Neg OPT after Ovidrel???
2 Replies
Erin_thenurse - November 3

Ladies, I had my IUI today 36 hours my Ovidrel shot and I still have a neg opt. I had a sono before the IUI and my follicles were still there ready to go. I have been testing twice a day so I know that I haven't missed it. My dr didn't act like this was a big deal because the Ovidrel was just about a sure thing to make me ovulate. Has any had an experience like this?


RLR - November 22

I would think the trigger would cause a + opk even if it's really unnecessary at that point anyway. I got a surge on the day of trigger before the shot once (so I really didn't need the shot, but they said it wouldn't hurt anything). It's possible you already surged?? Anyway, hopefully they hit the IUI timing right and you'll be pg!! Good luck!


Optimistic101 - November 24

Erin-When I got my ovidrel shot my dr. said it was pointless to take an OPK bc they hormone in the shot can give you false positives. You are suppose to ovulate 24-36 hours after the shot. Good luck to you!



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