Michigan Gals
80 Replies
babybaby - November 16

Hi guys, how is everyone doing? Are we all ready to have bfp's all around for Christmas? For me it's been 16 long months of ttc and I am tired of this wait game. Sunday I go in for my day 14 u/s after taking femara from days 3-7. Hd and I are bding every other day since Monday just in case. I'm hoping for a easy bfp this time around. Wish me luck! You guys are in my prayers every day. I hope we can all have great news very soon. I'll let you guys know what happen, ok? Take care!!!!


montie75 - November 17

Hello Ladies!! I am from the Sterling Heights area and my dh and I have been ttc for almost 3 years now. We are seeing an RE in the Troy area, which I really like. We did have a successful round of Clomid 100mg and Ovidril Trigger shot with IUI back in August however I m/c at almost 8 weeks. That happened to be my 6th cycle on clomid. This month is our first back in the game and I am taking Femara 5mg cd 3-7, I took my hcg trigger shot last night with my IUI scheduled for tomorrow morning. This is such a hard roller coaster ride for all involved. I wish nothing but the best for ALL of you!!! BABY DUST!!!


tanner789 - November 17

hi montie, i used to live in sterling heights where abouts are you form. i'm now in st clair shotes been ttc for 1 yr i can imagine how hard it must be on you b/c i havent taken the journey so well myself. i tried clomid for a few cycles and it didnt make me ovulate. thats when they sent me to an re she's in sterlinghgts 12 mile warren. she seems nice but i have to have the appropriate tests first before they start any more assistance for me, its a bummer, b/c i really wanted to be preggers before xmas, but i guess life doesnt go as planned right? i have to have an hsg bw and another semen analysis for hubby. what did they say was your problem during ttc? mine is annovulation and maybe pcos, ruling that out during tests. i am curious about femera and am going to mention it to my re when it comes time, how do you like it compared to the clomid? how has the shots been and the iuis for you? my ob mentioned i was going to need shots with the clomid to boost things, thats why he sent me to re-well let me know, by the way how old are you?


gmh - November 17

Hello, everyone hope this Holiday season and TTC doesn't get too stressfull for anyone. I hope to have a chance at injectables and a IUI beginning of Dec. Unless the FSH level are high again and in the case I just don't have a clue... Has anyone else had the high levels of FSH mine are in the 20's? montie75 welcome, you said your RE is in Troy if you don't mine me asking who it is I am look in to changing RE and Troy is a good area for me.


montie75 - November 17

Tanner-Hello!! I am getting ready to turn 31 in a few weeks. My DH and I suffer from male infertility issues. I take the infertility medication to increase my chances of pregnancy. Our doctor is in Troy at the Henry Ford Somerset Clinic. (Big Beaver and Crooks) I love them there!! As for the Femara, well……..I do like it better than Clomid when it comes to the side effects. Obviously the dosage is lower causing fewer side effects. But, the femara doesn’t produce a lot of follicles, so this month I am going into my IUI with only 1 follicle on my right side. With the clomid I was producing anywhere from 2 – 4. (increasing my chances of pregnancy) Also, because I was on the clomid for so long, my uterine lining became thin and that is one of the suggested reasons I m/c a few months back. This month is looks a lot healthier and that is because Femara thickens the lining. They give me the trigger shot because of the timing with the IUI. The trigger shot isn’t really a big deal with me. My side hurts for a few hours but other than that, I have no complaints. Hello GMH. I hope I answered your questions also. Oh, I am located at 15 Mile and Schoehnner (misspelled). GMH, I haven’t had any issues with my FSH levels. Sorry.


tanner789 - November 17

monte-well i thought maybe for awhile there maybe we had went to highschool togther or something, but our age difference is a few years apart i'm 27. so may i ask hw does your hubby deal with the infertility issue being related to him, b/c i cant stand to know tht the issue lies within me and i cant give my hubby something we want so bad because my body aint working right. well i was all for femera til you said it produced less follies than clomid, b/c with clomid i produced none. i didnt have much side effects with clomid like i dreaded i would, just night sweats. i thought i would have crazy mood swings, probably helped me more lol :) well hope all goes well for you this month, baby dust


gmh - November 17

tanner- just read what you said about questioning Femera. I was on Clomid and produced few to no Follices and also had longer cycles. I changed to Femera got more more follices and my cycles were normal(for me) just wanted to let you know. Good luck !!!.


tanner789 - November 18

thanks gmh good to know then maybe i have a chance of femera working for me if i try it, you never know guess everyones dif


montie75 - November 19

Tanner, alot of times the doctor will put you on Femara if you don't react to Clomid. If you read about it, alot of ladies who don't react to Clomid will on Femara and viceversa. I had my IUI on Saturday, so I am hoping for the best. My DH took it very hard. But will support, we explored our options and are doing it with IUI. It's not the old fashion way, but you do what you have to do. I still feel like a failure though, because it's been unsuccessful at this point and it really is on me now. He sees all the stuff I go thru with the testing, blood work, poking and u/s...the medication side effects. Lots of love and communication keep us strong thru this. It's not really anybody's fault, we know that......but it doesn't make this easier. It will happen, it's just a matter of when. You ladies remember that when things get hard. IT WILL HAPPEN, IT'S JUST A MATTER OF WHEN. No, Tanner........I went to high school downriver, not around here. Sorry. But hey, your not that much younger than me!! LOLOLOL...........BABY DUST to all you ladies!!


