what does IFV stand for?
3 Replies
lakensmom - February 25

Sorry im new at this. What does IVF stand for? Please check out my forum my title is "Im new here." Thanks for any input. :)


kelsmi - February 25

In Vitro Fertilization - they stimulate your follicles to produce many eggs, remove them from your ovaries and fertilize them, and then transfer the embryos back into your uterus after several days of development (choosing the best ones to transfer back).


lakensmom - February 25

Thanks Kelsmi! Whats your story? Like I said Im new and would love to chat! But it will be in the morn b4 i can log back in.


kelsmi - February 26

Well, I went off of birth control back in March (almost one year ago) and knew something was wrong when I didn't get my period after 2 1/2 mos. of waiting. You see, I had been on the pill for the past 9 or so years and only went off b/c we wanted to start having kids. We have been married for almost 6 years now, have the house of our dreams, etc... My gyno couldn't figure it out, so he sent me to a fertility specialist who discovered on my first visit there (and after an ultrasound) that I have PCOS - Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome. My eggs start to mature every month, but then due to a hormonal imbalance, they do not fully mature and rupture, causing pockets (cysts) on my ovaries. So, I never ovulate and never get a period. We tried Clomid, but nothing happened. Now we've done IVF for 2 cycles, both failed, but I'm going into my 3rd cycle this week actually! We're trying a new protocol, so I'm encouraged...they keep telling me that everything's there for it to work - we just need a better egg quality. I'm also only 29, so age is on my side...for now! This is just SO the desire of my heart! It's such an emotional journey. So, that's my story. Again, I'm starting this week with my stimulation shots. I'm sort of dreading it b/c it's so hard physically, but I also am excited at the mere prospect of it working this time!



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