2ww No more Part 3
235 Replies
TTC#3@35 - April 11

My ob says its just one of those things I'll have to live with.. like linds said women get a small overgrowth of yeast during the luteal phase of the cycle due to the sharp spike in hormone changes & apparently that is me. I've been taking acidophilis that she recommend but not faithfully which I will now!
Boy linds the way you speak about ivf I cant wait to jump right into that!! just kidding.. 1 month.. thats insane.. but gotta do what a girls gotta do!


linds99 - April 11

TTC3, brutal honesty at its best! ;) Don't I'm sorry, when you go through all the shots and indignities of it all, (putting your legs up in these high-ass stirrups and having every Tom, Dick and Harry looking down there), you just gain a sense of freedom of truth...no longer hold back anything since you've done everything. I told my husband, I can now freely say I would pose for Playboy crotch shots without any shame since the whole world already saw that special part of me :) and it isn't that big of a deal anymore to talk about it...


angelkitty - April 11

I hear ya Linds about everybody seeing my "birthday bow" so to speak. My RE has seen enough I am sure he would recognize me by the way I shave!!!!! :o)


linds99 - April 11

That is hilarious angel...forget about our ID pictures right, just put our female bald eagles on our license from now on!


julie2007 - April 11

hi - - - linds your knowledge is overwhelming - i actually have questions for you (or anyone else who knows) -- i was given prometrium (100mg) as inserts 3x daily when i was 6w 6d along as they FINALLY did a progesterone check on me then - and i was only 14.4 and the doc said it was barley able to sustain preg at that level -- then i m/c a few weeks later and i have a half a bottle of this left - should i start taking it once AF is gone? (she is on her way out again i believe - either tonight or tomorrow) anyhow - when i asked teh OB she said i could wait till i get a pos HPT and then she'd call in a p-script for it to be taken till 12 wks. but per your post above - it sounds like i maybe should take it -?? i really don't know enough about this stuff. and temping - i have not gotten the special thermometer yet - but am using the clear blue fertility monitor (who says AF should be gone - and that i am in "low" fertility mode at the moment.) - - - - TTC#3 i too took macrobid while pg for a UTI caused from TTC. it worked fast and that is what the doc told me to take after BD-ing "pamstyle" to avoid getting one (take 1 pill immediately afterward.) - how are you feeling? PMB good to see you again. what did your doc say at tthe visit yesterday? (did i miss that post somewhere on here with the page changes?) *** oh and linds - my baby measured 10 -14 days behind on growth and i saw the HB too at 7 and 8 wks. i didn't have any signs prior to the u/s with no HB at 11+wks. ---- angelkitty - i think you have such a great and healthy attitude about the TTC thing - i am trying to get there myself - and hopefully after the doc visit tomorrow i will be more at peace and be ready to join you in the not worry about everything place - but i am not quite there yet. but i believe that is a great attitude to have! good for you. i am going to try to go get those books as well this week.


pmblake - April 11

You guys are a hoot!!! bald eagles! Fortunately I've graduated from the birthday bow (good one angel ;) I was able to have my u/s on the tummy yesterday. I shaved and was smelling all pretty just to leave my clothes on ;)


Keeli - April 11

Hi Linds. Ihadn't heard about Russia! Yikes! My sister adopted from there 7 years ago, and my niece is the cutiest little girl. I looked into Kazakahastan when I was researching adoption last year, but if I remember correctly it was one of the more expensive places to adopt from since you have to do two visits (travel costs are the biggest expenses in international adoption). Our paperwork is in China right now. Once I started researching China adoption something just clicked in my brain, and I realized that I was meant to adopt. Maybe some strange mother's intuition, but I truely believe my daughter is in China. We finished our paperwork in January this year, and we were officially logged into that country in February. The wait will be about two years ... a long time, but at least I know there is a baby at the end. As for ttc, we are not using any b/c, so if it happens naturally that's fine with me! We will just have two kids - one bio and one adopted. I've met a bunch of people who were absolutely devasdated when they were having fertility problems, and I used to be one of them. Now, though, I really don't have any inclination to go back to the fertility treatments. I feel like I gave it a good (not great) try, but I don't feel bad at all for giving up a little earlier than I could have. I used to cringe when another one of my friends would get pg - that doesn't happen any more. The fertility treatments were a real downer for me, because every month I would believe it could happen, then the heartache when it didn't happen. With adoption, there is no stress at all - only waiting. Dh and my relationship is better too, because we don't have the stress of only having romance at the appropriate time - or worse, replacing our romance with a trip to the doctor's office. I really thought it would bother me more, but nope, it doesn't! I think for you, since you actually achieved pregnancy, it is well worth continuing your efforts. You not only have a chance, but you have a great chance to get pg again! I think looking into adoption, like it sounds like you have been doing, can be a big stress reliever. Even when I was ttc, I thought I may want to adopt, and I liked looking into - having options always relievs stress. I've been researching Vietnam, thinking when my China daughter comes home, I may get her brother from Vietnam!


