Clomid success story - it does work!
2151 Replies
Babymoon - April 12

Hope, I remember you from last year!
Congrats! Sounds to me like it might be time to head to the doc and get him to confirm! And perhaps buy a little baby outfit to give to dh as an anniversary present! Good luck!!


HopeafterAStillbornAngel - April 12

Babymoon! How are ya, girl? Any success? I've thought about you ladies so much over the last year. I'm sorry I just left. I couldn't take it. So tell me how you've been!

Nikki, thank you! Baby dust to you.


HopeafterAStillbornAngel - April 12

For some reason my post didn't show up.
Babymoon, it's so good to "see" you. How are things going for you? Any luck?
Nikki, Thank you! Baby dust to you.
I went to the lab today and had blood drawn for a quantitative HCG. Should get the results by email tomorrow. I don't know if I'm just imagining the faint lines. It's happened before. Last night I started spotting after BDing, something that happened every time when I was pregnant. It's light and is mostly gone by this morning but I'm still concerned. I don't want to start believing we finally made it until I know for sure. DH doesn't know I've been testing and has no idea I took a cab to a local lab to test my levels. I so want to surprise him on this trip. It would be magical. If its even real. I keep having this pain in my should blade that won't go away and when I made the mistake of looking it up on the Internet it said its a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. Though I did spot, I'm not bleeding or having pelvic or abdominal pain. It's just the shoulder thing. I have been vomiting and getting really nauseous in the evenings just like I did when I was pregnant. And I'm rambling!! Sorry, you guys. Just scared. When you want something for so long and it looks like you might get it, it's kind of scary.
Still looking for memorable ways to tell DH. Hope you ladies are having a good day!


Babymoon - April 12

Hi hope!
Clomid did not work for me, last year we decided to be more aggressive, we tried IVF and I'm pleased to say that am due to have our baby in five days.

I'm glad you went for the blood test, it's the best way of knowing. I tested daily after ivf and didn't believe until we got the call from the lab!

Don't worry to much about the shoulder at this stage, there is no reason to think it's ectopic, I'm sure you are just stressing, understandable given what you have gone through!!

When will you have the results?


HopeafterAStillbornAngel - April 13

Wow! Congratulations!! That is SO exciting. Do you know what you're having? Have you really enjoyed your pregnancy? I'm so thrilled for you! The blood test results should be back in 24-48 hours. It's so hard for me to do pregnancy tests because I don't usually test positive until I'm around 8 weeks which based on the period I did have, would make me just over 8 weeks now. I've been looking online at what typical HCG levels are at different points in early pregnancy and kind of thinking to myself ' Just let it be this high ' but I'm so nervous it's going to come back saying ]5 not pregnant and all of this is in my head! Did you feel that way? How was it for you in your first trimester? I've wondered about the other ladies as well, the ones that found out they were pregnant right before you did. Do you keep in touch with any of them? It's so great to imagine you with a big ole baby bump! Are you feeling uncomfortable now that you're due so soon? I want to see pics when the baby is born! My email is kateeringolden at gmail. I will make sure to post as soon as I have results from my blood test. It's so hard to keep this to myself and not tell my husband. I don't know how I'm going to explain how jumpy and irritable I am this evening when he gets home! Ah, the things we go through to be moms! Speaking of, An early but Very Happy Mothers Day to you!


Babymoon - April 13

I loved the first two trimesters and wasn't sick at all. I'm so uncomfortable at the moment, I can't wait for bub to get here. We don't know what we are having.

We have a facebook group started for some of the other ladies from here, it's much easier to keep in contact that way. I'll email you my name, if you add me I can add you to the group. A few more of the girls are around 12-14 weeks now, and a couple are still trying.


TeeJay - April 13

Hey ladies,u guys are so lucky I'm so happy for u.Hope don't worry,I think u are just nervous that's why u have all this mixed feeling.I believe that u'll be fine and you finally getting what u've been hoping for.The only thing u must do now is give thanks and stop stressing.

