The Best Mommies to be Part 9.... Stay Strong!
205 Replies
newmommy - April 7

No problem, TWhit! I hope all goes well! Sorry about the high bill. I also think insurance should all be required to pay at least partial of any infertility stuff. They should treat it like any other medical problem. NOT fair! Bina, it's so good to hear that all went well. I'm not surprised they decided to transfer all 3. Just think---you have your babies inside of you right now! K8, sorry 'bout AF, and sorry she's being such a b*tch! It is nice to know your plan though, huh? DH and I will definitely be BDing for the next 3 days! I already warned him! :-) Diem, thanks for the congrats! Yes, it is an earlier o than usual---which is nice! Sounds like you and I are close to the same cycle time right now. It's good that your body is still on normal schedule. I asked the nurses about getting an HCG trigger today since I got my +opk this morning. They said that since I already got a surge, then I don't need the trigger. I guess the LH surge is what triggers the release. So hopefully mine is strong enough to force the little eggie out this time! I feel good about it though. Last time I never was sure if it was a + or not. This time it was definite---both this morning and just now. So you know what my plans are this weekend!!!! :-) Gotta go for now---house guests!


diem - April 7

Well, dh went to the doc. He has scar tissue on his 'you know' and that's why "it" keeps getting injured. Pulling of skin I guess. He has an appt at the end of the month to get a little snip on the underside and once it heals he should be good as new. However, doc says no bding for a month. He "should" be healed by my next O. Although, it depends on my bloodwork results as to if we can bd or not. I hate this waiting game. We can't even bd without a condom right now. Seems like I can't remember the last time we HAD to use protection. Man I hate letting this o go without trying. Seems like such a waste. Bina, good news on your transfer. How long do you have to rest for? Are you bed ridden? If you are, put your dh to work :) Twhit, good luck on the SA. I'm so nervous that all of this testing i'm about to do is gonna cost a ton. I guess I should call the ins. company ahead of time just to see what I'm in for.


Lucky717 - April 7 yesterday we got news we were NOT expecting to hear. Instead of IUI we need to move to IVF. Reason: Endo. This condition causes a hostile enviroment for both egg & sperm. Therefore I could be releasing a perfectly healthy egg but it is not able to sustain itself due to the endo and the cells endo creates. Also the sperm can be attacked as well and not have a chance to make it to the egg if the egg has survived. Crazy. Shitty and way ridiculous. To those who have IVF covered I am sooooooo envious. NOTHING...NOTHING Is covered for us. Price tag for us to have a child with by no means no guarantees....$17,300. YAY! Sorry being sarcastic. That's for 3 fresh cycles of IVF. It's shared risk so I suppose that's somewhat comforting. IUI would probably be a waste of our time and $$ doc said. I haven't cried yet but man is it coming. First of all we don't have a spare $17,300 sitting around. We are already in a shitload of debt and to stack this on top of us would be crazy it seems. Not to mention if we have multiples we're screwed because daycare is easily 2 grand for two. So things would get interesting. I just feel so crazy with anxiety right now. I am scared to death about what all this means and about taking the chance. Why can't NC mandate coverage on this like the other states do?Wonder what we do in life to deserve the knocks we get? We are all such GOOD women with hearts of gold. Why do we have such obstacles to overcome to be mothers? Well I am going to talk to my mom today and just pour my heart out. I am so lost and have no inkling of what to do.


newmommy - April 7

Lucky, i am SO sorry. What a blow when it's so unexpected. Ugh! Have you looked into the ARC program? It helps finance IVF. I think they have a sharedrisk program which gives you 3 fresh cycles, and 3 frozen cycles (if you are able to freeze embryos from a cycle). I don't know a lot about it, but we do have some patients using it. Their website is: I just know things will all work out. (((HUGS))) Diem, sorry about DH! I imagine that's a sensitive surgery---poor guy! If they're snipping out scar tissue, doesn't that create a new scar by cutting into him? I agree with you about the condoms! DH and I tried using one to collect for his SA. We hadn't used one in 10 years! And even then we hated it and never used them! I think I may be "o"ing today! I couldn't tell very well, but I think my opk was probably negative, and my temp went down .1---so it should happen today. I've never had them before, but last night and this morning, I've had small pains on my right side which is where my follie is. Maybe it's o pain??? Can't wait to see what my temps do the next 2 days! DH and I BD'd the past 2 nights, and we will tonight and maybe tomorrow, too. Last night DH's dad and 2 brothers spent the night, but we still had to get the job done! :-) Have a good weekend ladies!!! I may go shopping today. Don't have much money, but it sounds fun to me!


Lucky717 - April 8

Thanks Newmommy for the information. We are checking out our options. It may be cheaper to just do a single cycle. Only because we have an excellent chance of conceiving due to age and the fact that we can bypass the endo. I am on the fence. I have some additional questions. Is there anything else I should be asking? Anything I should beware of that you have seen at your practice? It is all so much to digest. I am just trying to wrap my arms around it all. Ok...going to watch Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Kate Winslett. Thank God for Netflix!!!!


