2ww No more Part 3
235 Replies
linds99 - April 12

Keeli, I didn't know your sister also adopted from Russia? That is so awesome you have someone around you who actually went through the whole process. I bet that little girl is so cute. I think that Chinese babies are the cutest! I hope you become that mom you long to be in 2007. This waiting, and waiting, and waiting is the hardest I think, whether its for adoption or for pregnancy...it is a hard factor to deal with. Yes, I agree the doctor visits are/were stressful, so I can understand how you view adoption with much optimism. But ya, I think I am gonna give this IVF stuff one more shot and see what happens. My good old Capricorn-Karma tells me I usually get things to go my way the second time around. It is like the story of my life, everything I do never works out the first time, it is always the second time that works out for me. So many times in my past circumstances that this happened like this, so not surprising enough to me that it didn't work out the first shot like some other lucky ladies. Anyway, I hope you keep me posted on your progress as well. And I still wish pregnancy on you in the meantime...you just never know.


linds99 - April 12

angelkitty, you are right about laughing and moving on with life, I think that my little one that passed away will probably be the little angel that watches over my next one. But I still get sad thinking about what could have been, I don't think that changes much...Ah but yes, moving on really does help with laughter. Seriously, I feel like 10 years younger when I laugh. Hey Julie, good luck at the consult today. I hope your doctor will be able to be poignant and honest with his answers, you have some good questions. Let us know what he says...


pmblake - April 12

Hey everyone! Hey Julie I hope your appt went well. Sounds like you had the questions covered. I couldn't have added anything to it. And Linds, I know what you mean. If things don't go right for me the first time..it's many times later for me before it clicks. Most times I just give up on things tired or waiting. I didn't realize you're a capicorn. My older sister that passed away was also a Capicorn. No wonder I like you so much! Capicorns are very patient, sincere and caring people. Or at least all of the ones that I know ;) Maybe that's why things happen in 2's for you. You have the patience to wait!! Okay, Pammy paranoia again. I went to the Dr. again today. I didn't treat my YI from 2 weeks ago and it's blown into a full blown ouch get away from me YI. I'm going to break down and take a perscription suppository tonight. As much as I'm against it at this stage in my pregnancy -- I'm gonna have to. I had a tinch of bleeding today when I wiped and I freaked. The Dr assured me that it was b/c I was so raw. She said my cervix was closed tight and there was no sign of bleeding from the cervix. She went "Ew -- Honey you're really raw!"


pmblake - April 12

Angel! I'm so proud of you! You have really come such a long way with this! Stay positive! You are an inspiration!


pmblake - April 12

ps > my shaving and primping paid off today ;) I got to give the birthday bow!


angelkitty - April 12

Linds, you are so right about laughing - I feel younger too when I laugh. I have also taken your advice about doing things for me...I have lost weight and I am actively on a diet. I am not overweight but decided that I wanted to get a bit thinner just because I can. Dh and I are not lavish spenders of our money....we are very conservative but you know what - we went to lowes a couple of nights ago and he bought a new power tool and then he took me to Hallmark and bought me a new Vera Bradley purse and wallet to match(pink elephant). YES!!!!!!!!! I would have rather had that muffin you spoke of Linds when you told me to do some things for myself but I want to get to my targeted weight so I opted for the purse. Girl I have even had a cup or two of regular coffee!!!!! I felt like I was doing drugs!!!!!! This used to be my life before I was ttc. Ya know? I spoke to one of my girlfriends today and she stated that I really sounded good and I was telling her it was b/c of all of the wonderful friends I have (like you ladies!!!!). Hey Linds, have you heard from JB on the IVF thread. I scanned for a post from her really quick but if there was one there I missed it. Julie, I am excited to hear about your visit - post as soon as you can.