Babymoon,wow u finally gona hold your bundle of joy,u must so great and cannot wait!I'm so happy for u.

Well,I'm on cd10 2day,hopefully ill ovulate soon.I'm just hoping for the best.Baby dust to you all.


HopeafterAStillbornAngel - April 13

I took a few more pregnancy tests and they all had lines. I even looked at the FRER that I took this morning and it had two very visible lines, so clearly that I even messages a picture to a friend and she was amazed. I haven't slept tonight waiting for the results to come in. They send you an email when they're ready and you log in to see your test results. I started writing a journal entry to my husband because I wanted to tell him about what it's been like doing all this and not telling him. I wanted to start telling him all the things we were going to do with this pregnancy and this baby before he knew about it so that when he found out he could see the whole start to the journey. I only got as far as the intro, not having mentioned pregnancy at all, when my email sounded. My results are in! It's 5 am here and they said 2-3 days. Here they are...
hCG,Beta Subunit,Qnt,Serum [1 mIU/mL. That means I'm not pregnant!

How can this be? All these positive HPT'S and all the symptoms. Were they all faulty? Is it me? I have pictures of positive tests but there is no baby. I just want to crawl into a whole and hide and I definitely don't want to go on this birthday trip now. It's never been this big of a let-down before. It hurts so much. I'm so confused.


Nikki101 - April 13

Hope, so sorry to hear dat, thats very strange for all the test you took to be positive and the dr test negative. Keep trying i know how you feel, dnt give up. Babydust


Nikki101 - April 13

AF is now 2 days late when im on a 28 day cycle but somtimes it come on day 35 or between 28 and 35, my breast r sore n have a burning sensation in my stomach now im wondering if this could be my month or it's all in my head. Will definately know by wednesday, fingers are crossed. Babydust to all


Nikki101 - April 16

AF just showed, will be starting ivf in the fall


TeeJay - April 16

So sory 2 hear dat gal,just hope dat works 4 u.Don't give up,eventually it wil happen.Babydust 2 u!


TeeJay - April 23

Hey ladies,its been a while since any1 commented.Well I finished my last clomid pill on cd10 so proberbly I shud c AF this weekend,praying very hard that I don't.I know sum of u ladies are disappointed,we need 2 hold our heads up high 2 get positive results.Let us not be overcomed by this situation.I'm hoping 2 hear from u realy soon.Babydust 2 u all!


carty.1978 - April 23

I started on 50mg of Clomid last month with no success, have increased to 100mg this month and am assuming it is working given the side effects I have experienced ie painful ovulation, bloating, weight gain ... wonderful being female isn’t it! Me and Hubby been ttc for 2 1/2 years now without success, had all the tests done which have come back fine thankfully. As you all know it so frustrating and heart breaking when it doesn’t happen each month, doesn’t help when sister in law gets caught first month of trying, they are 10 years younger than us so that probably helps ... on saying that I am over the moon for them though. Anyway, I just wanted to say reading all the success stories of Clomid babies has made me feel more positive for us so thank you for sharing the stories, and hopefully we’ll be one of those success stories soon enough ... twins would be nice as well, we want two but at nearly 34 I don’t want it taking years to get pregnant with a second


TeeJay - April 26

Hey ladies.On Tuesday I got so sick from the morning until at night when I went 2 sleep.On wednesday morning I decided 2 take a pregnancy test(clear blue)and it just said I wasn't pregnant.I know it was too early,I was on cd21 and AF wasn't due yet but I though I had a morning sickness and using clear blue just showed me the correct results bcos from what I have heard it is very accurate.Maybe I took it too early or maybe I'm really not pregnant!I wish I didn't take it coz now I'm really discourage.Even though I haven't seen AF yet,but I think its gonna come.*stressed*!babydust 2 u all!


TeeJay - May 2

Hey ladies,were is every1?anyway AF is 2 days late,I'm so scared 2 take a tester.This might be it finaly.Gona hav 2 wait until 2moro morning.Babydust 2 u all were ever u r.



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