Starting Injections tomorrow, anyone else? Need some support
414 Replies
Lynn - June 9

Hey girls..... Sorry I have been way too busy with the school year ending. I am going to be so greatful to get to June 14th. Mega, I did get a BFP on a natural cycle. Shocked my RE a little in the process. We are scheduled for an ultrasound on Tuesday, June 13th at 4:00pm. This will tell us if the pregnancy is in the proper place and developing fine. cmelissa, preseed is a sperm friendly lubricant. It is ph balanced and will not kill off the sperm. My RE said any of the over the counter lubricants will usually kill off sperm as the balance is different than this. I googled "preseed" and tons of websites have it. A friend said they are having an online sale for father's day. My understanding is you can only get it via internet. I am not saying I got pregnant from using it but.....that is the only thing we changed this month and poof....BFP. Carole, Good luck on the IUI. When I did injections and IUI, I did not do any on the same night. I did an injections and a day later, I did trigger.Keep us posted on what you will be doing next week.


cmelissa - June 11

Hey Lynn,
Just wanted to tell you I bought the preseed today via internet!! Hopefully that will be the special ingredient for us - will definitely start using it when we get it since it will be around the time I will be ovulating :). Thanks!


Lynn - June 11

cmelissa.....not that I want to know about your BDing sessions but keep me posted. DO NOT use the whole tube (directions say to). You will be sliding all over. A girl who used it first and got a BFP said to use a dime size on your finger and just apply to your whoo hoo. A tube can last for a week or so depending on how much you BD. I put my tube in a plastic bag to keep germs out. Keep me posted.


cmelissa - June 11

Lynn, I will definitely keep you posted!! I should get it in a few days!! We are going to NY this weekend so I hope I get it before than b/c I plan on doing a lot of Bding since we will be out of town - will be a nice occassion! :) Yeah don't want it to be too slippery, haha!


Carole - June 12

Good Afternoon Ladies! Melissa, Lynn is right about that preseed. You can definantly make it last for a while. I made the mistake of using a whole tube once. Dh was like WHOA!! Works well, especially for the timed bd. I have a follie check at 2:45 today. Praying the smaller follicles have caught up some and I will know when iui will be. My guess is Wed. but we will see. LYNN: Only 2 more days for school to be out. What will you do with your time this summer?? What grad do you teach? SASHA , I hope you had a good weekend. MEGA, how was your out of town trip?? What day are you on now? I will check in later or early tomorrow and let you know what is what! Have a great day!


Carole - June 12

Hey Girls! Quick update, went for follie check and things are looking okay. The dr. seems satisfied. I have a 21, 12 on the right. I have a 19, 14, 13, 12 on the left. NO more injections for me as he is afraid if we do, that the next group will mature enough to be available. That is way too many!! I do trigger tonight and artificial insemination on Wed. morning. So there is a plan now. I am very excited yet apprehensive to start the wait. Guess there is nothing you can do about it. Thanks for listening to me and lets all keep fingers crossed so we can add our bfp's to Lynn's!! Talk to you later!


Lynn - June 12

Carole, your follies sound good. Remember, you only need one bigger than 18mm. You odds sound good. Does your RE have you BD the day after IUI? Back in August when I did my IUI (and got pregnant) my RE told us to BD for 2 days after. Just a thought. cmelissa, I hope it comes in time for your trip. I will say mine came really fast so you might be in luck. Sasha, how are you doing? about you? I go tomorrow at 4pm for an ultrasound to make sure we have implanted in the uterus this time and everything is okay. I will let you all know when I return home. keep your fingers crossed.


ttippens - June 12

I've just read all the postings and I am very excited and happy for you Lynn, and Carole baby dust to you, I pray all go well on Wed. and your 2ww will fly by. Tonight will be my 4th night of injections and I go tomorrow to check on my follies, I pray that they are responding. How long Carole did you take injections before you had good size follies?


cmelissa - June 13

Carole - great follies - seems you may have a few mature ones to be released!!! YEAH!!!! Lynn good luck with the appt tomorrow - let us know how it goes!!! Tippens - let us know how your follie check goes tomorrow - BIG FOLLIES hopefully!!! What dosage are you on?? Are you taking repronex? MEga how are you doing - any symptoms?? I'm on cd11 now still no positve OPK, I think I usually ovulate later in the cycle, hopefully I will be ovualting this weekend since we will be in NY and have a nice hotel to BD in, :)!!! Also should be getting the preseed any day - can't wait to test it!! Talk to you all tomorrow!!


Carole - June 13

Hello Girls! How is everyone today?? I am doing well. Dh and I followed instuctions lastnight and we bd. Neither of us wanted to but we did. Did my trigger of Ovidrel in the tummy. So just waiting for my appt tomorrow. LYNN: I am very anxious to hear about your ultrasound. I know you are probably nervous. I pray everything is exactly as it should be. How many weeks are you?? My dh is lazy in the bding dept. So it is like twisting his arm sometimes, especially with the timed bding. He will probably run if I tell we have to 2 night after iui. I could probably get him to on Thursday night with the promise to leave him alone for the rest of the summer ! :) I hope that I have 3 follicles over 18 but it looks like 2. My dr. said that you should rule out 14's b/c they have seen them come thru to and give multiples. Guess we will see. Welcome TIPPEN! I hope that your injections are going well. I was on Gonal-f and the last night was follistim. I took 11 days worth of injections. I am on cycle day 16 today, so I am looking at a 32 day cycle. Update us after your follie check. Mine didn't kick in until day 11. MELISSA: I hope that O times it right for you while you are in NY. Have you guys made a plan for fun things to do?? Hope the preseed comes in b/f you leave! I will check in later with you guys! MEGA and SASHA, check in when you have a chance.


