ladies who doen IUI -2
527 Replies
Anna, - April 6

Galina, Sorry about your cysts. I am not sure I understand what you wrote. You had 1/2 dose and more side effects. Is that right?


Galina - April 6

Anna, my HCG med was called Novarel (pretty much the same as Ovidrel). It comes in either 5000 or 10,000 units. My dr said b/c I had 8 follicles (mature) it would be too much to give me the full 10,000 unit dose (due to probs like I'm having now - follicular cysts). So, I did the 5,000 dose and still ovulated.


Galina - April 6

and, I still, infortunately ended up with these follicular cysts and have to sit out for one cycle. Good luck to you, Anna.


Anna, - April 6

Thanks for your response Galina. I will only use 1/2 the dose. hearing you story, I am scared to take the risk.


ChristinaC - April 6

Hi Galina, found it! thank you :) :)

Well today is my 6th PIUI and bb are sore and feel very crampy and bloated.. Last time after my IUI i started feeling this same way :( Galina you hang in there girl.. We'll all have our babies, somehow! :)


Mega - April 6

ChristinaC--good luck in the 2 ww! It's still early yet, there's still lots of hope left for that BFP. Pinky--Yay! Glad you got a new dr., & bonus points for finding a hottie! Your comment cracked me up. Anna--good luck with the trigger tonight. So is your RE letting you do an IUI this cycle? Is it on Sat., then? Good luck. That's a lot of follies = lots of good chances. And hopefully the smaller dose of Ovidrel will help lessen the chance of over stimming. Galina--how was your night? You start the monitor today, correct? I have a question, ladies. My suggested yesterday that we get a sample washed & frozen just as a contingency b/c my DH cannot leave work on Sundays & Mondays at all & I don't feel like wasting this cycle. Well, DH has been sick all week, so we hadn't had sex since last Fri. (almost unheard of for us), so we BD last night to expell all the bad stuff that had been piling up. Well, I'd like to make an appt. for the sample for tomorrow if possible. Do you think I did the right thing having us BD last night? Do you guys think that's enough time to build up more spermies? Our issue is more of a sperm quality than sperm quantity. Well, it could be a moot point anyway, I haven't set this up yet with the andrology lab. Maybe a Sat. appt. would be a possiblity.


Anna, - April 6

Mega, thanks for the wishes. I have my IUI on friday afternoon. About your question. Yesterday my dr said that if dh's count is good, then abstaining 24hrs is enough. Good luck to you too.


Pinky - April 6

Hey girls, I didn't comment this ": well, I switched doctors and he's a hottie. Maybe I'll just have to do him and forget the dhs spermies.." I don't know who put my name and comment!!... It must be a man who is reading my comments and did reply with my name. That's really bad. I will never ever choose Man Doctor .


Galina - April 6

OMG Pinky, that is so weird!! Last night I was just breezing through some of the threads (couodn't fall asleep) and ther is a weird lady named Janet who is on a lyrical tyrant about G-d only know what and Pinky, she was writing about you and comdemning you. After a while, it was kind of funny because the stuff she was writing is WAY OUT THERE. One of the girls who responded to her sais to "poor taste" all of her comments, I did, and today the threads are gone. Weird!! Christina, welcome to teh thread! I am so glad you found it! The girls here are AMAZING! I also agree w/Mega, it is still early for "real signs" but something is better that nothing...however, in some cases, no signs bring a BFP too. Oh who knows! You're in my prayers and keep watching the signs everyday. We all do when we are in the 2ww. Mega, I think you did the wise thing "washing" all the bad stuff/deris out of dh on your own. I remember on my first IUI, we didn't bd for like 5/6 days before it, and the lab tech said he had lots of debris. You are doing the righ thing. Also, in you case, abstaining 48 hrs before IUI is good. That is funny you are writing about freezing his sperm, b/c I just read an article about that inthe LA Times yesterday. Well, my new dr appt is today and I will check back w/you guys later. Have a good morning everyone!


ChristinaC - April 6

I thought you were to abstain for 36hrs? well whatever is good :) good luck ladies!


Mega - April 6

You might be right ChristinaC, I think 36 hrs is okay, I'm pretty sure my clinic prefers 48 to 72 hrs abstaining but says 36 hrs is acceptable too. But I can't remember for sure. As everything else though I guess drs opinion on the subject varies greatly. Thanks Galina, I feel better now about that though esp. with what your RE said before about the debris. Pinky--That is weird about someone posting with your name, I've heard of that happening here before though. I thought it was pretty quick for you to have found a dr, but I thought well it's possible. Galina--what did the LA Times article say about sperm freezing? I've heard that the potentecy of the sperm doesn't diminish much at all actually. Is that along the sames lines as the article?


ChristinaC - April 6

Oh yes, let us know.. Wished those little suckers lived a bit longer.. :) LOL


Mega - April 6

Yeah, I agree, ChristinaC, I wish the spermies lived longer & swam faster & were better with directions. LOL!


Ann - April 6

Hi all. I had a lot to catch up on this morning! About the weight gain thing, I didn't really gain weight over my normal 5-lb range, but my stomach felt "puffy" during the injectible cycle. It went away a few days after I stopped the meds. Galina, I know another person that got over-stimulated, and her dr told her that, along with the cysts, there was fluid in her abdomen. I bet that is what happened with you, too. Pinky, I knew that was not your post the second I read it. It just did not sound like you at all! I, of course, have no problem with a sarcastic joking comment like that, however!! Lilly, when is your next beta? I am completely dead today. I just went for a dinner and event last night (official interviews are today). I got home at 2:30am...


ChristinaC - April 6

Swim up boys and girls.. !!! LOL


ChristinaC - April 6

I sure am having alot of cramps for 6 piui.. but i always dread AF girls!



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