new post for day 21 test
543 Replies
Mega - February 21

I don't know why this month would be worse for you than previous months. Our Ovaries get weird sometime I guess. Let's hope though it's caused by growing more than 1 follie this time--increase your odds. Derrick wants us to keep with the Clomid for this cycle at least (tried & true, I guess) but if it doesn't get me PG this cycle I think I will bring up Letrozole (which is what my RE calls Femara). I've got my fingers' crossed that you'll be a Femara success story before too long. I think I'll start the Clomid on Thurs, my dr had said last week he'd get me started on Clomid right away this cycle. I guess the OD procedure starts the clock over again, so I guess CD 1 is counted as 2/17, so I'm on CD 4 today. I'd thought they'd get me in sooner this week, but the nurse who scheduled me sounded surprised that the dr wanted to see me again so soon after surgery. Oh well...


cw - February 21

hopefuly you are right about more then 1 egg this time. i guess we will see in 2 weeks if it worked or not. i hate this 2ww!! and i dont even have abything going on to distract me. lol


Mega - February 21

That's my theory for the increased O pain you had this cycle! :) And I'm sticking to it! Yeah, the 2 ww is a horrible, tortuous thing & hopefully my 2 ww will be worse than usual! :) Meaning of course, hopefully I'll have more reason to be positive this go round. Is it almost time to go home yet?! Ha. I wish.


cw - February 21

it is almost time for me to go home. i am leaving @ 2 so i only have a n hour and a half left. hopefully you are right about more then 1 egg. i made my yearly apt yesterday but i cant get in until april. hopefully i will already be pg by then!! i bet you are anxious to see the doctor thursday. do you have your list of questions ready for him?


Mega - February 21

That's a nice schedule--being off by2. You'll be home then before Hunter, right? Wow, til April--that's a long wait for your yearly. That would be awesome if you could combine that with your 1st pg visit--2 birds, 1 stone so to speak. I haven't started my list of questions for the dr yet, but I'm sure I'll have a zillion for him once I'm in there. Yes, I'm really looking foward to that appt--I'd really like all the details of what he found. Derr didn't have a lot to tell me, not that I'd have remembered if he did though, coming out of the anethsia. :) One of the stiches is really annoying me. On the cut on my left side above my ovary one of the stiches is poking out & poking my leg when I sit on the toilet. TMI I know! Sorry. I think it's b/c my tummy is still more bloated than usual from the gas used to inflate it. But it's an annoying sensation.


cw - February 21

ouch... that sounds very painful (although i laughed at loud) it would be really nice to be pg by april. its wierd b/c i took a couple of months off from obsessing now it is all i can think about again!! this 2ww is going to kill me. at least i know that we hit all the days. we started last thursday and have bd everynight since then. my cm did seem alittle thinner this cycle too. although i didnt have the ewcm (i never do it seems) hunt is acyually out of school today buthe is at his after school program.


Mega - February 21

Yeah, it is kinda funny. :) Only me, I tell ya! Did Hunter have a teacher in service day or something today? Was he off yesterday too for Presidents' Day? You BD every night, huh? No wonder you got burned out. LOL! But that's great, hitting all the bases. Yeah, it is strange how some cycles the 2 ww is pretty low key & other weeks they drag on FOREVER. I'm sure this will be a tortuous 2 ww for me too. But yours will be ending about when my begins. Oh well, we had vacations from the 2 ww preoccupation & now it's back to business as usual with the TTC craziness.


cw - February 21

ok now i am home and i dont have to constantly look over my yes he was out yesterday too. he has had quite a break. i have a questions for you... i just took another OPK and you could BARELY see the other line and yesterdays was bright as could be. can that happen? they were different brands but i would imagine that they work about the same. i got my preeseed today in the mail too and it came with 3 hpts so hopefully they will all be +++++ heres to wishful thinking :) now i am just concerned that i didnt O yesterday but i had a lot of pain. maybe after you O the hormone gets out of your body pretty quickly? what do you think?


Mega - February 21

Well, you had a + OPK on Sunday & an even darker one yesterday, right? I'd imagine there's really only a window of a couple days on OPKs so by that token my best guess is it just means you O'ed yesterday & the hormone it reads is diminishing. Good luck with the Preseed. My friend with the 3.5 month old daughter credits the use of PreSeed & cough medicine (for a cold she had) with conceiving her dd. But back to the OPK issue--I wouldn't think 2 different brands would give you such disparate results. But maybe to be safe you can do another OPK in a couple of hours with the kind you used yesterday. But again, I'd say you did O yesterday & are just over the hump today. I can see how that's confusing though. Wow, 2 days off. Lucky Hunter! I wish I was back in school. :)


cw - February 21

well with all the pain i am guessing that i did O yesterday. it was pretty dark ion sun and really dark yesterday, i am not goingto stress about uit and just go with yesteray as O day :) i think that i will try the preseed tonight and then save the rest for next month (hopefully i wont need it but incase) well i am off to pick hunt up so have a great night and i will talk toyou tomorrw :)


Mega - February 21

I think that's right, that you O'ed yesterday (esp. with the pain which could be the eggy rupturing out of the follie sac) & then the hormone level has since dropped & that's why you got a - OPK today. Makes sense to me. Definitely try not to worry, I think this has ended up being a really good cycle for you. Hang in there & keep on keeping on with the BD. And hopefully you won't need the PreSeed next month. Thanks. You have a good night too. Yay, only a 1/2 left of work for me. Goody!


cw - February 22

well i couldnt stand it so i went and bought another OPK and it was barely visable so i guess that means that i did O on sun. at least i know when to start counting the dpo :) we bd last night (1 more time) so i know that we covered all bases as far as that is concerned. now it is just the 2ww that i hate so much. how are you feeling? are your incisions getting better?


Mega - February 22

That was probably a good idea using the OPK one more time, just to be certain you'd O'ed. Which sounds like you definitely did! And you covered all the bases--so that's another thing for you to feel confident about. Hopefully this 2 ww won't be too slow & draggy for you. Right now my incisions aren't bothering me at all. It's kind of an intermittent thing now, this morning they were pretty tender b/c I rolled over on my tummy & tried to sleep that way. Not a good thing! But yes, they're definitely starting to feel better. Remind me of this later, tease me about this if you want, but right now, at this point I'm looking forward to the 2 WW this cycle. :)


cw - February 22

i will remind you if that later :) i feel more confient this month. it might not work either but i feel like i am getting closer to the BFP. did they tell you how much your chances increased this month with the lap?


Mega - February 22

I agree--I think you're getting a lot closer to that BFP, too. When conditions are right (& since you're now Oing, I'd say they're right) you are definitely fertile. No, I don't know how much my chances are improved post-lap/post-OD, I'd hope quite a bit though. Good question. I'll ask my RE tomorrow.


cw - February 22

i hope that you are right. i think that you will have really good chances for the next couple of months. everything is clear and you should be ready to go. are you going to try to get your RE to try injectibles?



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