linds99 - April 11

Julie, do not take the progesterone suppositories until you are absolutely sure that you ovulated. So, the only way you know for sure is not by the ovulation monitor, because that only detects the LH surge (which says ovulation can occur anywhere between 24-48 hours later), but you should temp. Once you get the rise in temps, and it remains, start using the progesterone suppositories. The key is to start right away after ovulation, that is when the body would normally generate progesterone from the corpus luteum and you are only assisting it with the supplements. If this natural cycle doesn't work for you I would encourage you too to ask your doctor to do the P3 test on you 7 days after ovulation, and everytime you have your HCG checked. Doctors don't know for sure if the progesterone being low actually causes a m/c or if the progesterone being low is actually a side effect of a troubled pregnancy.


linds99 - April 11

Pam, don't you just hate it when you allocate cultivation time in that region and can't show it off!


pmblake - April 11

Hey Linds - You know I quit taking supppositories at 8.5 weeks. I believe the Dr I saw yesterday said that my corpus luteum was producing it. They could see by it's size in the u/s I think. I remember the tech talking about it. ANYWAY, the Dr didn't think that I needed to start taking them again. He noted it in my chart. Should I have my levels checked before I just "stop" taking it?


pmblake - April 11

Well I needed a new razor ;) It was a bit 5 o'clock shadow like.


linds99 - April 11

At this point Pam, i don't think getting your P3 levels checked is necessary. I believe you are well into a week past the crucial mark....if they saw your corpus luteum still, ya that is a good sign, that HCG hormone actually talks to the corupus luteum to keep up the good work so it won't heal up that fast. Some women's corupus luteum have retreated by then...so your in good shape.


pmblake - April 11

Thanks Linds - the tech said that it would go away soon. Along w/ the yolk sac. Well, like everyone else here I would hate to do something to jeopardize this. Always looking for something I could do different ;)


angelkitty - April 12

Hi there ladies!! Pam you are too funny - a 5 o'clock shadow!!! I am so meticulous about keeping birthday bow neat and trimmed....I know I know TMI! Anyway, Pam I am so happy to hear that you baby is growing properly and things are going good. Yeah!!!!! Are you pooching out there yet? Or are you still tiny!!! Julie, thanks for the compliment on my healthy attitude!! I have to give God all of the praise for that. I really would have thought I would have fallen apart b/c of a m/c but God has comforted me and given me hope that tomorrow is a new day!!!! I know to some my attitude may appear flip and they are probably wondering if I really even cared (no one will ever know just how much I cared!!!) but I know my child is safe and sound in Heaven and I know in Heaven all things are perfect. (I am reminded of Eric Clapton's song Tears in Heaven). I also know I cannot dwell on it and I have to laugh and go on with my life. Linds has really been an inspiration for me (as always Linds) she has been here cheering all of us on and giving us encouragement and advice even during her own pain. She was thinking of us and not herself and that just inspired me!!! Keeli I think it is great that you want to adopt...I think adoption is beautiful!!! Michael W. Smith and his wife adopted a child (heis a Christian artist that my dh and I love!!). Funny - I just looked over at the adoption packet that is still here in my office...even when I was preg I never threw it away. I still think dh and I will end up adopting even after we have our kids. TTC#3 how are you this morning?!! How is the weather in your neck of the woods. Again, I ask Lovemy3 and JB where are you ladies!!!!!!!!!!??????????????????????


julie2007 - April 12

hi girls - i wish i were smarter (if i were i would have posted this earlier!) ---- i am off to the "early start specialist" (whatever that may be) at my OB's office in a couple hours - and wonder if anyone has some good questions i should ask? let me know. i will check back before i go. i have some of the more obvious ones covered - 1. why is it a 2 month wait imposed on ttc again after a 1st m/c? 2. what are the risks of not waiting for the 2nd AF? and would that cause me to be more likely to m/c again? (taking my particular situation into consideration) 3. is there anything i should be taking medically / herbally to help conception and to have a viable pregnancy (i will ask about the evening primrose linds - and the robitussin, the prometrium, and the extra folic acid & a baby asprin) -- any more stuff? 4. -------------this is where you guys can have me ask questions for all of us if anyone has any. maybe this visit there can be helpful afterall -- i am trying to remain positive. and gosh i wish i could get some of your positive attitude angelkitty - i don't want the TTC stuff to consume me -- but i want to be informed and make good choices. i hope youa re all doing well this morning.


linds99 - April 12

Keeli, I didn't know your sister also adopted from Russia? That is so awesome you have someone around you who actually went through the whole process. I bet that little girl is so cute. I think that Chinese babies are the cutest! I hope you become that mom you long to be in 2007. This waiting, and waiting, and waiting is the hardest I think, whether its for adoption or for pregnancy...it is a hard factor to deal with. Yes, I agree the doctor visits are/were stressful, so I can understand how you view adoption with much optimism. But ya, I think I am gonna give this IVF stuff one more shot and see what happens. My good old Capricorn-Karma tells me I usually get things to go my way the second time around. It is like the story of my life, everything I do never works out the first time, it is always the second time that works out for me. So many times in my past circumstances that this happened like this, so not surprising enough to me that it didn't work out the first shot like some other lucky ladies. Anyway, I hope you keep me posted on your progress as well. And I still wish pregnancy on you in the meantime...you just never know.



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