TTC in November Through Friendship and Support - Part 3
285 Replies
mommy2josh - November 29

Thanks guys, but BIL's prognosis isnt too good. He had a surgery on his head last night and it lasted well over 4 hours when it should have lasted 2. He is currently in a coma and doctor advised my SIL that if she believes in god she needs to pray. Needless to say DH is flipping out and I wish I knew what to say. I myself dont deal with loss well. Welcome Chrystina. I'll be back later. Love ya all. Thank you again for your support.


J.D. - November 29

good morning girls wow this thread is sooooo loooooooooooooooong hint,hint ;-) wecome chrystina!! be back tonight


J.D. - November 29

uh.........that should be welcome ;-) mommy2josh-so sorry to hear that about your BIL


kelley32 - November 29

Morning ... TANYA, I will continue to keep you BIL in my thoughts today. Welcome Chrystina!! Hi to everyone else ... going back to bed, feeling really crampy, I'll post after my doctor's appt which will be a bit after supper time. Have a great day.


javidsgirl - November 29

tanya your bil and your family aare in my prayers with the power of prayer god will do his wonderful work


mommy2josh - November 29

Well girls CD51 and AF finally showed. I am so happy. I went for a smoke break and told my coworker that I am having slight cramps, hopefully I''ll get AF sson. No sooner did the words come out of my mouth when I felt her come. I am glad I didn't have to take anything to bring her on. :)


cmelissa - November 29

Hey ladies - well my appt went well this morning. My lining is 9.2 and i have 19 follies brewing right now - still all under 10 right now so i hope they continue to grow and i have a bunch of mature ones for the ER - looks like it will be on the 5th or 6th!! YEAH! Waiting to hear back today on my e2 levels! ! I'm excited i have my accupuncture appt tomorrow for the 1st time - anxious to see how it goes!! Leslie gl tomorrow at your appt and also gl this saturday!! Hope you have your little one soon!! Ilove snow - wish it would snow here so i could get off work, haha! Oh my email is [email protected] so be sure to email me pics of your new bundle!! JD so sorry you are having a bad day - nothing worse then being woken up!! Welcome Chrystina!! Pooh - wow a x-mas baby how nice that will be right in time for the holidays!! You better send pics out too!! Javidsgirl - yeah a +, sounds very promising!!! mommy2josh - wow i dont even know what to say, but that i'm so sorry about your bil, how horrible - i will pray for him too! Congrats on AF finally showing - whats next?


bl - November 29

Tanya, I'm keeping your BIL and your family in my thoughts. Cmel, It sounds like everything went well at the dr app. I hope those follies continue to grow. Christine, enjoy your time away from school. I know all to well how stressful it was to have everything prepared for maternity leave. Jd, I'm sorry about the job. Is there anything else that sounds promising? Kelley, let us know how your app goes. It really sounds like something is going to happen soon. I'm excited for all you pregos who are ready to pop!! It seems like it is sooo far away for me. Tanya, yeah on the arrival of a/f!


bl - November 29

Javids, If you get b/w you will have a definite answer the same day. It sounds good though!


mommy2josh - November 29

Melissa, my next step is an RE appointment on the 13 of December. Awesome news about follies and lining. Hope they grow big but not too big.:)


javidsgirl - November 29

bl we don"t get our b/w results the same day here it usualy takes a day or 2 i guess that is what you get with free health care i wished i could get the results the sameday like you guys that would be so awsome. congrats on af tanya atleast you body reg"ed to 51days


mommy2josh - November 29

Tan, is you hubby getting excited?


javidsgirl - November 29

yes tanya he is but he like me having a hard time accepting as being true after all our loses and road blocks i guess we are just trying to protect our hearts


Rhonda - November 29

Hello everyone how are you doing?Tanya im so very sorry to hear about your bil i know it is horrible.It is a very sad thing to have to deal with.All you can do is pray and put it all in gods hands.Tanya2 your pg your pg i just know you are,my fingers are crossed for you.Still no news on a job for Mark and im praying so hard he finds one.We receive food stamps so we dont go without food.Chrystina welcome these girls here are the best women you will find on this forum,they are very sweet and caring.Hellos to all of you.Katt im glad your in better spirits than the other day.Robyn i wish your job would lighten up on you,i know it has to be stressful,hows the kitten?Kelley i hope your doing better.hugs to all of you.


ROBYN - November 29

Hey girls, TANYA I am sooooo sorry about your BIL your family is in thoughts. Congrats on AF funny how you just mentioned it and it shows up. TAN - girl you are so pregnant!! RHONDA the kitten is a friggin terrorist I swear LOL. He is a monster we love him to do death but he is so not innocent he can be evil!!! He peed last night behind the entertainment center we heard some popping noises we moved everything the shit head peed on the surge protector. Some sparks start flying out I thought we were gonna have a fire. Thank God we were home. So I am still cramping I am nervous I have been told this is all normal I also go in tomorrow morning for my progesterone level check I hope that goes well. I cant wait till next Thursday I just wanna know already and of course my negativity comes thru and just dont think I am pg. If I was I would only be 2 weeks they count the day of the retreival as ovulation day then you go from there. Then with the transfer the embryos were already 3 days old so I just have to hope they implanted I cannot stand this waiting. Anyway I am gonna go lie down all i want to do is eat, eat, eat did I say eat. Thats the only thing that is not normal for me. I ate 2 jars of pickles the other day and drank the juice YUCK. Anyway will check in a few. Hi to everyone CYAS


Katt - November 29

hi girls! for anyone who says there are no side effects on 50mg of Clomid are definitely not sensitive to meds, lol I am only on day to and it totally enhances your mood, be it happy or sad and believe me a sad enhanced mood is not a good thing. I have had a day from boss no more than called me a liar which is interesting because I am the first person to tell on myself and the identity theft hit home because the bank hasnt credited my account yet and to top it off we have no debit card to go out to dinner on our 3 yr wedding anniversary today! I went to the bank to w/drawl money but we really can't use it. Just a sucky day. Oh and my husband has the audasity (sp) to say today doesn't mean anything it's just another day!!! So of course I went into a crying tizzy, lol I swear I balled for like 30 minutes! Wacko, lol. eh we worked it all out I think we're still going to dinner, but may wind up as always in iur rooms watching our TV. It's sad, 7 years and we're the old married couple at 3 years, lol OKay I am gonna go read. brb



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