136 Replies
Lee - December 14

Isa, no problem, I thought you might find the info helpful. Please don't assume that it is only an issue if you are pregnant, it is all related to the environment where the baby grows, so it is worth a blood test to find out if your RE is willing.


Toni - December 14

Bethany good luck today!! Hope that you can get plenty of rest after. Baby dust and glue! Becky have you used the same dr the whole time? Maybe a new opinion would help? I am doing fine today. Still bleeding slightly. I have a ton of questions for my appt on Friday. This has been going on for well over a week and the baby is doing just fine despite that.


isa - December 14

Good news, my temp finally spiked way up and fertility friend says I ovulated. It's pin pointed the day as Sunday. Bad news I wont be pregnant since we havnt bd'd since Wed since dh has been ill. Technically yes it could still happen but that is with optimum conditions and we dont have that singly or together (his sperm dont last in my mucous and he has # problems-sorry tmi). Because of af due to come over the holidays I wont be able to do my meds again in Jan as I wont be able to be monitored. I will have to get an u/s done when they get back and see if I might be able to do a natural cycle iui. Anyways its great to know (or think I know) I ovulataed finally.


Solange - December 14

Hei girls. Xmas is coming and I wish lots of blessings to everybody. Toni, hang in there, relax and take some rest. Everything is gonna be fine. Bethany, hope your IUI was really smooth and wish you luck. We are in tha same boat. I've just had my 3rd IUI last saturday and now I am just waiting the results...Really hope that 3rd it is a "charm" like you say. I am feeling weird since IUI... feel like a watermelon inside my tummy... Bd is impossible -don't feel pain but something moving inside. I was really worried last night... I couldn't move or cough... Maybe it is because I had 12 follicles and probably my ovaries is really huge right now. Going tomorrow for progesterone b/w. Isa, you made me remember my brazilian friend... She was really sad 2 months ago because she "was thinking" the ovulation was late and the time was passing she finally ovulated based in BBT and guess what?? 3 weeks later she found out she was 7 weeks pregnant. She was in shock and doesn't know what happened. Lola, hope you had good time during the ultrassound today. Question: Did anyone here feel the same thing after IUI?? BABY DUST AND GOOD LUCK.


Becca - December 14

Hello all! Have not read the posts but thought that I would check in. I am still doing the metformin and have not ovulated on my own. We are not going back to the RE until Jan or Feb so hoping when I up my dosage again it will help be ovulate on my own. I will read the posts later and reply! BABY DUST!


Bethany - December 14

Well today went pretty good...more pain than usual though so I am wondering about that.....lots of cramping during IUI and lots yesterday and during the day today. Just crossing my fingers and toes that this is out turn and things go well. Any one know when I should rxprct implmentation symptoms if I have any? Thanks


Bethany - December 14

Solange - guess we are playing the waiting game together......althought you are a bit ahead of me......what brought you to IUI? We tried for a year and nothing, so here we are.....nothing really wrong from what they can to you soon.


Becky - December 15

Hello.. Good luck Bethany and Solange on your 2ww. Toni I seen my ob dr for a long time then he had me see my re.. I live in a small town so there are not a lot of options.. I already have to drive 2hrs to get to the re office.. It's been a hard week for me so far.. I had 3 women in my office become grandparents on Monday.. Another girl is going to have her baby on this coming monday. I don't sure how to get my period on my own. I alway have to take something.. Baby dust to all....


isa - December 15

Bethany one of my docs always seems to be more painful with the iui than the other and gals here have told me if they inject the sperm too fast it can cause cramping. One month I cramped from iui right through until next af. The 2nd month wasnt quite as bad but most of my cramping comes from my ovulation as I have had 4 and 5 follicles each month on one side and one or 2 smaller on the other. RE said the more you have and the bigger they are the more painful ovulation will be. Hope I've settled you down a bit from worrying. Implantation will be quicker than regular bd as they sperm are already put where they need to be instead of having to take the journey themselves.


isa - December 15

Solange thanks for the story but when my temps all month were 96.6's to 97.1 until today when it went to 97.8 (cd 32 I think) I can't believe it would be possible to get pregnant with such low temps. My body just would not have been warm enough to carry but I guess never say never.


Toni - December 15

Solange, you have 12 follicles? What sizes? Are you worried about multiples? I hope you and Bethany get the luck from the third time around. Nothing new to report here. Maybe after my dr's appt tomorrow.


Solange - December 15

Toni - I am not worried about multiples because I've had 9 follies at the 1st IUI and I didn't get pregnant. I had 6 follies at right side measuring 19, 15, 14, 14, 12 and 11 and left side 19, 15, 13, 12, 12, 11 at day 13 (same day Ovidrel shot). Dr. increased a lot the Follistim dose because my FSH increase from 8 to 11 in just 6 months. My estradiol was 1.500 at day 13. I was supposed to have a progesterone b/w today but had to cancel because the ice storm...we were out power for 6 hours and woke up with a falling tree inside our sunroom...what a nice surprise...I am still feeling that sort kind of cramp since last 3 days...starting to feel negative about IUI. Good luck with appt tomorrow.


Solange - December 15

Bethany - We've been TTC#1 for 3 years and a half. Had 2 very early miscarriages at 5 weeks (jan/2004 and april/2005). We've been through all kind of tests and seems everything is ok... but found recently I had a homozygous MTRH mutation wich increases in 2.5 times the risk of miscarriage. Taking heparin shots and progesterone pills twice a day after ovulation through AF plus prenatal and complex B vitamins. We are gonna try 1 more IUI if this one doesn't work and after that take a break and save money for IVF because our insurance will not cover. During this TTC time, I had Ovulex, Vitex, Fertilty Blend, fertility tea, other brazilian natural herbs, chinese herbs with 2 years of accupuncture. Had HSG in april 2003, a videolaparoscopy+HSG in november 2004, endo biopsy, lots of b/w and ultrassounds... That is it...long journey.


Lee - December 15

Hey Isa, read Solange's last post. Same type of thing as I have and same protocol to address. I hope those follies give you some fillies, Solange!!!


LSB - December 15

Bethany & Solange, good luck to you both!! We have decided to do IUI this month on the 23rd & 24th. It will be our third month of really trying, but only second time doing IUI. Hope everyone else is doing fine!!!


for Lee - December 15

from isa -how do you find out those mutation things? Is it just simple bloodwork or is it more complex testing? Definately o'd, temp still up YEAH



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