Male smoking marijuana have any affect?
116 Replies
angel - August 5

if a male and a female smoke marijuana everyday can they still get pregnant


bg - August 7

That's what they say,but I know a lot of male and female that smoke and they are bless with children.


bg - August 7

People like gill and other's that are so quick to judge other people lives and environment that's what's wrong with the world today. Stop judgeing people and who are you to say that's not a good environment.
K- to answer your question that you ask and not all the extra input that's what I heard however I know people that does and they still children. I think when it's you time to have one you will.


Jill - August 7

I was not "judging" anyone. I gave a straight forward answer, then K asked what the big deal was, so I gave my opinion. Don't be so quick to judge me.


deana - August 7

first of all, you people are crazy! condoning marijuana or not, it is s drug, it is not safe obviously your brain cells died from use cause you saying people got pregnant with it, sure cause you were the careless carefree, hippie type, so it worked for you when others ttc for a long time never used anything and lead healthy life styles dont get pregnant go figure.


gina - August 7

although i do not condone the use of marijuana, i also do not judge others for their use. the choice to use something of that nature is each individuals decision. but coming from a medical stand point, i will say that just because something is considered natural-it does not make it safe or profitable to use. for years now marijuana has been known to have crippling side effects such as impairment of short term memory, learning disabilities, transient episodes of confusion, anxiety, toxic delirium, impaired pulmonary function, increased risk of lung cancer, physical dependence upon the drug, negative effect on perception and psychomotor coordination, behavioral disorders, and exacerbation of pre-existing mental illness' such as schizophrenia, etc... studies are still being done to discover if and what kind of side effects the use of this drug has on pregnancy and the baby. each baby is precious and why would one want to even take the chance that something they are doing may hurt their baby. and even if you may not have any of these symptoms right now, that does not mean that you cannot develop them later with continued use of marijuana. i don't write this to bash on anyone but help educate those who may not be aware of some of the devastating side effects of marijuana use.


exactly!!! - August 8

gina, you go girl!!!! well said!


Amanda - August 10

My husband and i have trying to conceive for two years now. He smokes cigarettes. We just found out that his sperm count is low. Normal sperm count is 20million to 600million sperm per millileter. More than likely he was in the lower percent and smoking decreased it even more. If a mans normal range is higher, smoking of any kind won't have as negative an impact. He is now trying to quit and taking daily supplements to help boost his count. Please remember that children are precious and any one who has them are extremly lucky and shouldn't take it for granted.


k - August 18

what are the effects, if any to a baby if you have smoked for a while and get a women pregnant


what ever - August 18

listen me and my husband when we were teenager both smoked when we concieved our son as soon as I found out I was pregnant I husband however continued now we have three all healthy all happy al beautiful. theres no need to push your believes on any one. I under stand that there are chances that smoking can decrease fertilty in both male and female but so can a million other thing. If you are pregnant the best thing medicaly to do is live heathy and hope for the best if your partner chooses to do other wise tell him to do it away from you and your child.


j - August 24

im starting to think it does because i havent goten pregnant yet and i have been with my bf for almost three years


just a note to help - August 24

hi everyone!!! just wanted to make some comments in hopes of not getting attacked, studies that were conducted about the effects of marijuana on sperm,it is true that it can lower sperm count .i am not going to preach about what is right or wrong or anything for that and let live i say.but my personal choice i do not smoke it.nor will my children.however the reason i am leaving this messege is for the women that do have husbands and boyfriends that do smoke it.when you do reach a point where you would like to conceive you have options that can help you .like vitamin c up to 1000mg a day is a great anti-oxidant.get's rid of the toxins in the body and also the can get him to take this and it will clean up his sperm and increase his count.good luck everyone ttc. best of wishes to you all.and god bless our troops.bye


dakotalee - September 16

my boyfrend is on dop and i want to know when he gets stoned he says he cant have sex why is that??


dakotalee - September 16

no its not just a old wife tale


dc - September 16

yes, some men are affected by smoking. my husband and i was trying to get pregnant for 18 months he quite smoking for three months and i was preganant. my cuz husband was the same why! good luck


johnny pot smoker - September 16

smoking pot lowers the strength of ur sperm right well if u quit will they get stronger because somethings fucked



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