OHIO ladies....part 5...
396 Replies
nikki2204 - March 28

Mega!!! Whew, I was getting worried about ya! Glad to hear most everything is good. About the roids....I would be freaked out too....sounds like alot of blood. But, if it's bright red, that is a good indication that it is roids and/or a fissure. Best to see what the doc says. Dont you just hate waiting on them to call back. I feel like I could have a nervous breakdown waiting on them! I go to the doc tomorrow for the doppler, I am going to have to talk to him about my roid issues too. I don't really have much bleeding at all unless they are inflamed. But, I still have the mucus mixed in all of the time. This is gross but it looks like I blew my nose all over it. Do you have that at all?


nikki2204 - March 28

ok, now I am really upset. The doctor's office just called me and had to reschedule my appt until next Wednesday!!! I guess there was a family emergency. They are killin me!


Mega - March 28

Hey Nikki! Thanks. I haven't had the mucus thing while pg, but I swear I've had it pre-pg though. Definitely mention it tomorrow, though I've heard it's not anything to generally worry about during pg. I've had so many poo issues pre-pg you wouldn't think I'd be surprised to have them now. Go figure! The doppler--how awesome! You should be far enough along to hear something. I called the nurse line back again right after I posted here. My coworker had major hemorroid issues herself after she had her DD 4 years ago, so she's been advising me. LOL! The dr told the nurse to call me in a script for Colace so I'll pick that up tonight. And Anusol, was another suggestion, but the nurse thought that was OTC. I should try those first, call them if it doesn't help. I have an appt. anyway next Friday (Good Friday) so I'll definitely mention it then esp. if I keep seeing more blood. I'm glad the bright red blood is actually a good indicator for roids/fissures though. One source said something about light red blood. Um no, definitely not light red! Post back tomorrow after the dr's appt, if you can! Sorry to worry ya! :)


Mega - March 28

Oh Nikki, that SUCKS about postponing your appt. til Wed. I take it there's only 1 praticing OB on staff? There isn't anyone subbing for the dr then? Grrr! Well now I got back from the bathroom yet again (live there these days--as I'm sure you do too) & now there's blood on my undies. I triple checked positioning etc, definitely coming from my butt region, so that's good at least. This is crazy! Can't wait to pick up the Colace & get some relief. Geez!


nikki2204 - March 28

Oh, that sucks. I hope the meds give you relief! Have you felt around down there and felt lumos or "cuts" in the skin? I know its really hard, but try scoping it out in the mirror (not a pretty sight! lol). As far as my doctor goes, there is one other doc but I don't care for him and I LOVE my doc, so he will be worth the wait :)


nikki2204 - March 28

thats lumps, not lumos! lol


mommywannabe - March 28

Well I have been a slacker and I admit it. LOL!! Ok, glad to see everyone on here posting. YEAH!!! Our loving OHIO family. I have surgery next week as well as DD. DD's is for her tonsils and adenoids Mega. Fun times with her I can feel it. LOL!! She's a grump when she's not feeling well so nursemaid John will have lots of fun with her. LOL!! Mega, I believe everytime I have roids or fissure it's bright red. Although I had a BM this AM and it had light red but I think it was a previous roid irritated and not a new one (hence the "red" blood). That's my thought though. LOL!! All this poo talk. LOL!! I feel right at home. HAHA!! Mega, glad things are going well other than the poo region. Nikki, same thing to you. Too bad the doc rescheduled but look at this way you'll definitely be able to hear the h/b since you'll be in the 2 trimester. They say 12 weeks you can hear it for sure so at 13 you'll definitely be able to. Can't wait to hear your update. Mega, when's your next appt.? Tenk, did AF show her ugly face? I think the IUI will work and even if it doesn't you still don't have to give up per sae. You can try without trying and see what happens. I know harder said than done as I am going through that right now till we can get to do IUI but still. Baby, glad BF and dealing with those issues have gotten better. I think a lot of it is being stir crazy. I mean it's new, it's hard, and you healing has got to take a toll so I can understand exactly what you are going through. JSmith, glad you got to visit Columbus, even thought it was for a useless issue. What'd you think of us? LOL!! How's everything with your family?
As for me, next Thursday surgery (Lap) for me, Tonsils and Adenoids for DD on Tuesday. DH is going Monday and submitting a sample per docs orders. I guess he's considering the first deposit as null and void but still keeping the numbers in mind. I guess since it spilled he wants a full sample to verify difference or if anything changed since last one. He wants this done before my lap because he said he'd hate to cut on me and it be a serious male issue but since he had numbers before it might be a small one. He's still going to do the surgery because of possible cysts and endo but he is doing to this to cover all bases. I'm glad, who knows when I could get DH in to do it again. It works perfect to because 1. he's off all next week because of us and 2. we were referred to go to the hospital because they bill for it so we will pay nothing out of pocket that day as I don't have a co-pay and whatever insurance doesn't pay we will be billed for. So it's convenient. LOL!! I can't think of anything else that's going on.