angelkitty - April 12

Pam you are too funny!!!!! Don't you just love that whole birthday bow thing!!! Ouch with the YI....ouch, ouch, ouch!!!!! I can imagine you were bleeding if you have had a yi for 2 weeks and not taken anything. Girl that baby is fine and is going to be fine. Get rid of the YI!!!! Ouch!!! Pam, you are a very strong woman and you yourself have been through so much. I respect your mental attitude of driving forward....look at you - after the m/c's you still get back up and keep going and now you have your prize to show for it. :o) We are women of strength!!!!! We should make a talk show ladies!! Seriously!!!! With all the crap that is on tv today we would be the hit of the century!! What we deal with is real!!!


linds99 - April 12

I love your idea about launching a show, we could call it "Live with the Infertiles..." and we can put REs on the stand, teach women how to give shots, take temps, talk about vajayjay health (and grooming), we would have sooo much to talk about! Great idea! ;) Watch out The View...here we come!


angelkitty - April 12

Again, Linds, you have made me smile!!!!!!


linds99 - April 12

angelkitty, work your way up to an espresso tomorrow, I felt like a drugee to when I started up with the java again. Cheers!


billsgirl - April 12

hi, im new to this site, but i was wondeing if i could be part of this "thread"? i was diagnose with endometreosis last year. ive been tring to concieve for about 6 months. i though i was just 2 days ago. i was too weeks late and then AF came with avengece last night. i havent seen a doctor about getting help with getting pregannt so i realy dont know what lot of people are talking about. all i know is i had a son 11 years ago with no prob.( i was 17) now, im married and wan o have one with my husband and its not happening. can anyone tell me what my chances are my dr said he found " a little" endo durrign my lap


lovemy3 - April 13

Hi all. You girls are crackin' me up with your funny posts. Hello to all the new gals! So, I'm cd7 and am going to get going on my temps so we can see whats up this month. No news here. Had our admission interview with the new school tonight and it went really well. I think we'll get accepted and I'm excited. Thats all the news here. Hugs to all xoxo


TTC#3@35 - April 13

Hey Ladies - quick post but yes you guys got me rolling with the birthday bow too.
Pam girl I know where you at!! im raw as raw can be bleeding from being so raw & this is 4 days into treatment.
Sorry this had to happen while your pg because im sure you dont want any medicine right now.
Well my dr gave me amoxicillin for my uti. Didn say what kind of bateria.. all the nurse said was that the urinalysis came up with lucocytes, crystals, & red & white blood cells that showed infection.
LM3 - HELLO!! get on those temps.. i wanna see whats going on with you.
Talk with you guys later.


pmblake - April 13

Good luck Today Linds!! Let us know how your appt goes!


angelkitty - April 13

Good morning Ladies!!!! Welcome billsgirl!! It is wonderful to have you. Linds, please post as soon as you get back from your appt. Pam how are ya doing girl? Feeling any relief yet? TTC#3 how bout you? Lovemy3...I almost put out and APB on you lady!!! Where have ya been? Missed ya!! I am excited about the school thing. When will you know for sure? Julie, how was the appt? What did the doc have to say? I am excited about getting my af...that just sounds sick after all of that time of trying to get pregnant but I am excited. How long does it take after a D&C to get it? Now Linds, I heard you say you do not wear tampons....why? IF you do not mind me getting personal? I just thought about it - only on this thread would I ask such a question. LOL!~!! I usually have to wear tampons and a pad the first few days of my period ( I am a 7 day girl) I also just realized I have not had af since January 25th. Boy that has been nice.


pmblake - April 13

Hey Angel! I don't wear tampons either. It's just been a recent thing but I since I've been seriously ttc I was just always skeptical of putting anything up there. No particular reason.... Just funny about it now. But after a D&C you will have a nice heavy flow. I would just put a brick in your panties and let it rip ;) Lovemy#! Yes, it's great to have you back! We've missed you. JULIE! are you MIA now? Dana - how's your infection? This one time dose thing worked pretty well, but sex this weekend will tell if it worked or not. DH said he'd give me a break but I know he needs it. I can't deprive him for too long ya know ;) Welcome BillsGirl! Letme guess? Your DH's name is Bill right ;)



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