OHIO ladies....part 5...
396 Replies
mommywannabe - March 20

Bump, we were way at the bottom. Where's the O_h_i_o love??? LOL!!


nikki2204 - March 20

Hello! I am here Mommy.....where is everyone else today?? Mega, how ya feelin? Tenk, hope Hailey is feeling better??? Jsmith, how are things with you. Baby & Colton, are you getting any sleep? Mommy---hangin in there?


Mega - March 20

Howdy Ohio ladies! Mommy--Congrats on the newest addition to your fam. How exciting! Your neice has such a beautiful name, Maleah. She sounds precious. Nikki--I'm 13 weeks, 3 days now. And feeling pretty good. Still occassionally quesey, some smells (like my DH's fart competition with his friend Aaron on Sat. LOL!) make me gag, etc. But not bad over all. How are you feeling? You're close to the end of tri 1 too, right? Like 10 weeks? Is the m/s starting to ebb now for you too? Did you ever hear back from the clinic to reassure you it's probably 'roids. Tenk--How's Hailey doing? Heard back from the dr yet? Do they think this was just post-surgery infection? When are they running more tests on her? Hope she gets well soon. Hi JSmith! Hi Baby & Colton!!!


nikki2204 - March 20

Hey Mega.... Glad to hear you are doing so well! Yes, I am almost in the clear...I am 11 weeks. I am doing about the same as you, the nausea is better but I still get waves of it. I am still having food aversions....nothing ever sounds good. Yes, my nurse called me back and said they weren't worried, that they were sure they were just roids. I haven't had any issues this week at all...except for the mucus. You tell that husband of yours he better stop with the farting competitions! LOL, men kill me! I am dying for my appointment next week to hear the heartbeat, I need some reassurance! Have you had an appt lately?


Mega - March 21

I know, men are forever babies themselves I think. The things that enter their brains sometimes. Geez! :) No, I haven't had an appt, since 3/9. My next appt. isn't until April 6th. Which I guess is just about a week & 1/2 from now, but it feels longer. Oh hearing the h/b by doppler is so awesome. Wow, you're 11 weeks already huh? It's starting to go by rather quickly huh?!! Glad the m/s is starting to ease a bit. From what I've heard it's possible to continue to get those occassional waves of nausea the whole 9 mos. Joy! But they should definitely be many times better by tri 2. Here's hoping! Glad the nurse wasn't concerned with the 'roids. I'll have to mention to my dr that I've had 'roids issues myself. But it's been better lately, I got a script for prenatals called PrimaOne & they have a stool softner in them, which I think is helping. They also have Omega 3, good for baby brain development. I actually rented a doppler the other day from Belly Beats. It came yesterday. I think we found the h/b already. So cool! I'll be seriously addicted to it before long. Have you considered renting one? Hi to Mommy, Tenk, Baby & JSmith!


Tenk - March 21

Good afternoon girls, glad all the morning sickness has subsided for the most part for you preggos. Baby~hope that you and little Colton are doing well these last few days. Mommy~ glad your neice is doing well too. Hailey's appt Monday the doc (PA) said she had no signs of any type of infection at all (said the meds may have worked fast) and that sometime drainage can be cause from an ear drum rupturing......WTF isn't that bad???? But what ever.....she gave us a ref to a Peds Pulmanologist (spelling???) and ran some first level tests for Leukimia, Lupus, Mono, Diabetes etc. and all results today were negative. Go back to ENT specialists today in an hour to make SURE she's ok in there. Hopefully we'll have all around good news and then the mystery of her recurrent lung infections will go yet again unresolved and we'll have to keep taking her to the damn doc. Don't get me wrong, I don't want anything to be wrong with her, but I don't want her to keep getting sick.........and them tell me take the stupid antibiotics every other week.....I mean hello Isn't she going to be immune to them soon???? Ok enough with the rant......update later.


