waiting for NO AF on 23 OCT...anybody like to join
104 Replies
Kristi - October 26

Monica, you have more control than I do....a day late and I would have been taking the HPT!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!!! Maybe you and Stevie will be the ones to give the rest us hope!!!!


Thanks Kristi! - October 26

I'm just so worried that I will jinx it & go take a HPT & get g damned BFN!!! I cant take another - - - :( It's getting way too hard to resist I'm dying here! I'll surely keep you posted! Thanks so much for your support! How's the clomid cycle treating you?!


Kristi - October 26

I'm just on my second pill today so just counting down the days till start bding again....seems like i am always counting down to something! tired of taking my temps every morning - it just makes it the first thing i have to think about EVERY DAY!!!! I am hoping when I go see my Dr. 11/11 that she will tell me I don't have to track the temps anymore - I think she just wanted to get an idea of how my cycle runs for the first couple months. Well I am hoping for the best for you and can't wait to hear to hear what happens! Baby Dust!!!


Shawna - October 26

Good Luck Monica!! Thank you Kristi and Monica for your replies. I think it is my husband who is making me feel leary about taking clomid. When my dr brought it up, he jokingly said we'd welcome triplets in 9 months! I never thought I would need something to help me get pregnant again. I guess I am feeling a bit let down with myself for not being successful with a natural body function. I haven't tried taking my temp or OPKs, I don't know anything about them. I do know that your temperature increases before ovulation, so I guess we could try that. However my husband sure does enjoy the bding every night! I guess part of my problem is stress. We have a relatively stress-free life, but it is other people that are driving me crazy. I am very tired of people asking me when # 2 is coming. Sometimes I am tempted to tell that we have been trying since April, but I am not ovulating, just to see what kind of reaction I can get from them. I would think there might be a reason why our 6 year old son does not have a sibling, but I guess others don't understand! I know it is not for trying!!! Thanks for your support, I enjoy hearing about your stories!


Kristi - October 26

Well Shawna don't give up! I am almost 34 years and NO children, so I totally understand how you feel when people ask when we are going to have some kids. I finally started telling people (at least the ones I really know) that we are having problems and now they dont ask anymore! I have only told a handfull of people that we are seriously trying just so I do not have the added pressure of people asking all the time. As for temping, it can help detirmine when you ovulate. Your temps actually go down while your AF is here and stay down, then there will be a dip one day with a big rise the next day - the dip is the day you ovulate and the rise comes AFTER you ovulate. So really the reason for temping is to try to figure out when you ovulate, if you wait till the sudden rise, then you actually ovulated the day before. It's not as complicated as it seems once you understand how it works. OPK's will tell when you are ovulating though, so you may want to try them. You usually get 7 tests in a box and you start testing a couple days before you think you are ovulating. The day you get the ++ is the day you should be ovulating so you really want to bd that day and the next day for sure! Don't beat yourself up over possibly needing help from medications like Clomid - there are plenty of us out here using it and if it will help, why not. It's not your fault or anything you have done to make your body not do what you want it to! There are plenty of websites out ther that talk about temping and OPK's and how to use them and what they mean. If you decide to start temping, use a BBT (Basal Body Temperature) thermometer - they are more acurate than a regular one - I was using a regualr digital termometer at first and bought the BBT one and it was a BIG difference in temps! Also there is a website that is free that I use to track my temps. It is www.fertilityfriend.com. I think there is another one out there call www.yourdays.com or something too, but I did not like it as well. Well, hope I did not totally confuse you....didn't realize there was so much to do to have a baby huh...?? LOL That is why it is so amazing to me how many people just get pregnant without any effort, but from this website I have found that there are so many woman in the same boat as I am in......


Kristi - October 26

So so long on the previous post.... ;-)


Shawna - October 26

Wow, thanks Kristi! Perhaps I will try the bbt. I am also thinking that I should get my hubby checked as well. We are both 28 and healthy, however, my father-in-law had some problems when he was 29 and they weren't able to conceive again. You are right. I know it isn't my fault, but we want another child so bad, just like everyone else on this forum! I definitely need to lighten up! I'm so glad halloween is coming! I love the excitement of the day! Perhaps I will have to get a naughty little costume for the evening!!! Thanks for making me feel better! Well I have to give my son a bath, so I will check back tomorrow to see how everyone is doing. Thanks!!!


