waiting for NO AF on 23 OCT...anybody like to join
104 Replies
stacy - October 24

hi stevie.. congrats.. & be positive.
can u please tell me that whether ur BD everyday or everyother day.....


MONICALIA - October 24

STEVIE - THIS IS WONDERFUL!! We are all praying for you! I read thru the thread again to refresh myself about your PCOS & med cycle & wanted to tell you that your story is so INSPIRING! Heres to 9 months from now to forever - CONGRATS! Please keep us posted!


Oh & Stevie... - October 24

I hope this isnt too personal - did you experience implantation bleeding & / or lotiony CM?!?! Just wondering b/c I've heard so much about implantation bleeding being common as well as a lotionly discharge being a PG sign - I've had the lotiony CM issue for the past 2 days...


MONICALIA - October 24

piya, Kat, D. Brown, nina, Jess,:::::: Any news / updates?! Please share if you'd like to! Hope everyone is well - BABY DUST!!


Kristi - October 24

Stacy, not to bug in on your question to Stevie, but we had talked about this a little bit as well, and she said they BD'd every other day. Are you on clomid or any meds? How long have you been TTC? I am also on clomid (50mg) and my dr had told us every other day as well so that it gives the little guys time to rebuild between BDing ;-)...... I too would also love to hear from piya who started this thread I believe....and everyone else too????


stacy - October 24

thanx kristi,iam ttc 7 mths,yeh i just started clomid 50mg.


Kristi - October 25

Stevie have you found out anything yet? How about you Monica, how are you doing? Anyone else any news?? I started my second round of Clomid today.....Baby Dust!


stevie - October 26

Hi all. Sorry I haven't been able to respond... I'm super busy at work. I went for the blood work yesterday. Don't have the results yet, but I'm starting to feel more positive... they say a line is a line no matter how faint. Plus still no AF, really sore boobs, bloated and slightly crampy. I just have a feeling. I'm a bit worried though... my job is very physical and because of the PCOS I'm at a higher risk. I don't want to jeopardize this! To answer your questions: we BD'd everyother as Kristi said. I didn't have implantation bleeding or thick CM. How 'bout you guys... any news?


Shawna - October 26

Hi Ladies, may I join your group? I love how supportive you are of one another! I am looking for some reassurance and support too. I stopped taking bcp in April after 5 .5 years. Because I am a teacher we were hoping to conceive in September for a June baby. Since April I have had 3 periods. My dr explained to me that it could take up to a year for a regular cycle. This is frustrating to us because we didn't have any problems getting pregnant with our son. Anyway at my last appt my dr suggested if I didn't get my period within a month that he would like to put me on clomid. We have mixed feelings about this. Also, for the past 2 weeks I have had a wierd pink/brown/red cm. Is this normal? The dr said with this cm I should expect my period shortly, but it hasn't arrived. I'm going nuts!!! Help!!!!


Kristi - October 26

Hi Shawna, Welcome! I'm sorry I can't help you much on your situation, when I went off bcp quite a long time ago and my AF never stopped during or after bcp. From what I have read from other threads most people get a shot of progesterone or something to kick start thier AF after having been on bcp. I don't know that I have ever heard of anyone starting clomid when they are not having AF though as clomid is to help you ovulate, not have AF.... but of course I am not a Dr., so I don't know.... ;-) Keep us posted!!


Kristi - October 26

Stevie, can't wait to hear what you find out!! I am really excited for you! I would probably talk to the Dr. about your work situation and see what they think. Will your job allow you to ease up on any of your work or anything? Good luck and lots of baby dust!! Actually if it turns out how we all hope, YOU will have to send your magic baby dust to all of us!!! LOL ;-)


Shawna - October 26

To Kristi: I think my dr wants to put me on clomid because we are trying to get pregnant, so if clomid helps start ovulation that is exactly what I want. To be perfectly honest it would be great if AF stayed away longer, if I could ovulate without having a period, but I don't think this is possible. How do you feel taking clomid? Any horrible side effects? Anyone else taking clomid hear and are willingly to share their feelings before taking it. How long has everyone been ttc before going on clomid? Thanks*****Shawna


Kristi - October 26

Shawna, I am on my second month of Clomid - just started it again yesterday - 50mg. I take one pill a day on CD 3-7. I also took Clomid for 3 months about 10 years ago with my first marriage. I don't remember any side affects back then, but this time I am experiencing some hot flash type moments and at ovulation was more emotionally sensitive than normal, but it only lasted like a day. The hot flash things are just kinda off an on, but nothing bad. I did have some weird popping or bubbly feelings in my stomach last month, but I had not been feeling well anyway, so don't know if it was that or the clomid. My Dr. told me she had one patient that said it felt like there was popcorn popping in her stomache and that is similar to what I felt. Only lasted a few hours one evening and I don't remember what day of Clomid I was on when it happened. If you read up a few posts, Stevie is also on Clomid and was experiencing some of the emotional side affects as well that we discussed. I would not call any of the side affects horrible and none of them seem to last for more than a day or so. I read somewhere that most of the side affects will go away after you have been on it for awhile. Is there something specific you are worried with about taking Clomid? The only side affect my Dr. warned me about was the mood changes and like i said the only time i noticed any was when I ovulated. I was never worried with the Clomid, its if we have to get into more potent fertility drugs that scare me! They say with Clomid your chances of twins is higher, but usually no more than two and from what I have read, that is even very slim. We only recently started actively TTC but we have not used any kind of protection for 3 years, so my Dr. started me on Clomid right away. Have you been keeping your temps or anything or OPK's? I dont know if you can ovulate and not have AF??


Kristi - October 26

Monica, how are you doing? ;-)


MONICALIA - October 26

Hey Ladies! & Welcome Shawna! Sorry I couldn’t post yesterday – My Update: Still NO AF!! Boobs are heavy & full – not sore, but the area where breast meets armpit is so sore – almost a strained feeling… Very uncomfortable. What’s up with that?! I am having off & on cramping – feeling like AF is here but no signs at all of even the slightest pinkish anywhere. I checked my cervix & it’s high. I’m still having this creamy / lotiony CM. & I know this may be TMI but I’m very gassy… How embarrassing! So – that’s the scoop – no AF, off & on dulling / cramping, sore breastplate meets armpit thing going on, lotiony CM & gas! My emotions are all over the place & I’m assuming my restroom detective role in scanning for any signs of anything!! Ah – I hate this. I am trying not to get my hopes up. I always do this where I start to convince myself that maybe – just maybe & BAM – AF comes! It’s the never failing omen to take the HPT & get AF the next day so as I sit here & do my best to relax & hold myself back from testing – part of me says let’s get this on with already – go but the test, get the period & try for month 14… If something doesn’t happen by close of Friday – I’m getting up first thing Saturday morning & taking a HPT! God – I wish this would just be the month… It’s like I was monitored by my RE & saw the follicle, saw the blood tests – BD right on time & had the follow up Progesterone test to show that Yes – I ovulated. Yes - the follicle released the egg. Yes – we BD’d on time… I’m praying to god that AF stays MIA & I can pull a BFP… Here’s to the rest of you ladies ***BABY DUST*** Please report where you are in this! Is anyone waiting w/ me?!?!? Cheers, Monica


Kristi - October 26

Monica, you have more control than I do....a day late and I would have been taking the HPT!!! Good luck and keep us posted!!!! Maybe you and Stevie will be the ones to give the rest us hope!!!!



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