BabyRN - March 22

Hey ladies. Long time no talk!! Mega and Nikki glad to hear things are on the upswing for you both can't believe you are in your 2nd trimester mega and nikki you aren't far behind. Sorry to hear abut all your poo problems LOL! Mega the belly beats is pretty cool isn't it! Hi Tenk sorry to hear about Haley. Hopefully things will get better. Jsmith how ya doing? Mommy how much longer until your lap? Colton and I are hanging in there. I am having some baby blues at the moment but we are managing. This bf thing is killing me but I am determined to do it! Colton only sees me as a food source at this point so everytime I hold him he expects to be fed. It doesn't matter if it is 5 min or 5 hrs he wants food and screams until I put him to the boob. It is VERY trying and I have had a rough couple of days.....lots of crying from both of us! Hopefully it will get better. Thats what everyone says. Well guess who's screaming again. Gotta run. TTYL


Tenk - March 23

AAHHHH, Baby~ it'll get easier I promise. I know how tough it can be trying to breast feed around the freggin' clock. Everytime you pick him up he turns his head towards your boobies I'm sure....LOL. I know that the baby blues can be very tough, and if you need to get out of the house then you should call someone, or if you just need someone to talk to you can call me. I'll email you my cell number just in case. Good Luck girly and remember that it can only get better!!


mommywannabe - March 23

Baby, hope you start to feel better soon. When my sister BF with her first she had issues as well and gave up and she vowed that if she got preggo again, which she had the baby already that she wouldn't do it a second time and she's having the time of her life BF now. I look at it this way you are trying and it's all you can do and soon he'll understand and learn that it's timed, so to speak. GL with hit. You have much more patience than me but I'll tell you this time around if I get preggo I'll try it. I want to now that I know what's involved. Nikki, glad all is going well with you and can't wait to see you post new things that's going on. Same with you Mega. It's like I'm living it too. SOOO COOL!! Tenk, what's new in your TTC world. Did you take a month off since your kids were doing surgery? Just curious. Mine and DD's surgeries are coming soon. Two weeks. YEAH!! LOL!! JSmith, how are you woman? Gosh I feel like I'm neglecting my posting duties but its been HELL at work for the last two weeks. PROJECTS, PROJECTS and MORE PROJECTSSSSSSSSSS!!! LOL!! LATER you wonderful ladies.


JSmith - March 23

Evening ladies- sorry it's been so long. I have been crazy lately. Today I was in Columbus all day with a co-worker for Procurement Card training. What it boils down to is that Debbie (the other girl and I) have control of the office credit card, but there are 19 million rules to go along with it and we got a binder of about 150 pages saying what we could and couldn't do with it. They can have it back - I don't want it, nor the responsibility that comes along with it. :) I got home at 5:30, ate dinner and then had to sort all of the Malley's chocolate that my daughter sold for school (and of course she sold the most in the school) so that was fun. Now I am up to my knees in laundry - CALGON - TAKE ME AWAY! :) :) Okay, enough about my boring life - Baby- I know exactly how you feel with the baby blues - that was by far the hardest time in my life - between my hormones and the lack of sleep I was a MESS. I didn't BF however so I was able to get some drugs to help me - THANK GOD FOR DRUGS! :) I reached a level of exhaustion I never thought possible - but like Tenk said - it does get better - I know it seems like it won't get better and at the time it was happening to me I thought it would never end - but it did and now Raegan is 5 - sometimes I would love to be holding my baby again feeding her (especially when she's giving me lip). Keep your head up! Mega - I can't believe you are in the 2nd trimester already and Nikki, you're close behind her - seems like you guys just told us. Time does fly, but towards the end it starts to feel like you've been pregnant forever - but it is so fun to watch the baby move as he/she gets bigger - I remember my stomach just jumping all over the place - it was amazing! :) Tenk - how was Hailey's ENT appt.? I hope it went well - it stinks when the kids are sick. Raegan had ear problems till just about 6 months or so ago - ALWAYS sick! Mommy - good luck with your surgery - I'm sure it will go fine but there is always a bit of anxiety I know - I've had 2 laps myself - they are a very helpful tool - it just stinks to have to go through it. And good luck to your dd - that's no fun either! :( Well girls - DH has the 2 kids delivering candy and I don't have much more time alone and I have a million things to get done in the house. Have a great weekend all!


