change/go away. I felt like crap again today though, but that was my own fault. From the day I found out I was pg, till about 5 days ago, I was taking Materna (while ttc-ing I was only on folic acid). I could tell the Materna was making my ms worse, but thought I should keep on it for the baby's sake (even though it was part of the reason I couldn't eat healthy because it made me so ill). Well, I finally decided that I had to try it without, and it's made a really big difference. Dh and I talked about it, and I'm back to taking folic acid everyday and a very good (natural) multi-vitamin. That really helped me to feel better for the better part of the last week. Part of me feels guilty for not taking the Materna though, so since I was starting to feel a little better, I took it this morning to see. Well! It ruined my whole day.. I truly felt so much worse on it that I've made my Materna for me. I realize that may not be a popular decision, but taking the multi is certainly better than our mothers' generation did. My mom was told that when you get queasy in pregnancy that you should drink flat BEER! Yep, times have changed..! So, I feel that if I'm taking a really good multi vitamin, folic acid, eating oatmeal every morning (high in iron) and also eating it with milk (high in calcium), then I think my baby will be just fine. Have I convinced myself yet? :) I guess the fact is that you have to your best to take care of yourself and your baby, and maybe you can't do EVERYthing right. Right? Aaaaiiieee...! ..guilt. :)'d it go this cycle..feeling confident!? I feel confident for you..after my coworkers' surprise bfp, you're NEXT! :)


nans_n - January 31

Hi ladies! how are you? NatashaV good thing that your M/S is starting to subside. Hopefully it will go away. About the prenatal vitamins maybe you can try a different brand of vitamins. I read in some magazines that sometimes prenatal vitamins can really make m/s worse but that depends on the brand, so I think trying a different brand might help you. Really your co-worker is that's really a great news. At least it would not be so hard for you to tell her when the right time comes coz she will definitely understand your side since she is also pg now. Ann thanks for your prayer...I know the more people pray for me the more confident and positive I am. Kerri how are you? For me I'm 3DPO today. DH and I bd'ed CD5, CD7, CD10, CD12, CD13, CD14. My monitor shows peak for CD12 and 13. So i think I O on CD13 or 14. So I think we covered all the bases this month and just keep on being positve and keep on believing that we made it this cycle. I'll keep you all posted. Please continue your prayers. Thanks for always being there for me. Take care all of you and God Bless.


NatashaV - February 1

Hi, Nans, I do plan to ask my dr. about other prenatal vitamins, but for now..I'm not taking them. Oh, and I have to say that if getting a bfp is about how much bd-ing you did, well then you're well on your way! That's a LOT of bd-ing you & dh did! Good for you and best of luck this cycle!!!


Kerri_md - February 3

Good morning Ladies...hope everyone's having a great weekend. Wow Nans, it sounds like you've hit all the important days now we just pray, pray, pray. NatashaV, I hope that your m/s is almost over--as for the prenatals, my doctor gave me a few different samples and we tested them by seeing which one would dissolve the fastest in a vinegar mix (similar to your stomach contents) and I ended up with Cal-Nate-so maybe Materna doesn't dissolve well and it's making you sick because it's sitting in your gut----I dunno! Anyways, my advice TODAY is about finding a good pediatrician----I just switched Kalyn's yesterday b/c the stupid secretary was the last straw! Now, I really did like her doctor, but the atmosphere was horrible. So ask about staff(are they medical assistance, or nurses) how many doctors are on staff and what happens if your child is sick when the doctor is off that day AND IS THERE A CHARGE for seeing a different doctor, a fee for after hours calls, how long is the average wait and how far in advance to make/cancel appoinments, fees for a canceled/missed appoinment, how much MONEY does it cost you to get the records from an ER visit that you've ALREADY paid for IN FULL!!!!, can the staff do MATH! ---ok, I needed to vent, and I feel better about passing on the info to soon-to-be mommies. Kalyn's doing well, this week she's learned to army crawl and go scoot from her belly to sitting up! Have a great weekend----GO COLTS on SUNDAY!!!!


