167 Replies
Tonya - October 25

Good morning....Lee, how are things going? Any new info.? Toni, how are you feeling? I share your sentiment about Ali, I'm worried, too....


Becca - October 25

Good morning! I too am worried about Ali. I was so tempted to test today because if I am not pg I really wanted to get started again and take the provera but I decided to wait because she must have told me Friday for a reason. I don't want to lose hope or gain too much hope before then. I am just keeping hope that I get a BFP by Christmas. That is my goal. BABY DUST!


Lee - October 25

Hey guys, I am hopeful that Ali is just busy. I think she would need us if anything was wrong and she would write for our support, at least that is my hope. Let's all send good vibes her way. All is well here, hello to all.


Toni - October 25

I was wondering about Ali because someone said she lived in Florida. Becca I am glad you are waiting to Friday I think it's the right thing to do. But I know the waiting is so hard and the only thing that gets you through sometimes is the hope of a new cycle. I hope you get your Christmas wish! Tonya, I feel fine. Just sleepy! Thanks for asking. I sometimes wish I had more symptoms so I would know it's all going as needed!! Hey Lee! What are you working on today??


Mel - October 25

For all the ladies who have thinner linings with clomid.......acupuncture really helps. I have been on clomid for a while now and my lining was thin. I have been going for acupuncture the last two months, and not only have the size of my follicles increased, but my lining has thickened considerably as well. It has something to do with an increased blood flow to the uterus.


Lee - October 25

Toni, that must be the case with Ali, she has no electricity, but I know in my heart she if just fine. I am glad you reminded me of that. Not much new today, 1st and 2nd meetings take place in one week and then a week later!


isa - October 25

Well more great news. I went in for u/s, b/w and we did the hcg trigger about 8:15am. They found my "missing follicle" it was possibly hiding behind one of the others so thats a good thing. I have 4 on the left (23, 20,17,16mm) and one on the right 16mm so I am having iui's the next 2 mornings. They figure I will have one before ovulation then ovulate tomorrow night (36 hrs after hcg shot) and then have the 2nd iui after ovulation, then we can bd that night also and maybe Friday, Sat to cover all my bases. Nurse today said egg can live in the right conditions for up to 3 days. I had always heard 24 hours so we may have more chances than we think :). Christy, you mention you might move onto injectibles, i'm doing them now (2nd month) with clomid and doing iui. Mel -interesting tip on the acupuncture I will keep it in mind. I tried it once before for not fertility reasons and my muscles flipped out so not sure if I'll try it just yet. Becca same thing with my clomid 100 down to 50 then next due to thinning. I hope your Friday test is a bfp and you wont have to worry any more. Wow Friday is a big day for many of you. Amy R good luck with your hsg. I had one 3 months ago, I hope yours goes smoothly and it makes the tubes nice and slippery for the swimmers. Toni wow, my cycle sounds like yours yeeha, I'd love the bfp you got too!! Hi Lee and Tonya.


Lee - October 25

ISA ............WOO HOO, I knew this was the month. You go!


Tonya - October 25

Isa...that is great news!!! Your body is responding nicely to the meds...I think this is your month...


ali - October 25

hi everyone! i am doing fine...thanks for all of your concern. we did get hit by the hurricane yesterday and had minimal damage, just a few trees down. i haven't been able to get online until now (i am at my in-law's house using their computer) and i don't know when i will be able to get back on. i just wanted to check in and see how everyone is doing. isa and becca, it sounds like you have a lot to be hopeful for this month!!! can't wait til friday, becca to hear your results. tonya, i hope you are feeling better soon. when do you leave for your trip? toni, i am with you on the sleepiness! i am just exhausted all day long..but not sick yet, so i am thrilled. i am just counting down until my ultrasound on thursday! lee, sounds like everything is moving right along for you! thanks everyone for thinking of me while i couldn't get online to check in. it sounds like this may be the month for a lot of you..good things are happening!


Tonya - October 25

Ali, good to know your doing well...we will be there on Nov. 3rd. We can't wait....thanks for the get well wishes....I can't wait to hear about your u/s...Hugs.....


Toni - October 25

Ali glad you are ok. Looking forward to Thursday to see what they find in you! And then me on Friday. Isa, that is so great! Don't you love it when things go the way they are supposed to?


isa - October 25

yes Toni and Tonya I am psyched. Ami good to hear you escaped without too much damage. Good luck for your appt Thurs incase your unable to get back on. Lee suggested yesterday we start a new thread as this is getting long are you all up for that?


AmyR - October 25

Thank you all for the good wishes for my HSG on Friday. It should go fine, and yes I am taking 800mgs of Motrin before along with the Valium. Isa and Becca you go girls... this is a busy month for lots of you. Ali glad things are o.k. for you. Becca, it's best to wait to test... but you are in my thoughts. Lee & Toni you are always so encouraging... thanks!


Becca - October 25

Hey all, I found you from the work computer so I am able to post. WOO HOO. My RE couldn't figure out why I didn't have a period so she seemed really hopeful that I ovulated late and the shot didn't work. She did ask me if I had taken an hpt, told her on 10-13, she said that she wanted another one on Friday because 10-13 may have been too soon. I am praying my heart out for a miracle. My dh is too. I am waiting until Friday for sure because that is when I will start provera so I want to get a BFP or BFN that day so I never doubt wether I should have taken it. Ali- I am so glad you are ok. Isa- I am soo excited for you. Has anyone else ever had 2 IUIs like that? I never heard of that. I looked it up and read they normally only do that when you have several follicles so that might explain why. This is your month. BABY DUST!


Lee - October 25

Hi girls. Look for the other thread and see if you can find it. We can toggle for a few days like we did with this one and then jump over if you want.



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