TTC Circle of Friends #11
92 Replies
dea - October 4

Bump-- CC: Thinking of you....~~DUST~~


dea - October 5

bump--- Ericka: How are you??? Any closer??


Cendy - October 6

Hi all! How is everyone? I am good. Still trying to adjust to three boys. Ericka, how are you doing? How many weeks now? Any signs of labor? You have any questions for me since I just went through it all? Dlongen, I sent you an email with the link to Wyatt's pictures. If anyone else wants to look just send me your email address. Mine is [email protected]. Well, I hope everyone is doing well. I have to feed Wyatt now. You all take care!!!! BABY DUST!!!


dlongen - October 6

Hi all - Cendy - thanks for the pictures! Wyatt is so cute and tiny! I love how he opens his eyes and then is like, what's this camera thing staring at me! Thanks for sharing. DEA - ERICKA -CC - TAMMY - LASHUNDA - how is everyone else doing? My stomach has expanded a ton the last few days. I found out Phoebe is head down now. I have a checkup today so will see what else is going on. I am excited to have a shower coming up the 3rd weekend in Oct. I can't wait to meet phoebe. ;-) Hope all is well with everyone else. Quiet thread lately!


HopefulK - October 9

Hi girls, hope everyone is doing ok. Not been on here a while, but just wanted to let you know an update. I just had my 12 week scan and all is well, in fact baby is measuring 12.4 (or 5) and jumping around like a jellybeant. Hope all the pg women are still doing well. I don't post a lot but do read loads. I think Erika is next to give birth right??? Well good luck and my only piece of advice would be don't be a hero and take the drugs ; 0 ). Belly rubs and baby dust to all. Updates on you'all would be good? xx


dea - October 9

Hi Girls!! I am 10 weeks. Had my first ob app't. I will be seeing her every two weeks for quite awhile. They are monitoring my cervix very closely to make sure it can hold the baby. HOPEFULK: I didn't realize we were so close in weeks!! ~~DUST and RUBS~~


dlongen - October 9

hi girls - HOPEFUL - how cool you've reached 12 weeks. Just two more weeks and you're in the 2nd trimester! Woo-hoo! This is great news for you. DEA- Why are they concerned about your cervix? Is this something dating back that I forgot about? I hope you both just keep swimming smoothly into the next stage of pregnancy. Hope everyone else is good. I am happy as a clam to have today off. :-) Not celebrating Columbus, but I'll take a holiday for whatever reason! I decided no more worries about labor or delivery, and I'm putting all the books away. I got a little freaked in baby class learning about all the potential risks with the various pain meds. My doctor cleared up some of the misinformation for me, and now i'm trying to free my mind. I swear - there really is such a thing as too much information sometimes. Phoebe is doing good. I guess she's about 4 lbs and 17 inches now. I believe it from how she feels inside my belly. It's getting tighter all the time, and the belching heartburn, backaches and other symptoms have definitely kicked up a notch. I'm still enjoying all of it - especially all her movements. We're 32 weeks now, so I'm guessing I'll meet her in 7-9 more weeks! Love to all.


Ericka - October 10

Hi all. Sorry I've been MIA for a while, but I have been super busy. Last Friday was my last day of work, so now I’ve been trying to get Sammy's things in order. I packed his and my bag today, so at least I got that out of the way. Two weeks ago my doc did an internal and told me I was 75% effaced and dilated to a finger tip, At least that's a start. I'm real uncomfortable and any movement I make is awkward. I'm also real tired of going to the bathroom every hour. I have 18 more days until my due date and I'm starting to freak out. It was around this time in her pregnancy that my SIL lost her daughter and I can't help but think about that. Dea, I too am curious about your cervix. I don't remember you mentioning there was a problem. Do you think you will be getting a cerclage? How are they monitoring it, just by internals or by u/s? I hope everything stays well and I'm glad they are keeping such a close eye on you. Hopeful, Congrats on 12 weeks. It sounds like your little one is doing great. Keep us updated on how you're doing. Dlongen, 32 weeks already, I didn't realize we were that close. I know what you mean about all the information on the pain meds. I would like to go without the epidural, but I'm not so good at handling pain, so I'll guess I have to wait and see what happens. I'm also scared that it is going to make my back pain even worse. Cendy and Lasunda, how are our new mommies doing? Oh well. Have a great evening ladies.


