reeeeeeeally weird question about sex
6 Replies
nurse08 - February 22 a big dork, but we're doing timed intercourse, and it seems like a lot of his cum runs out after we're done. is this suppose to happen? i never really payed attn until we started ttc. should i be worried or do something different?


mommyofboys - February 22

That is pretty typical for us. That is why there is so much sperm in one ejeculation....


nurse08 - February 22

I try putting my butt on pillows afterwards, but it seems to run out all at once, I know there's millions of sperm, but i just wondered if there was anything else i could do


hendy - February 22

hee hee. i find that if you actually BD with the pillow under your butt and then stay that way for about 20 minutes after, that it all stays in there :)


Laken - February 23

Ok...I thought I was the only one wondering this same thing. I thought there was something wrong with me because it really does seem like I lose it all. I actually asked my friend about this as she is a doctor and she reassured me this is very normal and it only takes one little guy to get the job done. But it stil makes you wonder eh! I told my husband that I wish we had something that we could hook me up to by my ankles and hang me from the ceiling to make sure it all gets in there! :) But try to explain that contraption when company comes to visit! :)


hope-31 - February 23

a lot of the liquid that runs out is usually just the semen which is the fluid the sperm travel in so just make sure your partner is in there good before he ejaculates and keep your butt/hips elevated for a bit.


hope-31 - February 23

also, and i know its silly but i actually hold myself shut or try to while im lying there. i told dh that he needs to lay with me and hang out,it sucks that he can just get up and pee or whatever and i cant.



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