Starting Injections - part 3
426 Replies
Mega - March 13

Christina--My email buddy! It's great to hear from ya on the board too! Thanks! :) Lynn--Yeah that makes sense, you can't tell at this point how many newborn diapers your kid will go thru since it's sized by weight. That's cool about the exchange policy though, I hope OH has something similar. Good to know. Thanks! That's cool that you knew another girl named Carson. It works well for either I think. Great comeback to the MIL too. Funny though how she suddenly loves the name Sydney! :) Of course now that Sydney is born she might see how perfectly your beautiful baby goes with the name.


ChristinaC - March 14

Good Morning ladies, I know I don't know everyone. I used to get on here a long time ago when I started IUI's.. Then took a long break away. How's everyone doing? Right now I'm on my 5th IUI and we just had the 5th round with injectables. We were getting ready to build up for IVF, but the doc's didn't give me enough stim meds so we opted for IUI instead. I'm on 7 day's post right now and i really hate the 2ww..


Mega - March 14

Well Christina, you're 1/2 way thru the dreaded 2 WW now though! Fingers' crossed 5th times a charm. Kot--Thinking of you. Hope things went better than you expected yesterday. Hang in there!


Lynn - March 15

just checking to see if any updates. KOT: anything? I hope all went well. MEGA: when do you find out gender? ANGELA: how are thigns going? CAROLE: thanks for the pictures. your moving right along.


Mega - March 15

Lynn--I don't have an appt. set up yet for the level 2 u/s (where they check for gender) but I'm figuring it'll probably be around April 20th +/-, which would be perfect. DH's sister will be up visiting their parents that week from Maine, & DH and I will go there to see her. I'd love to be able to tell Aunt Heather in person if she'll have a neice or a nephew in Sept. We'll see. I was hoping I'd get some hint of gender at yesterday's NT test, but the baby is sitting breech now so I couldn't get a good angle at all. But I know it was highly unlikely anyway to see the gender that early even if the baby was at a better angle. Still though you hope! Ann found out she was having a boy at her NT test. It had to be confirmed later on of course, but still cool that they could tell so early. What week were you when you found out Sydney was a girl? What week were you Angela, when you had your gender u/s? Carole--what week were you when you found out you're having a boy?


ChristinaC - March 15

Hi ladies, TGIF almost.. Mega do you remember or do you know that website you can go to, to the stages of an egg? visabro or something like that. Thanks, yes the dreaded 2ww stinks.. But I'm coping a lot better taking yoga now.. Helping me deal with alot of thing's.


kotkot005 - March 15

hey girls .. how are you all doing? hope everything is just going fine. thanks for asking girls i really appreciate your care. well, my news are not good at all , so get ready for a bunch of bad news. i went through a d&c yesterday!!! yeah. on Tuesday's appointment the doctor revealed that the sac never grew in addition to my hcg went down so bad to 715 (from 1228) so i havnt had great numbers at the first stage. the doctor ordered for immediate d&c, and i went through the operation yesterday. it was really bad as i hate the anstegia. dh is just what really broke my heart, he was so much supportive, dressing me up and cleaning me in the hospital's shower. he was just great and what really broke my heart is that iam not even able to bring joy to his life. anyway girls, the d&c results: they got fetal tissues but not really distinguished to indicated a pregnancy sac and its realted things, so the doctor is again in the mood of ectopic pregnancy!!! yay still havnt got a closure yet, so he orderd a beta after the operation and the results came back with 600! so girls iam not sure if the numbers should go doen immediately after the operation or still it has to have time to go down , especially that i am overloaded with progestrone and still my body is tricked of being pregnant. anyways, i have to re-do the beta on saturday hopefully it will go dawn to zero by that time. the weird thing is that i dont have the symptoms of ectopic, no pain, no bleeding and no spotting, anyway my doctor said if i experiance a hard pain till saturday i have to check in the hospital as soon as girls, those are my news, i think i need time to heal psycollogically. it is just terrible. i will keep you updated girls.


Mega - March 15

Kot--I'm so so sorry for all that you went thru lately. I hope it wasn't an ectopic. It takes a little while for the beta to go down to 0, though I imagine a D&C speeds the process up a little bit. At 600 hcg you'll probably be back at negative hcg in about 3 weeks, at least that's how long it took me but my m/c was natural. I'm glad DH is taking good care of you. Whether this was an ectopic m/c or a blighted ovum (empty sac) m/c, you did get pg, you CAN get pg and you will give your DH that baby you both so desire. Mourn this one of course. You truly are more fertile also after a m/c & conceiving again shortly afterwards does not mean you'll necessarily m/c again. You're very likely to have a take home baby. I'm not trying to minimize your pain now, I just want to let you know there's still hope in the future. Hugs! Thank you for letting us know. When you didn't post on Tues. I started fearing the worst but still prayed for the best. Hang in there! Please vent to us when you need to. I'm so sorry you're going thru this.