Tenk - March 28

Hi everyone! Glad everyone is feeling pretty good. MEGA~ sorry about the poo issues, it's sucks but super funny to read about poo on here. I do hope the colace works for you....it did NOTHING for me, but everyone is different. I only had the bleeding once like that and it was AFTER delivery of DD2 and I flipped out to see the toilet water like that. i cried and called my mom...hehe. NIKKI~sorry they rescheduled the appt, but yes for sure you should hear the HB. YAY!!! BABY~hope you and Colton are well! JSmith~ hope your hanging in too, and I'd wanna give up the card too if I were you....too much trouble!! MOMMY~ Thanks for asking, no stupid AF didn't show up yet, and I'm not spotting or anything. I am cramping tho. My temp is lower, but still not near my cover line. My CP is still so high I can barely reach it and it's mushy (ah like a preggers, BUT I'M NOT) I'm super grumpy too. Now I can't get the stupid doc to call me back, I need him to request for the IUI now so that this cycle won't be a bust. When I go in on the 10th I'll be about to O and it'll take too long to get the approval back other wise. I'm a tiny bit pissed off too. I just don't want to lose a IUI with clomid cycle since I can only take it 6 times.....does he not know that....UGH....oh see how moody I am??? I hope yours and DD's surgeries go well. When Hailey had her tonsillis and adnoids removed she was FREGGIN' CRAZY when she came out of anistisia, she bit Kev on the neck and ripped out IV's....LOL I was freaking out....LOL. Kaleb on the other hand only cried....not freakin out at all, just whiney. Ok, hugs to you all~~~~~~Teneal


mommywannabe - March 28

I'm sure DD will be whiney. She's that way. Oh vey!! Oh well.


mommywannabe - March 28

I meant to say my DD will be whiney. LOL!! I'm sure you knew what I meant but I like to correct myself as to not sound like a tard.


BabyRN - March 29

Alright girls that is ENOUGH talk about the 'roids!! Thanks to you all I just had a bm and felt like I was pooping glass! And the blood EWWW! Not as bad as you mega but still. I thought b/c I got through pg in the clear I was safe. Guess not. Thanks ladies! LOL :0) Nikki: Sorry that they had to reschedule your appt. I know what you mean about loving your dr that is the only reason I handled it when they cxl'd my appt's too. It is going to be so cool hearing the babies hb. I wish you and mega lived closer to me I would have you come into my work and we could play with the doppler and the u/s! Mommy: Geez it's procedure city in your house! Hope all goes well with your lap, dd's t/a surgery, and dh's sa. WHEW!! Hopefully they will find something with your lap and "clear" you out and your bfp will be next month! Ok Colton's ready to eat so ttfn.