Tenk - March 26

Hi everyone, my net was down all freggin weekend and I didn't have a computer so I'm beside myself now that it's back up.....LOL. Mommy~Thanks for asking.....I'm 11dpo today and I had an evap line this morning (I think), I'll test again in the morning to be sure. I think we're at the end of our ropes tho. Kev wants me to STOP the clomid and I don't want to chart anymore at all nor do I want to use OPKs. It's just too much pressure for me, and it's driving me crazy doing it. I'm supposed to do IUI this month (if I get AF....please oh please don't let me get AF God...) so when I go in on the 10th to the OB he's going to schedule me with the RE for the IUI and I'm going to request a trigger shot so we can time it perfectly and do the IUI, I may or may not do the clomid this cycle. Kev doesn't want me to take it but it might be a good idea with the IUI this month too. So we'll see what happens from here. JSmith~so good to hear from you and thanks for asking as well. The ENT said that her ears look better but that we need to get her in with the Peds Pulmanologist ASAP and get her lungs assesed, as she may have some sort of lung disease. Ah, I hope there's an end to the maddness sometime soon. Oh, and the room that is the *nursery* we've turned it into the *GYM* instead. I'm tired of waiting and wondering when I can shed these 10lbs that the clomid and the stress of TTC'ing has given me and I went out and bought a *Total Gym* the one that Christy Brinkly and Chuck Norris advertise....I've used it like 5 times since we got it, and I feel my abs and upper body all tight and I love the idea of getting back into some shape. you ladies are such a great support system, and BTW JSmith we forgive you for being MIA for a while you do have a life besides us LMAO....come back and say hello when you can. MEGA and Nikki, I hope you guys are feeling so great these last few days....Lots of Love~Teneal


BabyRN - March 26

Hey ladies! Sorry my last post was a bit depressing. Damn baby blues and pp hormones! Breast feeding seems to be going better. He is on a MUCH better schedule every 2 1/2-3hrs. For now anyway. LOL! DH and I had a nice long discussion and he has been much more supportive of me breastfeeding and has been better about taking Colton in the am before he goes to work so I can have a few min to myself even if it's just to shower in peace. Needless to say I seem to be a much happier person and don't get frustrated with Colton quite as easily. I also figured out that if I get outside at least once during the day even if it is with the baby I am much happier. Since it has been so nice these last coupe of days. We have been walking the park, good for everyone in the house Shadow included! Speaking of which, I got into my pre preggo pants on Fri. Holy crap my pants actually zip and button for the first time in a long time! Hopefully the nice weather will keep up and the lbs will keep coming off. I have lost 26lbs as of my 2wk appt! Can you believe it. Also if anyone would like to email me their address I would love to send you all an announcement. I promise I wont stalk anyone or send any anthrax to you in the mail. LOL :0) Tenk~ Thank you so much for your email and offer to vent. I have your email saved so although I haven't called yet don't be suprised if you get an unexpected call one day! I am sure my meltdowns are far from over. Ok well I am off to take Colton & Shadow to the park. Thanks for all your support guys! TTYL


Tenk - March 27

Hi girls, I think I'm out for this cycle. My temp was a bit lower again today. It's still a good bit above my cover line, but I'm sure she is on her way. I didn't even test today because I'm so sure of it. So I go in on the 10th to discuss the IUI, and I'm praying that the doc can get me in with the RE for the IUI on the 13th or 14th (Kev's off that weekend) and maybe a trigger shot on the 12th. Please pray for us that this works......we're done in 3 months if this doesn't work. I can't take anymore clomid and insurance only covers 3 IUI's. Oh well what can you do right? Have any of you had IUI done? Hope your all well.


