Oing this week, want to wait together? Part 2
235 Replies
Indie - October 6

Hi gals!

Lashunda, it really sounds like you are pg...but I don't want to jynx it. (fingers crossed, knock wood).

Cendy, thanks for your reply. I have a HUGE support network. Heck, even my friends' kids are asking when I am going to be a mommy...as Fiona says "You're a great pretend big sister, but you'd be a great mommy too". I'm still trying to decide whether to do IUI...not sure if it will improve my odds, and it's not cheap...so this cycle I just did natural insem and if this doesn't work, we'll see what's next. I'm 34 and I am a cancer survivor. I've had two pelvic surgeries. One to remove the original tumour on the left ovary, then a second surgery 7 years later to remove a "suspicious growth" on the right ovary that ended up being benign. For a long time docs said I'd never be able to have kids, but my current doc (when I first met her) said she'd run some tests before making such a blanket statement. She did, and found out my cycles were fine and all my hormone levels were perfect and I was still o'ing...whether or not the "plumbing" still works well remains to be seen. There was never any uterine or tube involvement with the cancer, but there may be some adhesions in my abdomen from the surgeries. Anyway, needless to say, even under the best circumstances I am fighting the odds, so I figured if I wanted to have kids I probably shouldn't sit around waiting for a DH. My job is as a software analyst is awesome, pays really well, and I telework 4 days out of 5, so single momhood is feasible. I have two cats and decided to get a dog, and figured that if I couldn't take the responsibility of the dog then I probably shouldn't consider kids on my own. Well, I've had my dog for a year and a half. She even has a "doggy sitter" for the nights I want to go out and frankly, she's spoiled rotten, so I am definitely ready for kids. Anyway...I've got all my baby dust wishes sent your way. Cendy, you sound like you're having pg symptoms too. For me, I think it's too early to tell. Anything I'm feeling 2 days post-o is probably just in my head.


CC - October 6

Ericka, your O will come. Just try to relax and enjoy this time with your DH. This will help and be good for you! Worst case scenario, you seek help next month and they can try to determine whats wrong if anything, and get you there. I was down when I realized it wasnt happening on our own, but now am thankful I am getting help that we obviously need. Good luck and keep us posted on the O !
Cendy, glad you got your blood test. Let us know how you do. I suspect I have low progest. so I wont wait if/when I get pregnant. Lashunda, havent heard of getting sick while bd'ing, Maybe take it as a sign since you are close to AF!? As for me, I dont have any signs/nothing new to report. I think I thought I felt so much last time, I am dismissing anything this month as a sign. My sign will come when I have missed AF! Really, all I have going on is sore sore nipples.
Tom and Katie..Ugh is all I have to say.!


CC - October 6

Indie..Sorry, I missed your post before I sent mine, and welcome! Congratulations on surviving cancer! I think you attitude and your goals sound great. Good for you!! What a uplifting and "smiling" story I just read on your post. I laughed about your dog and your dog sitter! Sounds like you are ready for kids..good luck to you! I find the donor thing very interesting, can I ask you more info about that? Can you pick the donor, how do you go about picking the donor, what kind of info do they provide about the donor? I wish you the best this month and hope everything works out for you!


Lashunda - October 6

Hello everybody, well, I broke down and took two tests (ept digital- I used last time when I was preg before and my af wasn't due for like days later and another called answer quick and easy) well, they both came out neg so I'm kind of bummed but I still feel weird, u know, like when u eat a greasy burger and you have that nasty after feeling? Anywayz, I still have one more test but I'm saving that for later, if af doesn't come next week but after that, I'm through with buying tests (I hope). Those things are addictive. I hope everybody is having a good day. I guess I'm gonna go but I check back in later. Take care everybody!!


Indie - October 6

Hi all... CC-thanks for the post. I'm going with a private donor, so I know who he is and we've met and he will be known to the child (if I succeed). I looked into banks, but the anonymity was an issue for me, not to mention the lower chances of success using frozen spermies, and the whole clinical mess, which would just stress me out, and stress would probably not help the process either. This way, I know the donor, he knows me, and we can stay in touch, but with a donor agreement, so all the legal bases are covered....Lashunda, I know what you mean about those addictive tests!!! It's a conspiracy. Don't fret the BFN, I think it was too soon. Just wait until a few days after AF is supposed to have arrived and try again using morning pee! Fingers crossed!


Lashunda - October 7

Hi everyone, I'm feeling some major af cramps which means af is on her way : (


Ericka - October 7

Hello ladies. Welcome Indie. What a horrible experience you had with cancer. I'm glad you survived it. I love your story about your dog. I know what you mean about spoiling them rotten. Good luck with your ttc. Lashunda, I'm sorry about your bfn. Do you think it was to early to test? Wait a few days and test again. Well my temps rose this morning so i'm officially in the 2ww. I leave today for my trip so i'll talk to you guys on monday. Baby Dust to all.


Cendy - October 7

Hi all! I am cramping really bad this morning. In my lower abdomen. Maybe it is implantation? O on the 10/02 and itis 10/07 five days. Could that be? I hope it is a good sign. I have been checking for any sign of bleeding, but none so far. Indie you are such an example of overcoming the odds with your cancer. I can see you are a real fighter and you will be a very good mother. I can see that in your strength to pull through the cancer and how compassionate and kind you are to your pets. I am praying for you. I am glad your child will know his or her father. I don't think I would like to go to a donor bank either. It is wonderful that you have such a close friend who is will to share this special gift with you. If you don't mind me asking, is he a former boyfriend? Is there any chance you two might get together as a couple? Also, Lashunda don't sweat the two tests you took. It is probably too early to tell. Give it a couple of days and test again. I have sworn off testing. I am going to wait as long as I can to test. The nasty just eaten a greasy burger is how you feel about food the first few weeks. For some it gets worse, but for me it lasts about 2-3 weeks and I am able to slap on the feed bag at every meal. I think it is a promising sign that you are feeling a little nausea and cramping. Remember cramping does not always mean AF is coming. I cramped so bad I could not get out of bed with my first son, but AF never came. Think positive. Ericka I agree with CC that if AF comes, you will seek professional help and you will be on your way to motherhood. Welcome to the TWW Ericka. Sore nipples are a good sign especially if they are not normally. Have fun on your trip Ericka! Gals have a good weekend. I will be checking the thread periodically throughout the weekend! BABY DUST!


