Anyone having IUI this month? Join in...
207 Replies
Mela - June 29

Hello, I did my 1st IUI this AM.. This is going to be a lonnnggg 2ww. After taking injections, the u/s showed 8 follicles..I pray thats a good sign.


jyot - June 29

hey Mela,I just had an IUI last sunday after US and Ovidrel shot.I had 7 follicles that looked pretty godd too.My fingers are crossed but I am not sure how ovulation takes place when there are so many of them.Do they all release at 36 hours from the shot or are they spread out coz if they are I not sure I am covered beyond 48 hours with the BDing.


whynotme - June 29

Mela - It seems like an eternity, but before you know it, it will be 2 weeks from now. Trust me, I had my 1st IUI on June 13th (which was unsuccessful) and I'm already onto the next cycle. I am on clomid this time around and have an u/s on Monday. I hope to have as many follies as all of you have! Good luck and lots of baby dust.


Mela - June 29

Jyot, I am not sure either about the actual release.. I had 3 on the right and 5 on the left.. I cramped alot yesterday on the right side and now , starting to cramp a little on the left. I am going to BD tonight and 2morrow just to cover it... With the number of follicles, I was reading on another post about the increased chance of multiples.. Thanks "whynotme", bady dust to you all :-)


whynotme - June 29

Hey girls, I found this site that shows you an animated version of the exact fertilization process of the egg. It starts from day one and goes all the way until the embryo implants in to the endometrial lining. Very interesting.


whynotme - June 30

Where are you guys today?


hailie - June 30

i'm here! bb are soooo sore when i walk...other then that there's no other symptoms....still another week to's the side effects today?


whynotme - June 30

They are finally almost gone. I took my last pill lastnight. Yesterday was a mess. I went home from work and went to bed at 7:30 and slept until 7 am this morning. I feel like a new person. I had slight light headedness this morning, but I thinks that's gone now. Your symptoms sound promising, fingers crossed!


hailie - June 30

does the symptom end when the pill end? hmm, when i take clomid the side effects seem to linger on....


whynotme - June 30

I don't know, but I am having the dizziness off and on, but hopefully in the next few days they will be gone. I am getting really excited about the u/s on Monday because DH never gets to come with me to my appts. We are both off on Monday and he came come! YAY! I wonder if my follies will be big enough to induce ovulation. Hmmmm...


hailie - June 30

its always great for morale when the dh can come to any office visit...our first visit with the ob, my dh came and he had some really good questions for her so that made me feel so much better =P


cspears99 - June 30

I am 32, and I am on my 3rd cycle, they tripled the Clomid this round, I had a giant follicle last month, its was4.64cm which is very large and thought for sure it was going to happen, but got my period 8 days early, so was very sad, but go on Monday to check the follicles so postive thinking.


hailie - July 3

4.64!!! do they get that big? I thought it usually gets released at over 2cm? I got impatient today and tested and came out negative....not sure if AF is coming tomorrow (thats when i felt like I was ovulating - major cramps but took trigger shot that night) or wed or thurs...feel discouraged since most ppl seem to test positive early on with clomid....sigh.


cspears99 - July 3

It's not common to get that big, my dr said hasn't seen them that big, on the monitor it took up the whole space, anyway postive thoughts on my way to see this months sizes


jyot - July 4

Hi Hailie, what day was it for you yesterday.It might still be a little early as implantation may have occured a little later. i am stlll having positive thoughts for you. We are both in the same situation. I will test on sunday the 9th. I have been feeling occasional twinges and sharp needle like pains ,not cramps exactly but someting which sometimes feels like cramps. Did you feel any of that. My bbs are super sore but nothing new there.They always are until AF arrives.cspears ,that was a huge follicle. wow!!! I hope they are good this month as well.whynotme, have you gone in for your ultrasound and bloodwork yet ...or it must be a few more days away,right?i hope you guys are having a good holiday while i am obsessing about every little thing igoing on in my body!!!


whynotme - July 5

Hey girls! I have been away from the computer since Friday and now I am back to work. I had my u/s on Monday and my RE said that I was progressing really slow. I have 2 follies that are about 12 cm. So I have to go back on Thursday to do another u/s. Hopefully they will have progressed to 18 cm by then, fingers crossed!!!



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