89 Replies
Readyfor#3 - April 30

Thank you girls for being so sweet. I don't understand why Amy thinks that this thread is not right for me? Explain please. I joined in based on the TOPIC which is TTC IN APRIL THROUGH FRIENDSHIP AND SUPPOR. So as far as see, I htink I fit right in. I am ttc and it is April, isn't it? And I was also looking for some support since thins is my first cycle and I don't know anyone who took clomid before, so no one to talk to and relate things.


na25 - April 30

Hi Robyn, Katt, wannabemom,NicoleM, Kelley, mommy2josh, slowpoke01, Rhonda,LeslieK, amygirl, NB and everyone else. How is everyone? I have to update you about my case LOL. Well i got my hcg shot on 04/20/ and i belive i ovlated on 04/21 or 04/22. Dr cd i had to folicals ready. She told me to test 14 days after 04/22/ and i should either get bfp or period. (that would be 05/05). I bought a test today and got light BFP. Now i am pretty sure it is from hcg shoot, but i hope


slowpoke01 - April 30

READYFOR#3- i have taken clomid for 3 months. i ovulated on cd 13 or 14 but when i used the trigger shots they triggered around cd 11 or 12. i also had bad mood swings while on clomid and terrible hot flashes so look out for those. most of my symptoms started at the end or after i took clomid. what days did you take clomid? i took it on cd 3-7 and then did follicle growth studies where they do ultrasounds to watch the eggs grow and when they got to about 18-25 they gave me the hcg trigger shot to trigger ovulation. are you doing any of that? anything else that you need to know just ask we will try to help you out as much as possible. i dont take clomid every month i take it every other month. i got pregnant on the 2nd try but had to terminate because it was a tubal pregnancy. after the 3rd try we decided to take a break that was in dec so we are starting back in may as soon as a/f "aunt flo" shows up. good luck to you and take care.


na25 - April 30

lol i meant 2 folicals...God pls let it be it. BFPsssssss to all of us this month :)


na25 - April 30

Welcome "Readyfor#3!":)


na25 - April 30

Slowpoke you wrote:" took clomid on cd 3-7 and then did follicle growth studies where they do ultrasounds to watch the eggs grow and when they got to about 18-25 they gave me the hcg trigger shot to trigger ovulation. " This is exactly what i did this cycle. :) Today I am cd 26. Got that light hcg triger shot on cd 17. So it could be false bfp. :(


slowpoke01 - April 30

na-i thought the same thing in aug. that it couldnt be right. take an ovulation test and if it is dark then i would definitely say that it is real. that is what i was doing instead of hpt's i was using ovulation tests so that i wouldnt be tempted to test too early and then i noticed that the ovulation tests were getting darker and i took a hpt and got a + and it was a real +. then it turned out to be tubal a few weeks later but thats ok cause i am still able to try again. good luck to you. i hopw that it is the real deal


NB - April 30

Hey ladies! Let me read the posts and I will be right back! I finally have both kids down... for now!


NB - April 30

KATT_ We really aren't sure how old the cat is. We found him wandering around my parents neighborhood. When I took her to the vets for her shots, they estimated she is around 1 year old. I am not sure if she was an indoor or outdoor cat, but I am going to assume outdoors since that is where we found her. Atleast she was for the week she was wandering around before we brought her home! You crack me up with the "kiss of death" thing, you are too funny! Welcome READYFOR#3! I am not familar with clomid, as I never took that. I have two kids myself, a 4 year old and a 4 week old! I joined this thread last June while ttc. We were ttc #2 for 2 years and something finally worked... just not sure what! I was previously on the depo shot and I believe that is what screwed me up. I just made an appt to have the mirena iud inserted. I have heard terrible things about the copper one, sorry you had such a bad experience. I have heard great things about the mirena one, so hopefully it works well for me! Welcome to the group! AMYGIRL_ What is your problem? I sense a lot of negativity, and this thread doesn't need that. ROBYN_ Good luck with the HSG!!! We will be thinking about you! NA_ Good luck! I hope it is the real thing! Well, Maddi is fussing... that didn't last long! I should get off. Alrighty, talk to you in the morning!


wannabeamom - April 30

Hi girls! Jamie & Robyn, I found where my mistake was on caron's email. I added an extra R. Thanks. I think everyone covered the "you're not welcome here" situation. Welcome Readyfor #3. Robyn, I did not see the post. I will look for it. Thanks again! You are very good about helping put.Goodluck on the HSG.Na, GL! I hope you get pg!!! Oh, I am on cd5 and day 3 of follistim injections. That is it for me. Talk to you soon.


