new post for day 21 test
543 Replies
cw - January 3

well it is offical. i am not pg this month. af showed up 1 day early. i am alittle disappointed but very happy that she showed on her own again!! hopefully i am getting back on track!!


Mega - January 3

I'm so sorry about AF! But you're right, sounds like you are definitely getting back on track. And 2nd cycle in a row AF showed on her own, another excellent sign. Hang in there. Pamper yourself today.


cw - January 3

its ok cause i kinda knew i wasnt. and hunts football its better timing from now on. i am really excited that it worked and my body responded. its nice when she shows on her own when she is supposed too instead of taking months off! lol how was your new years?


Mega - January 3

Well good, I'm glad you're not too upset this cycle. And sounds like you're well on your way to a BFP very soon. My New Years was a lot of fun. We got to see some friends we don't see very much. I drank probably more than I should've but I figured this could be my last chance for 9 + months. :)


cw - January 3

well thats what new years is all about girl!! although i was asleep by 11 pm lol i was quite the party animal!! no i am not that upset it would have been nice but i wasnt really expecting it. i am just hopng by april. that would be a nice time to be pg and we are trying to go to disney this summer in aug so i dont want to be to big. i hope all this goes on my timeline this month :)


Mega - January 3

That sounds like a good timeframe--pg by April. I'd like to be pg by late Feb/early March, which is when Derrick's & my birthdays are. But if it doesn't happen that soon, that's okay too. Disney World in Aug. sounds fun. Will this be Hunter's first time there?


cw - January 3

no we went when he was 3 and he had a good time but i think he would be able to enjoy it more now. my whole family would be going so it will be fun. it would be nice to be 4 or 5 months pg by then. when in march is your birthday?


Mega - January 3

Oh he'd definitely get a lot more enjoyment out of it now! And that's cool that your whole fam will be going. I'd think anytime in your 2nd trimester would be the best timeframe, you'd still need to rest a little more than usual though, I'd imagine. My b-day is March 9th. DH's is Feb. 24th, which is nice having them so close together.


cw - January 4

well mine is april 5th! we are really close too. my freind just sent me her new ultrasound pics. they are so cute. it is nice not to be too jealous this month. i am really hoping between march and april. that would be really really good timing for me :) so how are you today?


Mega - January 4

Yeah, our b-days are just about a month apart. My due date I guess was originally April 4th. Good old 70s technology! Awww, how far along is your friend? Could you see much detail about the baby? Like a foot, or anything? Do they know the baby's gender yet? I'm glad you're doing okay about it now, yeah it's hard not to feel a little jealousy or envy from time to time, I'm glad you're not upset today seeing the u/s pics. Those are so cool though! That would be sooo nice if we get our BFPs in time for our respective b-days. :) I'm waiting for a call back from my nurse re: the progesterone b/w, I'm supposed to get it done Friday I guess.


cw - January 4

i am also waiting to see if they want me to have another day 21 test this month. i hope so b/c really want toknow the #'s. she is actually due april 4th. she is so excited she has wanted this FOREVER. and she was so good to me when i was pg. the doctor asked if she wanted to know the sex and she said no. i told her she was killing me. lol i hope we both get our bfp before our birthdays :)


Mega - January 4

Me too! That would be the best b-day presents ever! Wow, how funny would that be if your friend gave birth on your b-day, & right around that same time you had your own BFP!!! It so totally could happen that way! Fingers' crossed. Well, anyway, that's exciting then that she's having her first kid after trying so long & wanting it so badly. :) Good for her for keeping the gender a surprise. I'm pretty sure I couldn't do that. Not for baby #1 at least. My next one maybe. What about you? Do you & your DH want to know the gender or keep it a surprise? Or will you decide that once you're PG? I'd imagine your dr will want you to have the day 21 test every cycle, mine does. It's useful not only for knowing if you ovulate but also to make sure you're producing enough prog. to sustain a pregnancy. Though I guess medical opinions on the subject differ. Like everything else TTC-related!


cw - January 4

that is what i am hoping. i like knowing what the level is. i feel like i have worked really hard for it and i wanna know how good i did :) there is no way i could wait to find out. i knew at 16 weeks with both of mine!! it would kill me not to know. i think i really would like another boy next time although my dh wants a girl SO bad.. i like my lil boys :)


Mega - January 4

Really? That's cool that your DH wants a little girl. I could just imagine Derrick with a little girl, she'd look at him once & he'd be a sucker for her! I see myself having a boy the first go round though, & I like that idea a lot. But you know, I'd be equally happy with a girl. And niether of the mom's have made their desire for a granddaughter a seceret. In some ways it might be more fun to have this big "prize" at the end, finally learning the gender of your baby, but I think I'd drive myself even nuttier if I didn't know the gender. There are plenty of other surprises involved even if you do know if it's a boy or a girl. Like does the baby have hair? What color is it? Etc...Well, I'll bet your dr will order up a prog. test next cycle, but if she doesn't don't be afraid to ask for one. And on that subject, I'm still waiting for my call back...


cw - January 4

well it seems that i am playing phone tag wih my i have called her 2x and missed her call back both times. how annoying! i think that thetre is definetely something precious between a mommy and son. i am sure that its is probably the same for a girl but i love my boys!!


Mega - January 4

Well, hopefully you & your nurse will stop the phone tag soon. Are you waiting to hear about the Femara script? Are you doing CD 5 thru 9 again? What CD are you on today? Yeah, I've heard about the special bond b/twn mothers & sons and that might be part of the appeal for me.



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