Clomid Buddies...4
417 Replies
babyforcole - September 7

awww, oh, he's going to make me slap my dh. He has to give me my shot tonight in the tummy-oh yeah Keri, the trigger shot has to be given in the tummy-I'm making him do it so he can appreciate all that I am doing to have a child with him. I can only do one more IUI if this one doesn't work and then I would have to move onto IVF, which most of the ladies have done but I'm not looking forward to it. Alot of shots, b/w and re visits. I'm a day care provider, I don't have that kind of time. I have to get my mother in law to come over to watch them when I leave out and it's havoc when I get back- bless her heart. lol


babyforcole - September 7

You know, I haven't had a lapascropy and I hope there aren't any more underlined problems on my end that may hinder me conceiving. hmmmmm


cathyw - September 7

Baby, i have a good feeling for you this month. hope this does the trick. keri i want flowers too!!!


Keri11 - September 7

I heard the depo really screws with your system. I had it a couple of times way back before I was married and was trying to have children. I heard it takes up to a year sometimes to get preg. afterwords. I hope the best for you. Are you only taking Clomid and bding or iui?


cathyw - September 7

clomid and bding. depo puts your ovaries to sleep and it's been 11 months since my last shot. My ovaries are still sleeping my cd21 test was only 1.1 so the clomid is supposed to help wake then up


amylove0701 - September 7

okay ladies im having some issues with ovulation test... first day was a light line and second day was darker....but not as dark as control.... now for the past 2 days its almost not been a 2nd line....idk whats going on??? anyone know??


Keri11 - September 7

Ouch, I bet that hurts baby. Sorry DH's I just thought that was pretty sweet. I just hope I dont disappoint him...He says I dont but everytime I get a bfn I can see it in his eyes. I think this is the month for everyone of us!


babyforcole - September 7

Thanks Cat- You know, I have a good feeling too. I'm not thinking negative anymore. We're all going to get our BFP's


cathyw - September 7

haven't done a s/a on db yet, figure it is just me with the pcos and o problem. I'M 32 and have been pg 6X. DB is 22 so thinking his guys should be great


Keri11 - September 7

Cathy- I go in on the 12th for my cd21 test. How many mg are on?
Amy- Idk either, I dont use them. sorry.


babyforcole - September 7

Amy, I don't use the opk's they frustrate me.


cathyw - September 7

Amy, sometimes you can miss your surge on opks. urine too diluted, different times a day using them. I take 1 in the am and 1 in the afternoon. drinking as little as possible. FX you o'd and just missed it on the opk


cathyw - September 7

I'm on 50 mg and this is my 1st cycle using it


babyforcole - September 7

Kerri, what's the cd21 test do?


Keri11 - September 7

Cathy-Same here.

Baby- tests to see if your ovulating


babyforcole - September 7

ohhh, I was going to ask the re if he would do an u/s on Mond to see if i o'd. To make sure the egg wasn't still there but supposedly, that's what the trigger shot does, make you o.



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