Mega - March 15

Christina--Oh that's a great site! Here ya go, here's a link to it: (remember to remove any dashes (-) that may show up)


Lynn - March 16

MEGA: they tried at 18 weeks to see but she did not cooperate. I had to go back at 20 weeks and she showed us. KOT: i am so sorry. when i had my ectopic in 2005, i also had a D&C and then emergency surgery the following evening. i have to say...if your levels are dropping, i am not leaning towards ectopic and would be shocked. my levels never dropped during the whole levels did not srop after my D&C, they doubled which is why i had emergency surgery the following night. if you need to talk, vent...let me know. as Mega said...mourn as you need that time. also, you can get pregnant and you will...just believe.


soimpatient - March 16

I don't have much time to write a "good" post but I just wanted to pop in quickly. Kotkot, I am SO sorry. I can't even imagine how you are feeling right now. You and your dh are in my thoughts and prayers. I don't really know anything about dropping hcg levels but what Mega said makes a lot of sense. And you WILL be able to give your dh a baby. Mega, I had my gender u/s at 18w2d. I go for my 3d u/s next Thursday!! I'm so excited to confirm that this baby is a girl. sorry, i gotta run, i'll check in again tonight.


kotkot005 - March 16

hey girls .. thanks alot i really appreciate it. well, yeah i am survivig with all the pain ... although no physical pains but it still hurt you deeply as i really felt it is gonna be the one with a take home baby. anyways, i will be testing my beta on saturday. the weird thing is that when the doctor wrote my hospital transfere report on tuesday , i can tell you he wrote : D&C for ecxluding a blighted ovum, which sounds a pretty reasonable diagnose. but after the operation the i dont really know why the doctor switched his mind to ectopic. my heart is truely believing that this is not an ectopic, i really havnt experianced sharp apin or bleeding or spotting through out the 7 weeks . when i go next week to my doctor i will really insist on an operation to flush my tubes at least i will be certain that it is clean over there.i will keep you posted girls . luv ya all.


Carole - March 16

Mornin Girls! TGIF!!! This week has seemed so long, I think because of the time change here. But anyways getting lots of rain today, yuck! I think I need to respond to a bunch of posts. First someone asked about diapers and what to buy. I remember Campbell was out of the newborns ones really quick. She was 8lbs 4 1/2 oz at birth so they didn't last long. I would buy more 1's than anything. Also as far as the constipation thing Lynn, Campbell had the same problem, she was only going once every 3rd day. We used to stimulate her with a rectal thermometer but we also put a bit of karo syrup in her bottle to help. Not every one but like if it had been 2 days then we would add some. It helped! Mega, funny you guys should talk about names. We have been avoiding that subject b/c we can't agree but we are going with 1 name we both like. AND it's funny Ours is Carson! When I read that yesterday I was chuckling that we picked the same name but for different genders. Ours will be Carson Hunter. WE are not telling anyone, especially Campbell until after the birth. One last little secret. Oh and I found out at 18 weeks that we were having a boy. It was a follow up ultrasound to the NT Scan. HOw did it feel to see your baby with arms and legs and everything?? I haven't even bought 1 stitch of clothing for this baby . Not even any diapers. My shower is not until May 5th but I am scared to wait until then. I had a scare WEd. night and yesterday. I started spotting, it was brown but it freaked me out. I am 28 weeks, I called the on call dr. and he said if its not red and no pain to wait until morning to call my dr. I did, went in for an exam. Cervix is still closed and long. They did an u/s and saw my little guy again. They couldn't see a source for the blood. I hate it when they say they don't know. Told me to take it easy. That is hard for me as I just do everything. I guess I should slow down a bit. I just want to make it thru the next 10 weeks safe. My little one was moving up a storm yesterday, which is good! Anyways. KOT: I am so so sorry for what you have been through. Take time to grieve and try to heal. You will move on and this will help you know you can get pregnant. When you are ready you will move on to another cycle. I had a natural m/c and my levels took a couple of weeks to drop from the 500's. Thinking of you and sending you hugs. ChRISTINA: Hope you 2ww hasn't been torturous and hoping there is good news at the end. SO: How is everything going? You doing okay with weight? I had to get on the scale yesterday . 3 pounds in 3 weeks. Ugh! I just need to stop worrying about it! Well girls, need to run. Happy Friday!


ChristinaC - March 16

Kot Kot, i'm so sorry that you & DH are having to go through this. My prayers are with you. Carole, thanks so much.. the wait hasn't been too terribly tough like before, I want to say it gets easier, but not really.. Just going with the flow, or trying to.. Hope everyone has a great Friday.


Lynn - March 20

hi girls.....any updates???? Sydney has RSV so i am trying to keep her going without the hospital.


Mega - March 20

Lynn--Sorry to hear Sydney has RSV. Poor little girl. I hope she feels better soon & you can keep her out of the hospital. Carole--Oh how scary about the bleeding. I'm glad the u/s proved the baby is fine & at least you can feel his moving around for added reassurance though that all is fine. I know though it's frustrating not knowing for sure why you're bleeding. Since I had that spotting in my 1st tri, I still check every time I wipe to make sure I'm not bleeding. And I haven't seen any blood in almost a month. Thank God your cervix is shut tight, that's good. Hopefully it was just a one time, freak thing. I had to laugh to when you said you & DH are leaning towards Carson as well, but for a boy. Too funny! I think that name works wonderful for both genders really. :) You rented a doppler didn't you for early pg? Where did you rent from? I just rented a doppler from Belly Beats last night. I did the overnight shipping special though so I should get it today. YAY new toy! Can't wait! I'm worried though with the baby being breech (at least in last u/s) if maybe he/she isn't in best position for me to hear the h/b though. I guess I'll find out soon. I'm also not sure he/she's in best position for the gender check in about a month. But that's plenty of time to shift position too I guess. Oh it was amazing to see how different the baby looked in just 3 weeks & 1 day's time. I know I'm carrying a human baby now. Not that I thought it wasn't human though. LOL!



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