NatashaV - February 3

Hi all, Kerri I'm sorry to hear you've had such troubles with your pediatrician. How frustrating... I honestly would never have thought to check this soon about one, so that's good to know. I think it may be different here in Canada though, we don't have to pay cash money ever for doctor's, as it's all covered by lump sum payments we make to the provincial health plan every month. My friend who's baby is 4 months told me that she looked into a dayhome/daycare and that I'd better get on a list NOW (even though I get a year mat leave). She's on a 1 1/2 year waiting list! Anyone want to open a childcare facility in Canada? :) Sounds like you'd make a fortune! Nans, how are you doing? I never told you this, but I have a friend at work who's Philipino, and whenever I write to you, I picture her! :) Funny, huh? Anyway, I hope your 2ww is going quickly (though I suspect it isn' never does). Praying for your bfp this cycle! As for me, I'm feeling not too bad, still not able to eat fruit and vegetables, but not feeling sick/hungry 24/7 anymore. I can now eat 5 meals a day (instead of 12) and only feel nauseous 25% of the time..yay! So, that's a good thing! These days it's mostly bloating, and I'm okay with that. I'm 10 weeks as of yesterday, and I'm starting to think about telling people soon, and am getting excited about that. I absolutely hate lying, so this has been a challenge. Wednesday of this upcoming week is dh's birthday, and my parents (who winter in Arizona) usually call and sing Happy Bday to him (while both on the line). We're hoping to catch them this time and tell them. I'm curious as to whether my mom will do the happy yell or get choked up..we'll see. :) Ann, how's it going? To answer about whether I think boy or girl, I've always felt I would have a boy, but given this ms, now I don't know. But, if I had to put money on it, I'd still say boy. As you may recall, dh is dead set against finding out, so I won't know until I know! Wishing you success this cycle, Nans!!!!


nans_n - February 7

Hi ladies! how are you? It's very chilly here and just want to stay in bed all day. Nothing new for me today. I'm 10DPO and not expecting AF in the next couple of days. NatashaV good to hear that you are doing well now. At least your appetite is starting to go back to normal. So how's DH bday celebration? So are you ready for your sono on the 12th? I hope that everything will turn out OK, just keep us posted. Nice to hear that you have a Filipino officemate...actually i really don't look like a Filipino, I'm more of a Chinese looking.Kerri that's really frustrating, i think your decision of switching a pediatrician is a good idea if you're really not getting a good service and your no longer comfortable. I hope that your next pediatrican is much better that your old one. Ann how are you? hope that your are having a great day. God bless you all and please continue to pray for me. Talk to ya all later.


ahay - February 7

HEY ALL....I am new to this forum. I recently had a miscarriage at 9 weeks pregnant. My HCG levels just dropped to zero and I am WANTING so badly to get pregnant again. My doc told me I can ttc as soon as I feel ready. AND I AM. I have had 3 miscarriages and one full term baby whom is 16 months old. Doc's said there is nothing wrong with me the only reason i am miscarriaging is LUCK OF THE DRAW. How soon can I get pregnant and what should I do to improve my chances of getting pregnant?!? HELP!


NatashaV - February 9

Hi ladies, Nans, I REALLY hope to hear some good news from you this cycle..sounds like you should know within a couple of days. Sending you all the best! It's darn cold here in Canada too..I think it's 20 degrees below 0 today! :) Kerri and Ann, how's it going? ahay, wow it sounds like you've been through a lot. So, good for you for keeping up the good attitude. It sounds like you're doing what you can to get pg, unfortunately whether the baby sticks is in God's hands and not ours. (I remind myself of this when I get worried) Wishing you success soon! I'm doing pretty good, I'm 11 weeks today and we told most of our immediate family over the last couple of days (on dh's bday). Some (like my mil) weren't quite as excited as dh had hoped, but I think it's because this is her 5th grandchild, I'm sure it gets old (and she's probably overwhelmed because she's the babysitter for everyone). But my parents were thrilled, so that was nice. I have to tell work on Monday, so that'll be interesting. Fortunately, I'm still feeling a bit better. I still can't eat fruit (so weird!) and a lot of other foods without feeling ill, but overall, the nausea has definitely improved (probably because I only eat 5 types of food! :)). I hope it continues to improve...! Kerri, I guess your Colts won last Sunday, huh? :) The friend who hosted our Superbowl get together said to me "you must be working out a lot, looks like you've lost weight". I was thinking "uh-huh, that's what happens when you can't EAT!", but I just smiled and said "yes, I work out". I do workout, but not a ton..mostly just walking on the treadmill on weekdays, and I really force myself to do it, when you feel crappy, it's the last thing you want to do. But, my one friend gained 65(!) pounds when pg, so that really scared me..don't want that! :) I think I asked you Ann and Kerri whether you were working out while pg, I forget what you said. Anyway, we now know that Kaylyn is crawling's Delaney, Ann? And Nans..I'm wishing for your bfp right now! Do you feel 'different' at all this month at all..?? We're all here for you! Please let us know when you know... N.


nans_n - February 11

Hi ladies, well i'm really sad and down today, AF arrived this morning. Ahay welcome to the thread, i just wish i knew the answer to your questions. I've been trying for the past 3 years and had MC last year. Maybe if your dr told you there's really nothing wrong with you and you already had a 16 month old baby, i'm pretty sure you'll get pregnant again. Natasha I'm so happy that you've decided to tell your family about your pregnancy that's really a great news for them. Goodluck when you tell your co-worker. I'm sure they will all be happy and excited too. Ann and Kerri how are you? Hope that you are doing fine with Kalyln and Delaney. Talk to ya all later. I'm just so frustrated and really don't knoe what to do today. God bless you all.



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