MONICALIA - October 27

hey ladies - update: No AF yet... I had a crazy situation last night where DH & I BD'd - I went to urinate after the fact & had some lotiony clots w/ red streaks in them end up in the toilet... I wiped & turned up some light pink. Strange right? So as I was leaning over the toilet looking - 6 drops of blood spilled out (Im sorry this is tmi) on the floor... I sat down on the toliet again & wiped - nothing turned up. I assumed this was the start of AF & she'd be here ASAP. I urinated a few times throughout the night before bed & nothing - not even a tint! So, I went to sleep about 10:30 - I woke up to a vivid dream of DH & I in the living room going thru paperwork? -He said to me "youre pregnant Monica" - I asked "what, how do you know" & he smiled.... So - I wake up @ 3:30 to this dream & try to shave it off & go back to sleep - I couldnt. I got up made some tea & tried to lay back down. It was like I was convinced that I'm PG, my mind raced for hours thinking about everything from A-Z... I finally went back to sleep at 6:30 - got up @ 8 & have been thinking about it nonstop... I dont think I can wait any longer here. Still I am so worried about a - - - & feel that maybe AF is on the way & I'm loosing my mind here! Lol - I have a conference this afternoon, am exhausted & totally mentally pre-occupied with this.... I am going to CVS now, even if the test is a - - - atleast my mind will be at ease somewhat. I dont know why - but I feel NERVOUS - my dream really shook me up & now I cant turn the mind off from this. I've heard that you it's better with morning urine / 4 hours of build up so - shold I wait? I'm not sure I can - better buy the double pack! I'm on pins & needles!!!! I'll post as soon as I test, Monica


Oops - typo - October 27

Lol - I meant "shoving" it off - not "shaving it off" -lmao :)


Kristi - October 27

Wow Monica, I am feeling for you girl! You are going crazy!! LOL I know you dont want to see a - - -....... buuutttt, wouldnt it be better to know one way or the other than to keep torturing yourself?? I can't wait to hear what you find out and I will be praying for a big +++ for you!! Good luck!


Kristi - October 27

Glad I could be of some help Shawna. They will probably want to test your husband before they do much of anything.....my husband was tested and his little guys are slightly on the lazy side, but they said they were not too concerned about it at this point. I may have to steal your naughty costume idea for myself as well!! LOL


Kristi - October 27

Stevie, do you have any news for us yet??? ;-)


stevie - October 27

ok ladies I have news... I got the blood test back... BFP!!!! I'm so excited! I knew it, just had a feeling, and I know this baby will be healthy ( I'm doing daily affirmations). I just want to let all of you know to hang in there. I know how hard this is, but don't get down. Tell yourself "It may not happen today, but it will happen". I tried for 14mos., barely ever had a period (had to take provera to start my cycle for the clomid) metformin, clomid... and it finally happened for me. Those of you on clomid, maybe you should ask your Dr. to up your mg's... I was on 100mg (2 pills a day, days 3-7). I wish you all the best... baby dust to all of you!


Kristi - October 27

Congratulations Stevie!! I am so excited for you! I hope you will keep posting and keep us all updated on your progress through your pregnancy! Best Wishes and send some baby dust our way!!! ;-)


MONICALIA - October 27

Hey Kristi - Thanks. I took a test - BFN... I knew it would happen - damnit! I really psyched myself up & thought maybe - just maybe.... The dream didnt help me any! Well, like I said - now atleast I can be somewhat more "reassured" now I've just got to figure out why if AF missing in action?! I suppose now that I tested - she will be here shortly.... I will keep you posted :(


MONICALIA - October 27

Stevie - That's wonderful!! BFP confirmed! CONGRATULATIONS & please keep us posted as news unfolds! Cheers, Monica



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