January/February 2007 IVFers
416 Replies
isa - January 3

QUESTION for you ivf'ers that have gotten through retrieval already - (not that i feel like it right now !! but) are orgasms or sex & orgasms ok between retrieval and transfer or is it only after transfer they are a no no?

I got a new heating pad but it stinks like rubber i hate it. I might have to venture out tomorrow and try another one. I live no where near where i got the first one. OH well.

Whoever asked re cells for my embies i wont know until tomorrow. She called before they were even 24 hours old, she will call me tomorrow again. She checks them at 7am every day and said she'd call me later on and i said oh no you can get me i'll be awake (since dh is up for work anyways i dont normally fall back asleep too quickly so i knew i"d lie awake wondering) so she called about 07:50. Todays call was merely a fert. report. Robyn I wish i was on that cruise too. Sounds like a mighty lucky boy (and a very smart one too!)I'm glad you can keep him informed.


JenG - January 3

Hi Mega, shoo... was wondering about the AF. Aren't you just on day 34ish? I am sure it will arrive soon... and perhaps maybe it won't for good reasons. :)


ROBYN - January 3

ISA - i looked at my info no sex or orgasm for a week after retrieval and another week after transfer. To be honest with you I have been so scared about sex Sunday was the 1st time since the transfer we had sex and I wound up bleeding. So now I cant even try again for at least 3 weeks. I will take care of hubby in other ways. And hes so nervous about hurting me or the little one that he so understands about intercourse really being out of the question right now. I was the one who asked about the grading and cell division. So tomorrow you will know thats great. Just rest and take care of yourself.


linds99 - January 3

Hi guys, I'm back...isa, I read your retrieval went very well, you have eggs girl! We are born with "millions" of eggs, I'm sure you have a lot left too, and the fact that they fertilized is just a blessing. Your babies are being made at this moment. Good luck aish this month..Robyn, I hear you about the discharge..my discharge is so sick, it feels like a gush and then I panic. I have no symptoms yet other than bigger boobs and really tired. I'm a little over 5 weeks, but today I went in for the ultrasound and check progesterone and I had one sac in there. No heart beat yet, but they said probably another week. Robyn, how far along are you now? Mega, you probably haven't bled yet because your progesterone levels are still high maybe? I read that the oil elevates progesterone way higher than a natural woman, maybe it is what is staving off AF not the PCOS... are you gonna do the suppositories this IVF cycle with the oil?


JenG - January 3

So Stacie, were they able to tell about the blood levels?


Mega - January 3

Linds--One sac, that's good. I know you were a little freaked about twins. I'm sure next week you'll see that goregous h/b flicker. It's a little early still. Did you get your beta results back yet? Or did they just check prog. not beta? Interesting theory about the prog. staving off AF, didn't think about that being the culprit, I like to blame PCOS. :) Good point though! You might well be onto something. Not sure yet how we'll do the extra prog support. I was leaning that way b/c of the insurance costs, doing both the suppositories & the PIO but my dr thinks just doubling PIO would be best but I go thru PIO vials so quickly that way & ins. co gave me trouble. But he left the ultimate decision up to me. Isa--I can't remember if I had sex b/twn the ER & ET or not. My clinic wouldn't have loved that idea though b/c after the stims our ovaries get so big but I'm thinking rebel that I am (okay, horn dog actually) I went ahead and did it anyway. But perhaps asking your dr might be best. Robyn--LOL! My patience is nowhere near saint level, gotta confess. Opposite actually! I'm actually trying to manipulate my timing, that's all...But oh YES, I'm so very very ready to get on with this cycling stuff again. Jen--You're right, I guess CD 34 isn't that terribly long, feels like it though. That would be nice, if AF was delayed for a "good reason." I'll probably test for GP, but not holding my breath. :) Stacie--Didn't you have an appt. today too? Thinking of you! Post your news when you feel up to it.


isa - January 3

Linds you are probably not aware but when you say we are born with millions of eggs only 46xx females are, I am a mosaic turner's I have a missing X chromosome and most turners have to do donor eggs b/c they have no eggs and I should have none or none left by my age. (long story i wont go into again) but the fact that we got any at my age is actually surprising. We expected none but hoped for at least one -YEAH. Robyn thanks for looking up your paperwork for me. I have kept notes but that question i never asked and if i did write it anywhere else i sure cant find it. I have only found some of my journals and with 2years of journals its hard to find all the stuff I've been looking for. oh well. I'll take it that i better not have any -darn it usually helps me fall asleep haha. Mega, if you have a choice i'd pick when to go on the prometrium so that it fits with your schedule nicely. Not much choices do we have with fertility so if you can choose some things as timing go for it. Stacie any news on your end?


Mega - January 3

Isa--Unfortunately, erring on the side of caution is probably best re: sex with DH. And if you get pg you'll have to hold off even longer. My clinic waits til 1st u/s. You're so right, we don't have much control at all in the infertility stuff. My personal timeline isn't a big deal, I'm not planning around vacations or anything like that, if it doesn't work out no biggie. But based on timing for my 1st cycle, if I start prometrium this Fri or Sat, I should
have the ER a couple of days before DH's b-day. I'd hate to do it on his b-day though. But I doubt he'll care either way.