nikki2204 - March 27

Hello all! Are you all just loving this weather or what?! :) Jsmith, nice to hear from you again. Baby, sorry about the stupid email, lol. I'm so glad you and Colton are doing better, I'm sure it was just a little rough patch. Mommy, Mega, How are you girls doing? Tenk -- So sorry about AF. I had IUI done once but it didn't take. After that is when they found the cysts and endo. Good luck to you, I'm sure it will all work out....you are on the "lucky thread" you know! :)


Mega - March 28

Hi ladies! Big project at work, still have lots to do hence why I've been MIA lately. Tenk--So sorry about AF. I did several IUIs, 6 total I think. Never worked for me, but I think our male factor was the reason I kept getting BFNs. Without MF or with just minor MF, your odds are much higher I think. And 3 covered IUIs, that's wonderful. Though out of pocket for us, they were still only $150/a pop, which is CHEAP compared to what we shelled out for IVF. Of course DH's deposits were covered by his ins. which was a BIG cost savings too. So good luck with the IUI consult appt. IUIs are just a little crampy during, but really not a big deal. Then you lie on the table for like 15 mins. afterwards & you're good to go after that. DH & I used to go out for breakfast afterwards. Became our monthly weekend ritual (for some odd reason except my 1st one, every IUI ended up being on a Sat. or occassionally a Sun.). Since your DH doesn't have a very flexible schedule you might want to ask about keeping a sample of his on ice as backup just in case. Also, my DH liked to bring his own "entertainment" while giving a sample, he likes his special movies better than their stash. I'll pray hard the first IUI does the trick. Glad to hear Hailey's ears are better, but yikes on the lung issues. I hope they get every thing cleared up for your poor baby soon. Hang in there. Hugs! Mommy--Wow, both you & DD have surgeries coming up?! Busy time in your house, I hope DH is all ready to play nursemaid to both of you. What's DD's surgery again? I think the info you'll glean during the lap is invaluable, & even if they give you the all clear, it's still said to clear things out down there. Good luck! Nikki--How are your 'roids doing? You know how I told you I was having similar issues, but not too worried? Well it got worse today. Very freaky. I know it must be 'roids or a fissure, but I've never seen so much blood before & I didn't even strain this time. I swear the water was red after my BM. Looked like a shark attack! TMI, I apologize. I'm waiting for my OB's office to call back! Wish they'd hurry up. This is what freaks me the most though, after my 11 AM ish BM with all that blood, I went back to the potty (my 2nd office these days) a couple hours later just to pee. But for GP I wiped my butt too & even though I didn't have a BM then I still came away with big spots of blood. Not on the underwear though. You roid experts, does that still sound like hemroids/fissures? I'm about to make a pest of myself & call again. Yours weren't this bad were they Nikki? I hope not! Baby--So sorry about the baby blues. I've heard it can be tricky, BFing. Glad it's going better now though & that the baby blues have lessened at least a bit today. I'm sure it's day by day, even hour by hour at times. Glad you & Colton and Shadow got to enjoy the nice weather a bit earlier this week. And WOW on losing 26 Lbs in 2 weeks. Very impressive! One nice perk of BFing huh?! JSmith--Hope your doing well. Hope things have settled down a bit post-Procurement Card training day in Columbus. Yeah, sounds like more hassel than it's probably worth, being keeper of the card.


nikki2204 - March 28

Mega!!! Whew, I was getting worried about ya! Glad to hear most everything is good. About the roids....I would be freaked out too....sounds like alot of blood. But, if it's bright red, that is a good indication that it is roids and/or a fissure. Best to see what the doc says. Dont you just hate waiting on them to call back. I feel like I could have a nervous breakdown waiting on them! I go to the doc tomorrow for the doppler, I am going to have to talk to him about my roid issues too. I don't really have much bleeding at all unless they are inflamed. But, I still have the mucus mixed in all of the time. This is gross but it looks like I blew my nose all over it. Do you have that at all?



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