Life After IUI 6
145 Replies
cristina - July 6

Oh Ann, its funny that you said that about taking another pg. test. There are times even now that I want to take one just to see that positive I've been waiting for for over 2 years. Such a long time and when the time comes you just can't believe it.


Ann1 - July 6

Cristina, that is SO exciting that you get to know the gender!! Do you have any guesses? Did you do a gender chart on the internet?


cristina - July 7

Ann, I think its a boy and so does most of my family and dh thinks its a girl and so does his family, but not all of his friends. I can't wait to find out. Today I just felt the baby move. I wasn't sure what it was. It didn't feel like a fluttering feeling. It felt like a vibrating/muscle spasm feeling. I had to ask my friend because I wasn't sure if that was it. Everyone is different and so is the feeling. But it's nice to know I can finally feel the baby moving. Please let us know how your first sono goes.


Elizabeth444 - July 11

Hi all. I'm just checking in to see how everyone's doing. Dh and I went away for the weekend, and I feel like a new person. I'm ready for next month and the FET. Hopefully all 3 blasts survive the thaw, so that they can transfer 3. At this stage, I don't even mind triplets. I'll take anything I can get. Ann, sounds as if everything is going well for you? After all you've been through, it's just right that you don't have any terrible m/s, etc. I hope you have a wonderful and pain-free nine months. Elyse, how are you doing? Have you started with any of the shots?


Ann1 - July 11

Hi Elizabeth. I am so glad to hear that you are refreshed and ready to do your fet!! I am doing fine, except I am on my 5th day of a pretty bad cold or something. It is hard not being able to take any meds. Do you wait for another af then do the fet or do you do it in this luteal phase? Cristina, did you find out your baby's gender?


Elyse - July 11

Hi all. Cristina, it's so exciting tofind out the gender of the baby. Have a preference? Ann, sorry you are under the weather. Did you call the dr? They usually let you take something that is safe. Elizabeth - will they transfer all 3 blasts? My clininc will only ever transfer 2 blasts. If they survive the thaw, they prefer to transfer only 1 b/c it will be a very hearty blast to survive a freezing, but will do 2 if the patient insists. I started my Lupron last night and my menopur this AM and bravelle tonight. I got the Lupron headache last night after the shot and then again this AM after the shot and it has lasted until now. I have a feeling I will have a perpetual headache for the next 10 days while I am on it. I also am a little overwhelmed b/c i feel like I have so much to learn about embryos and grading and I have only another week or so to learn it. DP asked me why I couldn't just stay ignorant like we were when we did iui for the very 1st time and had our daughter.


Ann1 - July 11

HI Elyse, congrats on starting the meds! Sorry you have a headache. That is rough when you are trying to do all the injections and everything, too. There is definitely something to be said about staying ignorant about all this ttc stuff--can be bliss as they say. Did you do an ivf orientation class? Have you done the mock transfer? I haven't called the dr yet. I will just try to kick it myself for a little longer, and talk to the dr on Friday if I can't do it. I hate taking meds anyway and like the thought even less now. I have taken some Tums, though.


Carole - July 12

Hey Everybody! I wanted to check in on everyone. I have been regrouping the last couple of weeks. Had a rough weekend right after AF started, really emotional, so I spent last week going back to the gym and eating 100% right and feeling better. It is also my busy time of the month at work with commissions. I have been thinking of all of you. ELIZABETH: I am glad that you are feeling refreshed and I am saying lots of prayers for you for your FET. When will it occur? ANN: Bummer you have a cold. Hang in there. It does stink not to be able to take something for it but I know you won't take any chances with that little miracle inside of you. Your appt is approaching fast. Are you getting excited?? ELYSE: Congrats on starting the meds. I am keeping my fingers crossed for you and want to hear all about it. When will your retrieval be? CHRISTINA: Any word on the gender of your little one? As for me, I have been temping since day 2 of my cycle. I have never temped before so I am putting it in fertility friend. I am also checking cp and cm and will start opks this weekend. I didn't O until cd17 with the meds so I have a feeling that it wont be until a few days after that. Sooo.... we will see. I leave for Hilton Head next Friday so I am very excited to be coastal for a week. I hope everyone has a great hump day. Talk to ya soon!


cristina - July 12

Hi Everyone....well my level 2 test didn't go as good as I thought it would be. I thought it would be fun, but it wasn't. Atleast the most important part was that the baby is growing fine. They couldn't tell what the gender was because it was moving so much. I think it was getting mad just like me. I was there for an hour and a half and during that time I almost fainted from laying straight on my back. What a horrible feeling. So that had to do some of the test of my side. They were very very rough too. I feel black and blue still. So I have to go back in 2 weeks -7/27 because they needed more pic's of the heart and by then hopefully they can tell me the gender so I can start registering. Anyways, Ann sorry that your not feeling well. I know its hard that you can't take anything except Tylenol. And usually that doesn't help that much. When is your appt? I can't wait for you to hear the heartbeat. Elyse & Elizabeth, I hope everything works out for you. When is your retrieval? Carole, are you doing IUI this cycle or just natural? I know how frusturated u must feel. After my 1st failed IUI I thought I was hopeless and it would never happen, but as you can see....Ann & I got pregnant naturally. It can happen!!


Ann1 - July 12

Cristina, sorry your appt was so bad. Like you said, everything is progressing well, so that is great! My appt is Friday. Carole, yes, I am excited. It seems like Friday will never arrive!


Elyse - July 12

Hi. ANN, try to hang in. We had an IVF conslt with one of the IVF nurses at our clinic. I didn't do a mock transfer - I have heard of them, but do they always do them or just when they think there may be an issue with the cervical opening? My first follie check will be Saturday (cd 8) and I am now waiing for the call about my bw this morning. I actually just remembred tha I was supposed to wait til after the bw to take my meds - oops! The retrieval should be next week, but no idea what day - depends how i respond to the meds.


Elyse - July 12

Cristina, sorry about the discomofort with the level 2. When I had mine, I was in a reclining chair - it was very comfortable, but definitely a long procedure. I loved seeing all the organs and the little bones and movements. it was awesome! Carole - you are busy busy with all the charting and such - good luck and have a great time at the coast.


Ann1 - July 12

Elyse, from what I understand, they always do a mock transfer. They do it so they can determine the exact best place to deposit the blasts (or whatever stage they are at). I could be wrong that it is always done, but I have never heard of it not being done.


Elyse - July 13

I just did a quick read on mock transfers. They measure the uerus' depth and make sure they can pass the catheter during the procedure. I am thinking they did this during m hyseroscopy a few weeks ago.


cristina - July 13

Elyse, some of my friends I spoke to had a great experience too. The techs went over every part of the babies body and they were comfortable throughout the whole procedure. Unfortunately it didn't go that way for me. They hardly pointed anything out to me and it was very uncomfortable that I couldn't enjoy it. But I guess we all have different experiences with different doctors. Green, how are you feeling?


Carole - July 14

Good Morning ladies! ANN: Just wanted you to know I was thinking of you. I hope today goes really well and you see your little bean's heartbeat. Please give us the full details when you can. ELYSE: I hope that your first follie check goes great and you have lots and lots!! I will check in over the weekend to see. I hope you are doing okay with the meds. CHRISTINA: Dh and I are doing natural this time around. Need to save some money for another iui. My insurance doesn't cover anything so its tough. Maybe we will get lucky again. I conceived my daughter natural after a round of injectibles 5 years ago so I know it can happen. ELIZABETH: How long is the wait for you FET? I hope you guys have great weekend. My dh is out of town fishing so it will just be the girlie girls (as my dd calls it) at home this weekend. Talk to ya soon!



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