wondering about a HSG
112 Replies
ciara - October 4

kim and marymo - i read that vitex, red clover and dong quai are very good for regulating your hormones and improving your cycles. i have taken them though of course i can't say that they are a success as i haven't conceived yet but i have read a lot of success stories on those. i know that ovulex contains those and a lot of people prefer to take those natural supplements individually so you know exactly what you are taking. However i read that some of these supplements may cause uterine contractions too so you should only take them until you ovulate. they are worth a try and taking them won't cause any harm as long as you take the recommended amounts. hope you girls are well and that AF is not going to visit you this month!


kim d - October 6

hey marymo, hey ciara. well my af is starting, should be full force by tonight or tomorrow. where i was once excited to start the clomid i am now scared. i'm not thinking positively about it anymore, i'm thinking what if it doesn't work where will i be then? and we all know what everyone just loves to tell us don't we???? "just relax and it will happen!!!" i'm really sorry your HSG was that painful ciara. so was mine, i went thru all that pain only to find out that it didn't even work! (read a couple posts above, i just can't relive it!!! hahahaha). marymo, hope your son's tooth has come out and he got that visit from the toothfairy!! good luck (for your dh!!) with the fertilaid, keep me updated! have a good weekend!! and ciara, marymo and i are out for the not-waiting-for-af-to-show, but good luck to you!! kim.


marymo - October 7

Hey Kim. AF has left the building!!!!!!(Ha) hopefully I wont see her next month. We havent got the Fertilaid yet in the mail (seems like its taking forever to get here). Dont be worried taking the Clomid. It may be the thing to help you get pregnant. I know its scary, my girlfriend was on it and inside of three months got pregnant. I wasnt sure if she had many side effects from it, I dont think she did. Yes, he lost his tooth yesterday at school, FINALLY!!!! The toothfairy was very generous. She paid more than when I was a kid. (Ha). Do you start the Clomid after AF? It would be nice if we both got BFP this month, we would have July babies!!!! have a good weekend. Keep me posted.


kim d - October 7

hey marymo. congrats on the tooth!! ya, i really hope this is our month, a july baby would be fun. she/he would be between the bf's and mines b-day. i have always wanted a fall baby but at this point i shouldn't be picky!!! man, when is the fertiaid going to get here???!!! i'm going crazy here wanting to know how you two are doing on it!!! i start the clomid on day 3 of actual bleeding (sorry tmi) right now it's still just spotting. my af's have been wonky since the surgery, a couple months i would spot for 2 weeks then have a 1-2 day af, then the last 2 months they have been very heavy for the first 2 days then peter off into nothing. hopefuly my anxiety doesn't throw this af off and i get a cut and clear one. have a super weekend marymo!!! thanks for the uplift!!! kim.


marymo - October 8

Hi Kim. Its here!!!! The Fertilaid came yesterday. My dh couldnt believe how big the pills are. (they do look like horse pills)! Like I said, at this point Ill try anything. Between the pills and my prayers, hopefully the Good Lord will bless us soon. Hey I wanted to ask, and I hope Im not being too nosey, and let me know if its none of my business, but did the cyst hurt when you had intercourse with your bf? before you got it removed? My girlfriend at work has been having painful intercourse, (has two kids already) went in and had an ultrasound and found a cyst on one of her ovarys. She said they arent going to do anything about it, the birth control pills should help? I cant figure out why she would want to be in pain all the time and not have it removed? and then her doc said if she got pregnant the pain and cyst would go away? sounds weird. I was just wondering if that was the same story with you? Well Kim I will definitely keep you posted on dh. keep in touch.


kim d - October 9

hey marymo. yes sometimes the cyst would hurt depending on positions, i guess!! if she's on BC then it should go away on it's own. cysts usually go away after like 3 cycles. i could have gone on BC inthe early stages of my cyst (BC shrinks the cysts) but didn't want to risk the chance that i might still be able to get pg with the cyst. does she know how big her cyst is? that too was a factor for me. when we first had the u/s, it was the size of a small orange, and we decided to just keep an eye on it with u/s's. it didn't stop growing or burst so when it got to 9cm and still wasn't pg we decided it was time for the thing to find a new home. so far it's the only thing i've been able to grow inside of me!!! oh, i think i may have had one before teh one i had removed. the bf and i were bd'ing and changed positions and heard this thing snap (and had quite a bit of pain along side of the noise) and i'm thinking that it was another cyst that we broke just from moving around all weirdly. how long has she had the pain and how big is her cyst? like i said, if she's on BC then it should just go away on its own or they'll just keep an eye on it with u/s's. YEAH!!!!! the fertilaid is here!!! keep me updated!! my af is still not here, just having spotting for the past 4 days. knew this would happen. i probably got myself worked up about this clomid that now i'll have to wait another month to actually get to try it because my af is screwed up. here's hoping i actually get an af this month!!!! well, i have to get started on my stuffing for turkey dinner tonight. great news on the fertilaid, are you going to take it as well? let me know!! kim.


