OHIO ladies....part 5...
396 Replies
mommywannabe - March 15

You are talking to the ROIDS expert. It is from the roids. Sometimes if it is mixed with the poo it might be roids or a number of small things. Here's some reading material. Anal Fissure
Most people have experienced a tear or fissure at the corner of the mouth that can occur in cold weather or when yawning. Similarly, an anal fissure is a small tear in the lining of the anus, frequently caused by constipation. A hard, dry bowel movement results in a break in the tissue. However, fissures can also occur with severe bouts of diarrhea or inflammation. This results in the anus becoming dry and irritated, causing it to tear. Injury to the anal area during childbirth and abuse of laxatives may be other causes. A fissure can be quite painful during and immediately following bowel movements. This is because the anus and anal canal are ringed with muscles to control the passage of stool and to keep the anus tightly closed at other times. When those muscles expand, it stretches the fissure open. There may also be bleeding or itching with an anal fissure. Hemorrhoids are abnormally or markedly swollen or dilated veins and interlacing blood vessels or nerves, in and around the anis often complicated by inflammation, and the formation or presence of a blood clot within a blood vessel the condition is also commonly associated with anal bleeding.
External hemorrhoids are located below the the pointed conical projections on the anis and are covered by at least in its outer layers of small scale like cells.
Internal hemorrhoids are located above the pointed conical projections on the anis and are lined by rectal mucous membranes.
Hemorrhoids typically occur in the right front of the body, right hind part of the body, and side of the body and universally affect adults and children.


Mega - March 15

Good reading material! Thanks Mommy. LMAO! No, really this is interesting. I'm thinking I had more of a fissure really than the 'roids. I scared my dog one time. He was out in the hall, I was straining to poo & it was hurting. DH said the dog looked startled at the noises coming from the bathroom. LOL! So you're a 'roid expert huh?


mommywannabe - March 15

Oh yeah they'll make sure in the hospital to tell you that you have them after you give birth. I've gotten them since.


JSmith - March 16

Mommy, I'm right there with you on being an expert on 'roids! :) Nikki-I'm sure that is what the problem is - I had 'roids very early and pregnancy and have dealt with them EVER SINCE! If you are straining at all you really should try the metamucil thing - just drink one to two glasses daily - that should help. Of course check with your dr. - obviously none of us have MD after our name, but we can speak from experience, but talking to your dr. would probably ease your mind. I had external 'roids (and internal) but I remember finding one and yelling for my husband to come and see what was growing out of my butt. It freaked me out - what a good man I have! :) TMI I know, but it is funny now. Baby - I understand the part-time dilema - I worked full-time till I had Raegan and went back to work for 2 months and couldn't do it anymore - I then went part-time until just this year and I am now 3/4 time. 3/4 time gets the same benefits as full-time, but it was a struggle when I was part-time. It's a tough decision and most of us just aren't in the situation where we don't have to work - unfortunately. Tenk, Mega - have a good outing - maybe we can ALL attend next time -t hat would be cool! Well, I have to Raegan & I out by 7:20 so I'd better move. Have a great day!


JSmith - March 16

Okay, lots of mistakes in that last post - sorry, it's EARLY! :)


nikki2204 - March 16

Hello -- thank you all for the posts. I think you guys are right. Last night, after another BM, I was applying some cream to relieve the burning pain and felt a "soft bubble". I think maybe I have an internal roid that is protruding to the outside. I have had a roid before, I just usually saw a streak on the outside and when I noticed it was mixed in, it worried me. I was reading up and it said that the protruding ones can cause the mucus that I have been having too. I am such a worry wart. I did leave a message for my nurse last night but haven't heard from her yet. I hope that there is nothing to worry about. My stomach hurts a bit but I think it just might be my nerves!!! I'm a mess.


nikki2204 - March 16

Oh---something I wanted to mention too---to you roid experts..... I have not strained to go, which is why I couldn't figure out why I was getting them. Can they be caused from other things? I've had one before, so I am assuming it is just flared up......but I don't know what caused it.


mommywannabe - March 16

Nikki, I just emailed you again regarding your last post. Get witch hazel or Tucks pads for them...THEY WORK WONDERS. I wasn't for sticking my finger near my poo hole to put Preperation H on it so I got the pads. LOL!!


nikki2204 - March 16

Thanks Mommy!!!! I got your emails.


mommywannabe - March 16

Mega, Tenk have fun Saturday. Baby, Love the new 1 wk pic. He's awesome. JSmith, how are you doing? Nikki, hope the roids get better. Did your nurse call?


nikki2204 - March 16

NO! Can you believe that? They are usually so good about calling. Good thing I've calmed down a bit about it! LOL
Everyone have a great weekend!!!!!


mama keya - March 17

Hey Tenk heres my update okay my cycle finally started on the 15th of March and i have an appointment schedule for the 27th of March to get my shot and then on the 28th we are going in for the IUI I am so happy Keya


mommywannabe - March 19

Well yesterday at 11:54am I became an aunt for the 4th time to a baby girl 7lbs 5 oz 20 inch long. Her name is Maleah. They are still working on the middle name. It will be either Alexandria or Sabara. She's so cute and looks exactly like my sister. LOL!! And she's got the fattest lil face I've seen. LOL!! So cute. How is everyone today???


nikki2204 - March 19

Congrats Mommy!!! or should I say Auntie!!!! lol.
So, how is everyone? Mega, Tenk...how was brunch on Saturday? HOpe everyone had a great weekend, it went by way too fast for me, i know that much! Mega, how far are you now? How are you feeling?


Tenk - March 19

Hi Girls, Mega and I didn't get to have Brunch. I didn't have her number and she didn't get my email in time to NOT go to the place. Hailey got a severe ear infection and had fluid draining from her ear and running out then throwing up on Sat and Sun so I was at an urgent care instead of my much wanted/needed Brunch with our wonderful Mega. Now we're going to have Hailey tested for childhood diseases and illnesses since with recurrent lung infections theres almost ALWAYS an underlying illness causing them. So I missed her, and I feel terrible. I do hope that when I'm back in Cincy in June that we can all get together then tho....maybe some of you can come down???? PLEASE???? Keya~ glad to know things are going well for you! I wish you the best of luck on your IUI this month.....hopefully you'll get a BFP from it!!! Mommy~ CONGRATS on the new little neice, I'm sure she's so cute! Nikki~ Glad your feeling a bit better and not so stressed about it. I had one once and felt it while washing....I flipped out.....DH teased me and called it "Hermy" LOL and it then went away....I did go to the doc tho and did the Tucks pads things. JSmith, Baby, and Mega, hope your all well these last few days?


mommywannabe - March 20

Bump, we were way at the bottom. Where's the O_h_i_o love??? LOL!!



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