na25 - April 30

Readyfor#3 I am on clomid 2nd cycle. 100mg cd 2-9...This cycle as i wrote above i hcg trigger shot to trigger ovulation and also now i am on progesteron supplements...Last year in October i had a m/c...At that time i was on cloimd 50 mg second cycle and got pg. Got so happy at that time and soon after that m/c....Hope it works for ya! (((Robyn)))how are you???NB tx for support :), slowpoke i really hope this is it...Katt what's up :)....Hey, all of you rock here! Such a good feeeling to know that i have you here, someone who understands what ttc is all about :)


wannabeamom - April 30

Robyn, read the IVF thread. Thanks a bunch!!!


na25 - April 30

Sorry I meant clomid 2nd cycle. 100mg cd at least from now on I learned that I really have to check my text before I submit...too many mistakes...from all excitement about ttc...haha


slowpoke01 - April 30

ROBYN~~good luck on th hsg test. have you had one before, i dont remember. be sure to take some ibuprofen before you go and take some with you for after the procedure as well. RHONDA~~i sent you some info on the cat eating kittens thought it might be useful. also is mark still sick or has he gotten over that? how are the kids doing? i bet sophie is getting really big. WANNABE~~i dont know about injections personally because i havent done them or i would try to give you some info. sorry i couldnt help with that. NA- hope this is a real + for you. I usually got a - about day 8 after trigger shot. probably before that though but i never tested. depends on how much they gave you. my doc said that it is like lh it is in and out within a few days. good luck. do like i did use opk's and see what happens. KATT-how are you doing today? HOW is everyone else doing? well i am off to bed. long day planned for tomorrow. take care. ~Jamie~


ROBYN - April 30

Morning my wonderful friends wow alot of crap since i went to bed (: RHONDA - i almost peed myself you go girl you just speak your mind LOL. Curse away well you can to me i have a mouth like a truck driver LOL. KATT - oh girl i was so thinking of taking 2 xanax and 1/2 of vicoden for todays event. JAMIE - i had one last year it didnt hurt at all but then again i was pretty drugged up on some good stuff. NATASHA - ok... so you triggered on 4/20 how many units of the hcg if its 10,000 then you need 14 days truly for it to leave your system if its have of that then its like 7 days. So you are 9 days out since you posted last night honestly i would wait since its light it could very well possibly be the trigger shot when i did the clomid with trigger it literally lasted till like the 13-14th day and it would fade susbstantially so in you case if its darkening than it very well could be a bfp because obviously the trigger is leaving not staying. I personally since i am a test whore would test everyday just so you know whats going on with the hcg. TONS AND TONS OF LUCK. Readyfor #3, i am so glad you will stick around i am truly sorry someone said that to you. JAMIE (aka slowpoke) said it well most of us have been posting together for a year or close to that we have had our moments and we get thru them together as a group because we have built solid loving friendships with one another. KATHY - did her post help you at all? If not some girls will probably post more info to you today and i will copy and paste or tell you to read over there. Well Jason and I are going to meet with a investment company this morning where we placed my money from my job with when i resigned in March. So i am hoping for some good financial advice Jason has been with them for 10 years and hes doing well so i am sure we will invest my funds properly. My HSG is in the late afternoon so i will post much later about that but i will check in before that. Love yas. Hope i didnt miss anyone. ):


slowpoke01 - April 30

good morning girls. well i wrote a poem last night for all of us and i want to post it but first i wanted to see how everyone was doing. i have a busy day today. i have to go pay bills and i have to take jessies grandma to the doc and go order a camshaft position sensor for jessies dads pickup truck. i also have to go pick one horse u from being bred but thats only like a 20 minute drive. oh yeah girls i am so proud of myself. i could always pull the horse trailer but i have never backed it up. so this weekend i have backed it up into the parking spot i have for it 3 times. it took me a few tries but i am learning. i would always make sure that i parked in a spot that i could make a circle to turn around instead of having to back up so i am so proud of myself. that is a major accomplishment for me. however until i really can do it good i wont back it up in a spot where there are a bunch of cars or anything because i dont want to have to pay to fix someones thought that i would share that. now i will post the poem on another reply/ take care all and have a great day.



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