marymo - October 10

Hi Kim. DH started the Fertilaid, so well see how it goes. Im still debating on doing it or not. My cycles are regular, so I dont know if it would screw anything up with me? but I dont think if it would hurt anything either? I dont know. Being a nurse, Im always thinking of the medical problems or side effects that come with medications/supplements. Sometimes its worse, because I know too much. I remember having my kids and being hooked up to the monitors and knowing exactly what they were doing and what everything meant. In a way it was good, but scary all the same. Im not sure how big my girlfriends cyst was, Ill have to ask her. I know she would like to have another baby, but her DH absolutely does not. So Im not sure whats she gonna do. So, you might have to wait another month with the Clomid? Has your periods always been spotty or just after the surgery? That would have to be frustrating. (Oh, by the way, I got a kick out of your Baby Gap shopping spree). (HA). !!!! They do have adorable clothes. Well Kim, Ill keep you posted on the Fertilaid. Im keeping my fingers crossed. Keep in touch.


kim d - October 10

hey marymo. i could see how being a nurse could be helpful and scary at the same time. when i went in for my surgery, the anesthesiologist started to tell me what they were going to to do me and i had to tell him to stop. it's much better being ignorant and not knowing sometimes!! i think you're right too, now that i think about it with just having your dh on the fertilaid. man, i had a bad night last night. i think it's from not getting my af, which by the way have been weird since the surgey. when i started tracking them in june, i had 2 wks of spotting and 2days of af (where it was actually red) same for july, in august it was 1 week late but i think that was because we went to las vegas the day i was supposed to get it. got it the day we got home and it was really heavy and bright red, no real lead up to it. the same thing in sept happened again. i'm not really sure what to do about this. i've been spotting on and off from friday, i feel like i'm totally going to get it, i've got all my af symptoms but nothing's ever there. i'm really down lately about this whole thing. we don't have anything wrong with us, why aren't we getting pg? what am i going to do if it doesn't happen in the next 1/2 year or year? i'm in a job i'm really not liking, i have a big mouth so EVERYONE knows we're trying and it's not happening, i had everything riding on this, it's all i've ever wanted. i don't know what to do anymore, you know? i'm sorry, i'm just really down right now, i don't mean to get you down too. i don't know how this happened- i was totally excited and positve last week or whenever i had my appnt, i guess i'm just thinking about it too much. again, i'm sorry marymo!!! i'll chat with you later, on a more upbeat note!!! kim.


ciara - October 10

hi kim. i know how you feel, it's so difficult to stay positive all the time and think that this will be the month. But try to keep your chin up. it will happen eventually, some of us have to wait longer than others. i dont know when it will happen for me and i feel like time is just ticking away and infertility is taking over my life. we are giving it another 3 months then we will try IVF.


kim d - October 10

hey ciara, thanks!! it's nice to know that there are others who are going thru the same things, huh?! you and your dh have been trying for about 1 1/2 yrs? you're lucky that you're thinking about IVF, the bf doesn't want to consider it until we've tried for a couple more!! i don't know how much more of this i can take. i just really feel as though i'm going crazy sometimes. i wouldn't wish infertility on my worst enemy. so the clomid didn't work for you? and you two don't have a solid reason that you're not able to become pg, aside from your dh's motility being a bit low? it's almost worse than having something prohibiting pregnancy isn't it? well i hope i haven't bummed you out as well ciara!! guess i'm still not out of this funk. hopefully i'll have snapped out of it the next time we talk!! kim.