TWhit116 - April 8

happy easter everyone!


newmommy - April 8

Lucky, you're right---it may be better for you to do just one cycle and see how it goes. If your chances are good, then that should be cheaper. I think ARC also has the 1+ option, which is 1 fresh and one frozen cycle, which may also be an option for you. I don't know how ARC prices compare to regular costs. I think most of the people in our clinic that decide on the 3+ option do so because their chances are low. The thing about the 3+ options is: the cost is the same, whether you get pregnant on the first round or the third. You don't get a portion of the money back if you don't wind up needing all 3 cycles. So definitely check out all options! I don't really know any more information to give you. Sorry! But I just know that everything will work itself out, and it will all be worth it. Easy to say from the outside, I know!!! I wish you didn't have to make this decision! How is DH doing with it?


Lucky717 - April 8

Hi Newmommy - DH is good with things now that the doctor explained it to him and also showed us pics of the embryos as an example. I will definitely check into ARC. Also I will ask about freezing some of the embryos and seeing if they will use them for another attempt before moving to a second round. We have decided to start at the end of May. Not much longer. The way my cycles run it would have to be the end of May or the end of June. Happy Easter to everyone as well. We just watched The Holiday. CUTE movie!! It was so nice to laugh and escape in a romantic comedy. Well I am heading up to bed. AF is supposed to arrive next week. Yippie.


newmommy - April 8

Girls, can you look at my chart? I'm a little concerned that my temp didn't rise above the cover line today. I got the +opk on Friday. Shouldn't I have o'd by now? I'll be really worried if they don't rise by tomorrow. The last 3 are pretty high, but I doubt that is my rise---it would have started before the +opk. I know I should stop worrying---but I'll be extremely bummed if I don't o on my own, especially after the +opk. But that's what I'm afraid of---that I still get my surge but never release the egg. UFS I think it's called. One more question---what's up with the sore nipples??? They were sore yesterday and today. I'd expect it if I was preggo, but not now. That's not a sign of o, is it? Happy Easter ladies!!!! I'll catch up with you all later. It's 6:30 am here---I'm off to potty the pugs and head back to bed! :-)


bina - April 8

Lucky-I am so sorry about the insurance issue. It really is not fair. NY state does not mandate it either but we are lucky to have DH's insurance. Are you on Dh's insurance? If so, maybe you could check into your insurance at work. I'd be happy to send you my Follistim when this cycle works out if you'd like. Also, check into options. Sometimes offices have payment plans too. I hope it all works out for you. I know it will. Hang in there girl! Diem, sorry you're Dh has to have surgery, but things will work out too. Hope everyone has a Happy Easter! I'll write more later!


TWhit116 - April 8

hey all...well of couse af decided to shiw her face IN THE MIDDLE OF EASTER DINNER!!! what an ass she is! oh well she is here and that is GRRRREEEATTT!! so we had to leave early and I just paged the doctor since I got it before 4 I paged her just to be safe (I got it at noon) so I think I have have to go to the doctors tonight for an ultrasound and blood work...haha tooo funny my life is!!! well hope everyone is having a good day!


diem - April 8

k8, just wanted to tell you that my dh brought home pizza and smirnoff green apples tonight...YAY! Hey everyone, I'm on spring break. Going to vegas on tuesday and will also spend some time skiing in Utah. I will be back Saturday. Talk to you soon.


newmommy - April 9

Hey, ladies! Any thoughts on my temps? I'm stressin' that they're not going to rise! Tomorrow's D-day, I think. If there's no rise by then, it's probably too late. Last time I o'd by myself, I got my rise on the 3rd day after my first +opk. Oh, this anticipation is so stressful!!! TWhit, sorry about AF surprising you, but congrats on finally getting her! Does your clinic do u/s on you cd1? Ours does them on cd2-5, but usually try for cd2 or 3. I'm so glad things are getting started for you! Bina, that's so nice of you to offer your Follistim to Lucky!!!! It's going to work out for both of you, I just know it!!! DH and I are on our 4th day in a row of BDing. I was supposed to stick with every other day, but now that I know o is coming, I don't want to miss the actual day of o!!! Have a great week!


Lucky717 - April 9

Hey Ladies,
Glad that Monday is over! Hope everyone is doing well. *** Diem*** Have fun in Vegas! Enjoy the slopes too! ***K8*** How are things going for you? Ready for IUI? *** BINA**** How are you feeling? How much bedrest did they suggest for after the procedure? How much Follistem do you have left and what doseage were you on? I am slowly preparing my body for this process. Is it that bad? *** Twhit*** How are you? Any news on the blood test yet? Sorry about AF crashing Easter Dinner. *** Saint Rose**** How are you? We haven't heard from you in awhile. Give us an update! ** Newmommy ** You are soooo sweet. Thanks for your words of encouragement. I am hoping your IUI does the trick for you. My prayers are with you friend*** Gotta take dinner outta the oven....Hugs and Baby Dust!


Lucky717 - April 10

Everyone ok tonight?


TWhit116 - April 10

hey all....well af is kicking my behind!!!! I go in tomorrow. DH IS NEG FOR CF!!!!!!! WOO HOO!!!!!!!!! ugh what a sigh of relief, well he had his SA this morning. I want to jump right into an IUI. I just feel that could really help us but I know they arent going to go for it. well my ultrasound and stuff is tomorrow morning at 8!! So wish me luck!!



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