Clomid Buddies...4
417 Replies
babyforcole - September 7

ohhh, I was going to ask the re if he would do an u/s on Mond to see if i o'd. To make sure the egg wasn't still there but supposedly, that's what the trigger shot does, make you o.


amylove0701 - September 7

my dr. hasnt order my dh to be tested i guess cause we are both young....and he assumes its me...this is my 1st cylce of clomid 50 5-9 .... so i hope it works,,, im trying not to focus on it as much this month!!!


cathyw - September 7

Baby, your progesterone level needs to be at least 10 on an unmedicated cycle and at least 15 on meds. to support a pg. at least 5 to show o


Keri11 - September 7

Cathy-that for the cd21 test? I didnt know that, my doc just told me I have to go in b/w to see if the Clomid worked.


babyforcole - September 7

Oh ok, he did b/w when I first started going to him and he said everything was fine. I guess if he had a concern about it he would have said something, right?


Keri11 - September 7

How long have you been trying Amy?


amylove0701 - September 7

since jan... well really since april after my m/c....


cathyw - September 7

Keri- the cd21 b/w is to test progesterone, if it's under 15 he will probably up your clomid if no BFP. but we are all going to get one this month FX


Keri11 - September 7

Thanx Cathy! Yes we are!!! :-)


Keri11 - September 7

sorry to hear about your m/c Amy. What Cycle day are you on?


babyforcole - September 7

I wouldn't mind twins but I only had one mature egg. Look, I had another egg that was at 14 today, they say the egg gets 2mm bigger each day. I take the trigger shot tonight but I won't o until Sat, do you think the egg will continue to get bigger or do you think the one that is at 21 now will be the only one to come out? I'm going to ask him Sat what they are measuring at before he does the insemination.


amylove0701 - September 7

thanks cathy i sure hope all do!!! keri-- i was early like 6 1/2 7 weeks... so no d&c...thanks goodness...but it only made me more am on cd 15 right now


Keri11 - September 7

I wouldnt mind twins either. But I am not going to be picky, One would be good enough for me. Hopefully its a girl though. :-) Idk about the measurements or anything, heck I dont even know when I "o" I wish I could tell. Is there any pointers cathy?


Keri11 - September 7

Amy- you and I are on the same exact day, I am also CD15. Baby is on CD14 so we are all three pretty close.


babyforcole - September 7

lol....Matter of fact the re said I do o because I showed him my chart when I wa temping. Do you temp Keri? The only thing with that is it tells you WHEN you o'd not when you are GOING TO o.....


amylove0701 - September 7

wow thats good to know all can keep each other this is new and different for me... i cant tell by the opk so idk what to do?? i guess just hope bding is good enough..



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