BabyRN - March 29

Tenk: This may be a stupid question but what is "CP" I have a feeling it is something to do with your cervix? If that is it and it is feeling mushy that is just a typical multip cervix. Multip cervix feel like chewed up bubble gum all the time. Sometimes they are so mushy they are hard to find. Ok this is going to really sound weird if cp has nothing to do with your cervix :0)


Mega - March 29

Baby--You're right, CP = Cervical Position, I believe. Right Tenk? So no, your explanation doesn't sound odd at all. Sorry all the poop talk made your roids flare up again. OMG it's catching!!! Ahhh! LOL! J/K...Yeah, all the wonderful 'roids info I read said it's even more common after the baby than during pg. Sorry to break it to ya! Oh I wish we lived closer too, playing with the u/s at your work sounds so fun! :) I'm an u/s addict now. Tenk--Sorry AF is taking her sweet time. Darn AF. And I hope your dr calls back soon. They can't keep us hanging like they do! Geez. If not, call him back again. The timing of an IUI is very delicate & as you said you don't want to waste another Clomid cycle. Nikki--Yeah, I agree you're much much more likely to definitely hear the h/b next week even more so than this week. In pg a week can make a big difference. Hopefully your dr will end up being the one that delivers your baby. My dr's practice is huge, like 10+ partners so about the only thing I'm pretty sure of is our odds of her delivering the baby isn't high. Grrr! Oh well. But otherwise I like going to such a big practice. Mommy--Wow, yeah, nurse hubby will have his hands full next week that's for sure. That's nice that he's able to get next week off to take care of you guys. Yeah, I know adults who were whiney after T/A surgery, so I can definitely see how your dd would be less than happy afterwards. (Aw Tenk, I'm sorry, I had to laugh though when I read your post about your dd biting your DH & taking the IV out! :) Yeah, that would be freakey to watch at the time though). You & DD can stock up on movies etc to watch on Thurs. & Fri as you guys lay around & convelesce. Though you'll probably sleep more than anything Thurs. It's good too that DH's doing another Love Juice analysis next week too. I like your dr's thinking on that one. :) Well ladies I've got to get to work. Let's keep the poo talking going though, I love a good poo talk now & again.


nikki2204 - March 29

Good Morning All! Baby--- So sorry you caught the roid bug from us!!! Hope you are doing better today. And heck yes, I wish we lived closer too---how fun would that be, playing with the doppler and u/s!!!! Mega--I agree, I need a good poo talk now and then....or all the time right now, so I don't freak out! I;ve never had so many butthole problems in my freakin life. lol.
HOpe everyone is doing well!!!!


Tenk - March 29

OMG ROTFLMFAO......poop talk!!! Yes Baby~ CP is cervical position. It was SO high and mushy that I could barely find it. Now it's low and firm again and bleeding...LOL. So AF is here. Dr. called this AM on his way out of town and we talked. I told him I need him to request the IUI thru my insurance NOW so we don't miss our window this month since obviously the clomid is not working for us. He said he agreed and will chat with the RE on Monday and get his thoughts. He also said they may want to meet with us first and then do the IUI, I quickly protested stating that this cycle would be a waste then. I was thinking tho, if they want to meet with us first then I'm going to demand a "trigger" shot this cycle when I go in so that all the little follies that I've produced come out instead of 1 or 2 like typical. Then maybe, who knows if I release 4-5 eggs maybe Kev's little buddies can find one of two or even 3 of them and we won't need the IUI. UGH.........I hate this so much. I'm not going to chart this cycle at all so there is less to obsess about. Ok, more later ttfn


nikki2204 - March 29

ok girls, I am freaked out now. Does anyone know anything about Fifths Disease? A friend just emailed me telling me that her son MAY HAVE had it last week when we went to dinner. I guess it is not a big deal for most people to get, just a rash....but, it's more of a risk with pregnant women! I left a message with my nurse about it but haven't heard back yet. They don't know FOR SURE if he had it and its too late to test him for it. I didn't have much contact with him at all, probably held him for about 30 seconds. ok, as I was typing this the nurse called back, I gotta go get some blood drawn to make sure I wasn't exposed!!!



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