Recurrent miscarriages
2 Replies
blessedwith4 - November 7

Hello, I am writing on behalf of a friend looking for some answers. She is 41 years old and has 1 child via IVF who is 7 yrs old. She has had 10 m/c's over the past 10 years. She has done 3 rounds of a natural cycle of IVF. her uterus looks good, no fibroids etc. She has had much bloodwork done and said to be fine. She is taking 81 mg aspirin and also is given progesttone supps to take. Any ideas whats up? Thanks


RLR - November 16

Hi there- I'm so sorry for your friend and her losses. That must be unbearably tough to lose 10 babies! I can't imagine. I'm afraid I don't have anything good to contribute to help her. I think it may just be an issue of advanced maternal age and the odds are stacked against her. Even if she manages to conceive, m/c is more of a risk. Could sperm be an issue? Best of luck!


TTC#3@35 - November 17

Hey bw4!! Did they ever do PGD with her embies? That could tell if her embies have an underlining chromosomal problem.



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