babybaby - November 20

Hi guys, I live in the Ann Arbor area and my re is afiliated with the UofM. He is great, but the clinic is expensiveand my insurance doesn't cover infertility treatment. I am considering an IUI next cycle, but it is extremely costly at my clinic. Prices: IUI w/ hd sperm: $739 (lab, hospital, professional fees) + $654 (hospital & professional fee per ultrasound) = $1393 each IUI not including the meds.
Do you guys know anywhere close to the Detroit area that has more affordable prices? Please let me know it will be a huge help. Thanks!


tk07 - November 20

wow babybaby! that is a lot, i don't know of anyplace around the area, but what about just a different doctor's office? my office for example is 125 for an u/s and 75 for a visit, but it is just a regular ob/gyn so i am not sure about a specialist or anything. and i don't know about the IUI. sorry.
well, my first month of clomid went by and no luck :( i am now on cd3 of round 2. not to sound super cheesy but last year i saw a psychic and she told me that i was going to get pregnant in january for a october baby, she thought it was last year but maybe it is this year. because she also told my aunt that she was losing her job after the first of the year but that didn't happen last year but she is losing her job in february 2007. and she was right about other stuff too. maybe.... but i am hoping it will be sooner of course! good luck to everyone!


montie75 - November 20

Babybaby, what kind of insurance do you have? It should cover the meds, bloodwork and u/s. I have HAP so the only expenses I pay is the actually procedure of the IUI which costs me $519.00 a month. My insurance covers my medications, so all I pay is my prescription co-pay and then all my bloodwork and u/s and whatever is covered under my insurance. If I were you, I would look into your insurance policy and find out who’s in network and who’s not………then find out if go elsewhere will the coverage change. Maybe all the preparations would be covered and all you would have to pay for is the IUI and sperm washing. It definitely is worth looking into. Hope that helps!! TK07, sorry to hear you have been unsuccessful, but I am happy to hear you have started your second round. It took me four consecutive cycles to get pregnant with clomid. (unfortunately it ended as a m/c) Your chances are higher with the first three cycles!! I think you will get your positive this month, so keep that head up!! I am in my TWW..UGH!!! We will see what happens……….LOL!!!


gmh - November 20

babybaby.. My RE in on Hall, and I have BCBS I have to pay for meds and IUI, but u/s and Blood work are covered... As fo the drugs. Not sure who may know this or not but you can get Clomid and Fermar at Costco along with the trigger shot and that was the best price I found.


babybaby - November 21

Thank you so much guys! I just came back from the re. They did an u/s and found a bunch of follies, but only 2 were a decent size. One of the was 16mm and the other one was 22.8 mm which made my re pretty happy. My uterine lining was 0.834 and he said that it was a good size. I gave myself an ovidrel shot an hour ago so today, tommorow, and thursday will be crucial days for some baby making action. The re is really hopeful and he said that I should not think about an IUI until I try femara for a couple more months. I am really hoping and praying to God that I won't need one because I can't afford it. I hope to have good news in about 2 weeks! I'll let you guys know! Good luck to all of you!


babybaby - November 21

I forgot to answer the questions. I have chickering insurance through the UofM. They don't cover any infertility treatment, medicine or u/s. I bought the ovidrel shot for $75 and the insurance paid for the femara which is weird. How much is the ovidrel and femara at Costco? Have you guys checked out freedom pharmacy? I won't think about an u/s or any other fertility treatments for the next 2 months because I'll be using only femara. Take care!


chele - November 25

Hi everyone, it's been awhile since I've been on but it looks like everyone is on their way to hopefully positive results this time around!!! I had to skip last month but af came today so I will be going in tomorrow a.m. to see if those darn hormonal cysts went away, and hopefully starting my 2nd round of IUI but 1st time w/ an RE. I was reading everyones comments on the insurance part and thought I'd comment. I actually looked around at the RE's I was referred to and found out if any accept insurance. There was only one doctor that I found in my search that would accept insurance instead of making you pay and collect on your own. Fortunately, I have insurance that covers all of the fertility procedures, blood work etc., with the exception of my office visit ($25), but as for the insurance it covers a percentage but some of those meds are still pricey. What I found is if you order online through Caremark.com you get a larger quantity for a small price. For instance the HCG shot at Walgreens or CVS was going to cost me $72 but I get it online for $10 and they ship out Fedex, no charge. Also, my prenatal vitamins can only be given in quantity of 30 each month through these stores, but Caremark allows your doctor to write a scrip for 90days and I pay the same price for a 3 month supply opposed to a 1 month. It would be worth checking it out. So far I have only found Clomid to be the same price at those pharmacies, why, I have no idea. Good luck to everyone!!! Baby Dust!!!



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