Carole - June 13

Quick question, anyone know if k-y is okay for DH to do his sample with? Been a long time and he is doing it at home. I know it will be washed but wasn't sure if k-y would affect the sample in any way?? Thanks you guys!


Lynn - June 13

Carole.....I am not sure about the K-Y. I know my RE said not to use it during sex as it kills sperm. Also when my dh gives sample at RE office he is instructed not to use anything. cmelissa.....I hope the preseed comes also so you can have it in NY. Even if you are not ready to O, I would still get some BDing in. I read an article today at RE office that said BDing before O day is okay also as it helps in having sperm on its way to fertilize. As for my appointment.... I am not sure what to make of it. Basically they did lots of poking in my whoo. He took tons of pictures if my insides. He said he has found what appears to be the sac and is cautiously going to move forward saying the pregnancy is in my uterus. I go back again on Monday at 4:00pm. He said because of all the looking he did if I have some minor bleeding that is normal but if cramping comes with it, to call him. So, I am not sure how eventful this visit was. I am so confused and frustrated. I am trying to stay positive but now I am afraid I have emotionally invested myself in this and I am afraid it is not going to turn out good. check back tomorrow. Tippen welcome. Mega.... how are you?


SashaP - June 14

I'm still around Carole. I'm ok but my wrist has been bothering me big time. I had pregnancy carpal tunel which went away as soon as I had the D&C but it's back. I have my first appt today with the Dr since the m/c. I have a huge list of questions. I don't know if this is a poking visit or if she is just going to talk to me. I'll post when I get home tonight. Baby dust and belly rubs....


Carole - June 14

Hello Ladies! Well I am home from iui. It went really well. I didn't even know the tube was in and he was done. I did get an ultrasound before hand really quick and my 2 large follicles were still there. (I thought I had already ovulated) They should be releasing soon, I hope. He did say that we should try tonight as well. Don't know how dh will feel about that but I think he will come thru. This morning was crazy trying to get everything organized. I was up at 5:15. Had to get my daughter to day care way early to make it back home in time to collect his sample and then get it to the lab by 8. Then had to go back and pick it up and take it with me to the RE's office. Of course I looked at the counts on my way. Post wash it said 198 million and 69% motility. Progression was a 3+. RE said that was good. So looks like it just waiting now. I am due to test at home on June 30. I also have to start taking prometrium on Sat. Thanks for hanging with me in this journey. All I can do is hope now, we have done everything by the book so if it is not meant to be it won't be. LYNN: Thanks for all your advice. I am confused by your ultrasound. You either have a sac or you don't?? Have they checked your levels, what are they? Exactly how many weeks are you based on when you think you conceived. I am just trying to figure out what he was thinking. Is there a sac and no fetal pole, too early for heartbeat? Write back and tell me what he said... I am thinking of you. Are you having another ultrasound again? SASHA: So glad to hear from you. I hope you get your answers. I know that I had a bunch after my m/c last year. It truly makes you realize how naive you can be. I never thought I would miscarry ever. That is when I came to this sight so I could gather as much info as possible. Let me know what she says. Did you release 2 eggs?? Did you take a trigger shot?? I can't remember?? Look forward to hearing from you. MELISSA: What is going on with you today?? What plans do you have in NY? MEGA: ARe you still around? How is the 2WW? I will check in later! Baby Dust to all of us!!!


Mega - June 14

Hi ladies! I'm back. Thanks for all the inquiries. Sorry I was MIA for a couple days. Busy at work & I'm worn down from feeling sick. Well, AF came yesterday. On 10 DPO, & I have no clue why that happened. And now my RE is out of town for 2.5 weeks, left today of course. But when he comes back we're begining the process of applying for Shared Risk. I'm going to tell DH tonite to start saving his pennies. Carole--Wow, your post washing count is EXCELLENT. Welcome to the 2 WW! I'm glad the IUI wasn't crampy for you either. And that's great that they did a pre-IUI follie check too. Bet that relieved your mind a lot. Lynn--I'm glad the dr thinks he found the sac & it's implanted in your uterous. Still I know Mon. probably feels like it's a long way off. You & your little one are in my thoughts. I'll keep my fingers' crossed that all goes well for you. Sasha--I hope your appt. today went well. I'll check back for the update. Sorry your wrist is bothering you. Melissa--Any sign of ovulation yet? You might O a little later than usual on a natural cycle.


SashaP - June 14

Well I got my official reason for the m/c. Because of the way the twins sac ruptured it caused to much blood around baby A and put it into shock. I asked her to put me on progestrone for my next pregnancy and she agreed. She also said that they would do an early u/s next time anyway. Carole I don't know how many eggs I released I only did clomid and an IUI no other monitoring that month. Twins run in my family so it wasn't a huge shock. I hope you get your bfp with this iui. Mega sorry af came. Will you do another iui this cycle?



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