KBinParis - January 3

Hi girls, stilI in Canada, get back to Paris on Saturday. Will catch up and write more then. Just wanted to say that I did not do my 3rd beta here in Canada after all. It turned out to be a major pain. The lab would not accept my doctor's requisition and where I am (a couple of hours north of Toronto), there is only an after hours clinic with a line of people as long as the main street waiting to be seen! After wandering aound for two days, in frustration my DP called the IVF deptt. at my hospital in Paris and they said that if I felt well and given that my first two beta #s were so good, I could wait until I get back to Paris on Saturday and go get a beta test straight from the airport. I will update myself with where each of you is once I get back home and write more then. Please excuse my long silence! I feel well but my belly and boobs seem like those of another woman! Hugs to all of you.


baby1234 - January 3

Hi everyone. Sorry I was MIA. --Robyn, how scary that you were bleeding! I'm glad that things are going better...take care of yourself and the baby! Take advantage of the bed rest, too. I am sending you love and warm wishes. --Aish, good luck with ivf. You have found a great thread. These women are wonderful and so supportive. They know so much and will help you more than you could ever imagine. --JB. good luck with your cycle too. Are you already stimming or on bcps? Sorry that I can't remember. --Isa, congrats on the 3 fertilized (and hopefully 4) eggies! This will be the time I just know it. Good luck on the transfer! It's coming soon! --Mega, any af yet. I think it is a good idea to call the clinic about prometrium. Did your levels get back to 0 yet? When will you start bcps? (this cycle right?) I think I would be going crazy waiting for af if she didn't show her face when expected. --Jeng, have you figured when to opk yet? Any idea what day you're on? --Linds, congrats on seeing the sack! How exciting! I'm glad there's only one, too. The heart beat comes next week? Do you have an appointment yet? Keep us updated. --As for me, I've had cramps since sunday and this morning they got stronger. I finally started to bleed this afternoon. Nothing too heavy yet but pretty clotty (sorry if tmi). I am getting used to this pad thing. I am totally not a pad person. It's been years and years since I have done this! I did go to the clinic today for blood but I must not be a priority. They haven't called back yet so don't know what the numbers are. I want to talk to the nurse and I am hoping to find out what they say about what to do next. I'm already looking toward the next cycle. (It's like I am addicted! (-: ) I can't wait to get this one over with... Anyway, I am still a little fragile emotionally, but the hormones leaving my system is making that a little better. Bbs are still a little sore, too. Other than that, I am okay. Thanks for all the words of encouragement and support everyone. They have helped more than you could know. Take care. Stacie


baby1234 - January 3

Oh, and I'll let you know what the nurse says when she calls.


ROBYN - January 3

Hey girls, well. Linds only 1 you must be happy. Glad everything is ok. I am 8 weeks today actually. Linds if you a little over 5 weeks they should be able to detect the heartbeat in a couple of days. At 6 weeks. STACI - you actually sound better. Its good that AF showed up so quickly and now you can get started again. Ok girls Jason just came home he asked me to make some spaghetti sauce in the crockpot he left me out all the ingrediants so I didnt have to reach for them (what a sweetie) well my taste buds are messed up it tests like metal to me. Jason tasted it and said its tastes awesome. Really no point to that story LOL. Will check in later.


baby1234 - January 3

Nurse called. The number is 32. I go back next week. They said they follow me until I get below 5 and then I schedule a follow up with the doctor. The nurse predicted it would take week for the number to get back to 0. Feels a little strange to hear that. I knew it would be low but...Stacie


isa - January 4

baby I'm sorry you have to go through all this but i agree you do sound much better than a few days ago. We sure all do go through the ringer with IF. KB in Paris, sorry it was so tough for you while visiting my country but I can imagine how rough it would be up where you are. Walk ins even in the city are bad but up north they are soooo short of docs its not even funny. I've heard some only open on 1 or 2 days a week b/c they are so short they drive from down in the city and open a couple days only. Here's a laugh for all of you. Dh told me tonight that I had asked the prep nurse before my ER whether they had a sheet on the embryos and dividing etc. (I remember asking this) then i guess she must have talked to the embyologist who apparently after my ER came out with a nice chart, explained things and I even asked questions -go figure its news to me. I havent got the slightest faint memory of this....not so bad....it gets better. I guess there were 2 couples having transfers after my retrieval. One couple has gone in already to the OR and dh and i are apparently sitting there and my fav nurse comes to check on me and i ask her what I asked you guys earlier about sex and orgasms. Wellllllll, dh being a wee bit shy (and me having unfortunately no remembrance of this conversation) apparently quite embarrassed dh b/c when i asked these questions one of the gals hubbies was sitting there beside him looking at me -oops . OH WELL!! I asked dh what the answer was and what he could remember was no sex but orgasm was good for bringing blood to the uterus but he wasn't sure what time frame it was ok....so I will ask in the morn. I have a call into the nurse asking what meds i get for the ET on friday anyways. Man I cant believe i dont remember all these conversations.It's weird!! I guess i had good stuff :)


isa - January 4

UPDATE- We have 3 out of the 4 (we lost the 1). first one is 4 cell grade1, #2 is 5 cell grade 1, #3 is 5 cell grade 2. She said the timing they should be 4-5 cell so we are right on the money and 2 are perfect grades (YEAH!!) We will do AH in the morning and hope and pray for the best. I am so excited (sad for the little one that didn't make it but so ecstatic and dh was still home when they called so he knows already too).


isa - January 4

I should correct my last entry -no embryo is perfect, grade 1 at my clinic is the best we can have.



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