Maren - October 10

Hi, hope you don't mind if I jump in. I had my HSG today. And, yes it was painful! But, my dr. did it and fortunatly it was very quick, about a minute to get a picture. I don't know if I could have lasted five minutes! I had light bleeding and minor cramping. Fortunatly tubes are clear and things looked good. Now I have two options my dr. said. I can try a laparoscopy, minor surgury, to see if anything else is going on. Or, I can try injections. My HSG and the laparoscopy are covered by insurance for irregular periods, but injections aren't. If no BFP, which the dr. said we only had about 3-4% chance of on our own. :( then next month I am going to make my laparoscopy apt., I don't want to go on the injections and have them be a waste b/c something else is wrong. I am scared though because the dr. said the injections give me about 20-25% chance. Good luck to you all, it seems we are all in about the same place.


marymo - October 11

Hi Kim and everyone. Kim, Im sorry your so down, I know exactly how your feeling. Actually, I sometimes dont think I should even be on this forum because I have two children already, and my heart is so sad for all these women out here who have been trying and trying so long for their first baby!!!! you know what I mean? All I know is everything happens for a reason, we may not know the big picture yet, but it all comes together in the end. Please stay positive, and trust me, I know thats so hard sometimes. But it will happen. Like I said for me, I work with babies all day, I can count 7 women, including the pediatrician I work with, who have been pregnant and have had babies all in the time me and my DH have been trying. I cry alot in my pillow at night. But I try and keep a positive attitude or I WILL go crazy. Im praying for you Kim. Let me know how your doing and keep in touch.


kim d - October 11

hello maren, i'm not totally sure what a lap is though i've heard the term quite a bit around here. i'll have to look it up so that i converse intelligently with you!!! marymo, thank you so much for your kind words. it's strange how we can have such compassion for one another and not really know the other. the world needs more of that, you know??!! i don't want you to ever think that you shouldn't be on this forum. we are going thru the same thing, just our circumstances are different. and really, i can't tell whose is worse!! me, never having had kids and wanting my first so badly, or you knowing the joys of children and for some reason not being able to concieve again right away. i think it's a pretty good tie wouldn't you? i'm actually dying to get my af, isn't that ridiculous?? man, this whole infertility thing is screwed up!! well, i've got to sign off for tonight, i will check back in tomorrow afternoon, hopefully in a more positive light! thank you again marymo. it means a lot to know there is someone i can talk to about these things!! kim.


Maren - October 11

A laparoscopy is a procedure where the dr. sticks a tiny probe in around your belly button and checks out your ovaries and other reproductive organs to see if everything is ok, scarring etc...if there is a problem they fix it that day. It is a outpatient surgury and takes about 3 days to recover. Keeps me from wasting money no meds if there is no reason.


ciara - October 11

hi girls, hope you're all doing ok. having unexplained fertility is the worst, there's nothing that can be fixed and we just have to rely on luck! Maren - i was thinking of a lap next but my Dr did not think it was necessary at this stage as we have only been trying 1 1/2 years - in fact she doesn't even want us to have IVF for at least another 6 - 12 months, and just thinks we should try naturally as there is nothing fundamentally wrong with us apart from DH having low motility - but even that is not that bad according to the Dr, it's not so low that it would stop us getting pregnant. i've just got to the stage where i don't know what to do at all. i am on my 3rd and final month of clomid so waiting to see what this month will bring. i am hoping that we can start IVF procedure in January if nothing happens. Maren - how did your RE work out that you only had 3 -4% chance every month? sometimes i just lose the will to do anything, every single person i know that said they were trying have all got pregnant or had their baby already. i had told a couple of people that we were trying but i have know told them that we have stopped trying because i just don't want them to ask if i'm pregnant yet - which we get a lot anyway because we have been married a couple of years and everyone thinks we should have kids by now anyway! i could be in a really good mood and someone asking me that will just ruin the whole day for me!


Maren - October 11

Ciara, I know how you feel. I have told just a few people, my sister and one friend also trying to conceive (although she is in her 40's and she hasn't gotten any BFP's either) And, I don't talk to the frequently about it at all. My parents live 10 minutes away, I have mentioned even trying, I just don't think I can deal with the pressure. I am thinking about telling them about the lap, since it is a surgery... but I may not. I have no urge what so ever to tell them. Do you think I should, I don't like really taking about it, it would probably make me cry. We have been trying about a year and 4-5 months. We are both under 30 (just under but still) and healthy and the dr. seems to think we should have conceived by now if we were going to naturally. Which is fine because I am tired of waiting. I know that we have timed things well and it gets so frustrating when nothing happens. My lap is covered by insurance, so I figure it can't hurt to investigate and make sure nothing is damaged. I definatly want to see before trying any kind of serious medication. The nurse said it was not that invasive and the recovery wasn't bad....and I know my dr. is very good, so I am going to give it a try. He didn't seem to believe HSG's cleared the pipes well enough to spontaneously get pregnant afterwards, although I have heard it can happen.



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