Lashunda - October 7

Morning (well for me) everyone, just wanted to peek in and see how everyone is doing. Thanks for the positive comments, its really nice to hear it because it gives you a boost of hope : ) Well, no af this morning but then again, its not due until next week. Anywayz, hope everyone is having a good day. Have a safe Friday!!


CC - October 7

Indie, your story is really uplifting to me! I think thats great. You sound very level headed and mature about the decisions you have made! Hope you get your BFP this month. Ericka..Hope you enjoy your get away and come back happy and glowing! Lashunda, its not over till its over! Dont give up yet. Cendy, I will hope your cramping was implantation! I too was cramping, but sometimes do get cramps before AF. Not usually this soon, but you never know. I have caught a cold frm my DH's neice and am just feeling pretty crappy today. Hope everyone has a great weekend! We all need to be thinking positive thoughts..Baby dust!


Cendy - October 8

CC, my AF is about 12 days away since I have a 33 day cycle. Do you think it could be AF pains? I am still having them and it is 11:30 at night starting around 9 this morning. I hope it is a good sign. Well, I gotta go to bed now. Just finished my paper for International Business and I am wore out. Have a great weekend all! BABY DUST!


Indie - October 8

Hi all! Thanks so much for the lovely thoughts. Lashunda, Cendy, to me it sounds like implantation/uterus cramping. Don't give up. They say that the early pregnancy symptoms often feel a lot like AF...that along with implantation bleeding often = preggo. One thing to note is that stress or other things like low bodyfat etc can delay or prevent AF's visit, but there's really not much out there that will cause AF to come early. I'm only CD16 of 27 day cycle (o'd on CD13) so I've still got a looooooooong wait ahead of me. Only thing I've felt so far is cramping on my right side when I o'd, then more cramping 2 days later...but I tend to have random cramps from the adhesions so I am not reading anything into it. Only other thing is I've been SOOOooooo tired...like I am having all the life force sucked out of me. I was working from a friend's house today and had to stop at 4:30 to take a nap because I felt so tired. I slept 2.5 hours in her library all while an entire cub scout troop showed up and went berzerker in her family room... I am a pretty heavy sleeper at night, but napping through a barrage of screaming 9 year old boys isn't like me. As for my "donor", he is a friend. I don't know if it would go beyond that. For one, he's kind of young. He's 28, which isn't a HUGE difference, but he still acts a bit immature at times. He is a great guy though and has a good family (unlike my dysfunctional mess of a family) so between him,his family, my friends, and my brothers, I've got a huge network of support. Anyway, I'll stop babbling. Thanks again for all your encouraging words. I have a feeling there will be a lot of BFPs out of this group!!!!!!! Don't give up hope!


Cendy - October 8

Hi all! Well, my pains have finally quite and I am so happy about that. I don't know if it is implantation, but I am hopeful. Its cd 23 and 6 dpo so for me I have about 10-11 days to go untill my AF. Lashunda, I spoke too soon when I said I never got sick BDing...well this am I got a little sick at my stomach while BDing. I don't know if it has anything to do with my mind playing tricks on me making me feel sick because I want this so bad. Well, I guess that is it for now. Talk to you all later. BABY DUST!


Lashunda - October 8

Hello ladies, well, nothing much again. Just dreading next week to see if the infantry will land and fall off the roof, LOL. Anywayz, just got through cleaning my house. Hey Indie, how you holding up?? Sounds like the sleepy hollow is in place which could definitely be a great sign. Anyway, nothing really going on with me except I've noticed little veins on my bbs but i'm not sure if they were there before so I'm not counting on that right now. I had a little cramping on my side but that was when I woke up at 5 to use the bathroom. Other than that, no af cramps. I guess thats about it. Hey Cendy, hang in there, me and dh bded last night and I didn't feel "sick" so maybe it'll pass. Happy Saturday!!


CC - October 8

Happy Saturday! My DH is at a family party, and I didnt go because I am still feeling like crap from this cold. Yuck. Yesterday and today have been having pains/twinges off and on all day. Almost feel like O pains and sort of in that general area. Maybe from the Clomid still lingering? I hope its not cysts that will make me sad. Its prob nothing but I can hope right? Nipples/bbs still sore but that hasnt changed in a week (or more)..I am still thinking postive, but think af is coming. I am only on day 25 so it would be pretty early for me, but maybe this will last for another 5 days or so..Or 9 months! Indie, if you can sleep though that maybe that really is a sign of something! I am the lightest sleeper in the world and I hate it. I would rather be a log like my DH. Its not fair! Cendy, I bet with your tubes all rooto rootered and the Clomid, this is going to it for you! Things are sounding very postive for you, and I am keeping you in my thoughts. Lashunda, little veins on bbs is a great sign but you are right, you have to know if they are always there or not. I always have them, and right before af comes, they show up even more. Talk about a mixed message! Anyway..have a great rest of the day and I'll check in tomorrow to see how everyone is doing. Baby dust!!!


CC - October 8

Cendy, I forgot..Did you get the results of your prog. test ?



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