Ericka - October 10

That "oh well" was ment to go behind the epidural stuff.


dea - October 13

Hi All. A few years back I had a LEEP procedure to remove pre-cancerous cells from my cervix. So, the dr wants to make certain that it stays nice and tight. The nurse said that cerclages are not so common and that I probably wouldn't need one. But then I start to think- how can you tell?? But, it is some encouraging words. ERICKA: At least you can try to rest for a bit before Sammy gets here! If that's even possible! DLONGEN: I didn't realize you were that far along either... time sure does fly doesn't ladies?? Hope everyone one else is well... ~~DUST and RUBS~~


dlongen - October 13

he everyone - DEA - I'm glad they're keeping things in check with you. Hopefully it won't cause any problems for you. I don't know what a LEEP is, but I had to have cryotherapy on my cervix long ago, and don't seem to have any side effects from that. ERICKA - I'm excited that Sammy is coming so soon! Only 15 more days now. I get a little envious in my childbirth class because all the other mommies are so much closer to their due date than me. It's like being the youngest child! I feel much better about the epidural now that I cleared up some issues with my doc. My main concern is back pain as well, since I had back surgery years ago and have back spasms pretty regularly. She said the epidural would be the ticket for sure. And it DOES NOT lead to increased use of pitocin or other interventions. It only leads to risk of C-section when it is placed too early (before at least 4 cm dilation) and/or improperly. Most of the time, if a woman has to have a c-section, it is not because of the epi, just due to anatomy or other issues that can't be determined immediately. So, I'm all for it. I would LOVE to think I am strong enough to pop this baby out all-naturale, but I have big doubts. I guess that would all be different if I lived in a 3rd world country or somewhere where pain meds for birth weren't an option. I'm going to consider myself lucky on that front. :-) love to all - hope everyone else is moving along easily and/or enjoying the new babies! Happy bubbles to CC...


Cendy - October 14

Hi all! I just wanted to pop in a quick hello and to bump our thread up. I hope all is well on all baby fronts. I will try to post more later. Oh, I cannot believe Wyatt is a month old yesterday. It seems like he just should not be that old yet. Well, BABY DUST to you all!!!


dlongen - October 17

HI ladies - bumping us up. quiet thread lately. I guess I will vent to all of you safe eyes/ears that my sister in law is driving me insane. She asked my step-mother-in-law to write my thank you cards for the baby shower I'm having this weekend. I was stunned and offended. I told my stepmominlaw I would not allow her to do that, and I've never heard of such before. I have ALWAYS written thank you cards, so don't know where in the world this brilliant idea has come from. Furthermore, now my sis-in-law is moving the day before our family baby shower and has enlisted the entire family to help her move, including me and my DH (unbeknownst to me until I just received an email with our "shift schedule"). Unbelievable nerve this girl has. I may be being a little unkind and over-sensitive, but I think her planning sucks and now everyone is going to be exhausted and drained for the shower sunday at brunch. blah blah blah....thanks for the ears... I'm trying not to let the stress affect Phoebe. We finish childbirth classes tonight. I'm reading a good, but very old book about childbirth with no fear. It is pretty cool and I'm hoping it will help me have a calm and peaceful mindset about the pain I experience. DUST and belly rubs to all of you POSITIVE people.


dea - October 18

Another app't today- baby looks great and everything is moving along nicely. 12 weeks already- where does the time go?? Of course- for me it can't move fast enough! Tke care all-- ~~DUST AND RUBS~~


dea - October 18

DLONGEN: vent away- that's what we are here for!!! And, I have never heard of another person wrting thank you cards for the gift recipient. It does seems a bit impersonal--- good for you for sticking to your guns. ~~RUBS~~


dea - October 19

belly bump



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