75 Replies
Deby - January 4

Hey guys. Hope you had a great holiday!! Sorry I havent been online too much since I was not at work till just yesterday. Well the Clomid I guess was ok. NO side affects. I am 10dpo today and my bbs are soooo sore and I have been cramping for the past few days. Me did this happen to you when you were first pregnant? I know you have sore bbs, but wasnt sure when that started. I am due on Sunday and am so anxious!!! I hope this is it! LB - Glad the HSG didnt bother you!!! Hopefully know that will open the flood gates and you are on your way to your BFP!!!


me - January 4

Actually...YES it did! I got cramping like AF was coming, but no AF came. I continued getting cramping the week after AF was due, but was told it was ust the little guy implanting further. The boobs really kicked in the week AF was due and the week after. Sounds good! I so hope this is it for you! When do you test? My suggestsion is to not test until the day AF is due. I tested 4 days and 2 days before AF was due and got negatives. Save yourself the unecessary heartache and wait (if you can :). Keep me posted!


nila - January 5

is it true that every month Ovulation does not always occur.


Deby - January 5

Hey Me. I am just so afraid these symptoms are all from the Clomid. I had total af cramps last night..and am getting them again today. I am 11dpo today. I am due Sat or Sun so I wouldnt test till I was late like you said. Me I am scared to get excited..I really want this to be it!!!!!! Plus my temps arent as high as I thought they would be if I was prego. Check out my chart.... What were your temps like?


me - January 5

Well, to be honest, I didn't take my temp until after I thought I ovulated. My temps took a dip like yours and didnot get any higher than 98.3. They are still around there to this day, so they don't have to be sky high. Take a look at mine. Sorry it is half assed. :) I believe I Oed around day 17 and am convinced that the only time I had sex in the AM is what did it for me.
It sounds promising to me. I wouldn't believe I was pregnant until it was confirmed by my dr, so I know how you must feel right now! I so hope this is it for you! I expect an update the second you test!


LB - January 6

Hi ladies, deb those are great signs of being preg. I was pregnant last year and those were the same symptoms i got, and more like acne, creamy cm, and tooth ache / headache. Unfortunately i went into preterm labour at 24 weeks and lost the baby,so i am in the midst of trying again but my cycles are all over the place, it also took me a year before i got pregnant the first time. Keep us updated but i would wait til af dosn't show up that's when the symptoms really kick in but af cramps are good signs because i ran to the bathroom many times and only cm was there, take care ladies


me - January 6

sounds good to me :)


Deby - January 6

Thanks girls!!! I will be sure to let you all know what happens on Sunday!!!! I will test then in the am if my temps are still high. Me - Thanks for sending me your chart and info about the temps. Maybe mine will skyrocket tomorrow a little more :)


Deby - January 9

Hey guys. Guess what..I did it. I got my BFP on Sat. I cant believe it. How lucky am I to get it on my first round of clomid? I am so pyched. Thank you so much for your support!!!! You guys are the best. I just cant believe it! Bless you both for supporting me through all of this!!!!!


queen - January 9

Deb..CONGRATS!!!! I am so happy for you. I knew you would be getting one soon.


Deby - January 9

Thanks queen! I am so psyched! I went for my bw today and I cant wait to get the confirmation tomorrow!


LB - January 9

Congrats deb! i knew you would get your bfp this month, have an easy 9 months and keep us updated, i think my cycles are messed up lately so my doc is going to perscribe me clomid as well but i have to wait til my cycle starts, any advise? did you have side effects? and how soon did you ovulate when you took clomid? again sooo happy for you:


Deby - January 9

LB thanks!!! I am psyched. I will get my bloodtests back tomorrow. I started taking clomid on day 5 of my cycle up to and including day 9. I ovulated exactly 5 days after. I never had problem with was just taking forever for us to conceive. I had absolutely no side affects from the Clomid. Maybe a hot flash here and there..but very small! It really works so good luck. I hope you end up as lucky as I was and it works your first cycle! Thanks again for the congrats. I still cant believe it and probably wont till after I hear my bloodtest results!


me - January 10

I KNEW you could do it! I answered the other thread, but what's one more in this case?!? I am thrilled for you! You better keep me posted now and share your symptoms with me. :)


nila - January 10

I have been reading both forums for a while but didnt bother to engage, I am so Happy 4 u Deb I Been reading all your post along with me Happy 4 the both of you.


me - January 13

Thanks! How is everyone doing here? Any news?



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