new post for day 21 test
543 Replies
cw - February 16

i know what you mean. i actually havent ever had to remove them just take off the nail polish. but look at it like this you can get a new set that will look fabulous!!! yes that was quite dramatic... but it all turned out ok. are you only taking off tomorrow or monday too?


Mega - February 16

You're right! That's a good way to look at it. Plus I'm probably overdue for a new set anyway. :) I'm planning on taking Monday off too. Another lady I chat with on this board had the lap done in Oct, & she said she had it done on a Friday too and had planned to go to work Mon but was still feeling sick from the anethesia so she suggested I plan on taking Mon. off too just in case. I left it open with my boss though, I said if I felt pretty good I'd come in Monday but most likely I'd be off.


cw - February 16

i think that you should take an extra day off as well. you never now how you are going tp feel. i cant wait to talk to you next week and see how everythibg goes. i will be thinking and praying for you. i am getting ready to for the day! good luck and i will talk to you on tuesday. oh i forgot to as you how soon will you know the results?


Mega - February 16

Thank you! You have a great weekend, keep on BD-ing! :) Wear that hubby of yours out, girl. Talk to ya Tuesday, though I might try to post an update before then. I'm not sure when we'll know anything, but I think the dr will probably give us a brief wrap up post surgery, at least letting us know if there was endo, etc. Though I'll probably have to have hubby write it down, I doubt I'll remember much of what the dr will say. :) I probably won't get all the details though til my post op appt., he also said he'll have pictures to give me. Interesting. But gross, I'm sure! Have a good night. Take care!


cw - February 16

you too!! good luck tomorrow and try to post sometime this weekend i will be checking in!!!!


Mega - February 16

I will. Thanks!


cw - February 19

hey mega~ i hope that all went well during your surgery. i just wanted you to know that i was thinking about you and hope all is well. talk to you soon!!


cw - February 20

just bumping it up!! cant wait to hear from you :)


Mega - February 20

I'm baaack--online that is! The OD & lap went well, I think. Derr thought the dr said I was endo free which is good, though I'll get all the details later this week in my follow up appt., & we'll try clomid again then too. My dr doesn't believe in waiting to see if I O spontaneously b/c I guess the fertile window is pretty small--3 to 7 mos. or so. Still if it works it was soooo worth it & I'd do it again. I'm not doing to bad, a little tired b/c I haven't really been sleeping more than a few hours at a time but I haven't done much other than curling up under a blanket watching movies & using the heating pad. Not a bad way to spend a weekend overall. I took today off too to rest up, mom's coming down here & we're going to lunch. How was your weekend? How're you doing? Did you get a lot of BD in this weekend? You O'ed this weekend, right? Anything else new? Thanks for the well wishes, talk to ya later.


cw - February 20

i am so glad to hear the great news!!! so when will you offically start trying again? we did alot of bding although i think i will get my + opk today. yesterday was kinda dark but i thin today will be much darker. so we have another couple of days we have to. i really hope that we get our BFPs this month. i am having more pain this month for some reason. hopefully that means a really good egg!!! glad to hear that you are feeling better!!


cw - February 20

i forgot to ask about your cyst? did you have any?


Mega - February 21

Hi. Thanks. You know, I'm not sure about the cysts. I didn't get to talk to my dr afterwards, & I know Derrick wouldn't have thought to ask him for details. I'll find out on Thursday I guess at the follow up. We're definitely doing another Clomid cycle, & probably a IUI as well. I start Clomid right away. I'll see how I do on Clomid, I may end up asking to switch to Femara next cycle if no BFP. I hope you're making a good eggie (or 2!) this cycle. How'd your OPK go yesterday? Did you get that darker line? Keep on keeping on with BD! I think that by Wed. or Thurs. my no BD for 1 week restriction will start to weigh on me. I know it will for Derr, it's probably getting to him right now. LOL. As long as my incisions still hurt though I'm okay with the no sex thing. :)


cw - February 21

i had a very positive opk yesterday. so we did AGAIN last night. i told dh after wed he better not even look at i am through with the cough meds though. i ended up taking awhole bottle. YUCK but maybe it will help. i had alot of pain last night on my left side. i actually ended up putting a heating pad on my stomache for a while while wwe watched tv. then this moring nothing. it all feels back to normal. hopefully i released the little egg!! i cant wait to hear the all the results from the follow up in thursday!! :) how is being back to work?


Mega - February 21

Oh, heating pads are wonderful. I've been using mine almost non-stop since Friday. :) Glad it helped & your leftside O pain has stopped. Definitely sounds like a good sign to me of a nice big ripe follie. No BD after Wed., LOL! Won't it be sooo nice to have a regular, non-TTC sex life again after we have our BFPS?! It's okay being back to work, though I enjoyed being off yesterday. :) I do need to hit the phones though. My incisions are pulling a little bit though, but not bad enough for drugs or anything. Though painkillers might make work more fun!


cw - February 21

yes painkillers at work would make the day go by much faster!! :) i am glad that you are not in alot of pain. i wonder why i had more pain yesterday then months before? i ordered some preseed hoping that it comes today. maybe that owuld help since i have run out if cough med. lol when do you get to start your clomid? if it doesnt work this cycle maybe you can switch to femara? it seems to do the trick for me... well hopefully :)


Mega - February 21

I don't know why this month would be worse for you than previous months. Our Ovaries get weird sometime I guess. Let's hope though it's caused by growing more than 1 follie this time--increase your odds. Derrick wants us to keep with the Clomid for this cycle at least (tried & true, I guess) but if it doesn't get me PG this cycle I think I will bring up Letrozole (which is what my RE calls Femara). I've got my fingers' crossed that you'll be a Femara success story before too long. I think I'll start the Clomid on Thurs, my dr had said last week he'd get me started on Clomid right away this cycle. I guess the OD procedure starts the clock over again, so I guess CD 1 is counted as 2/17, so I'm on CD 4 today. I'd thought they'd get me in sooner this week, but the nurse who scheduled me sounded surprised that the dr wanted to see me again so soon after surgery. Oh well...



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