IUI in May - Part 1
206 Replies

Congratulations Sonya, I am truly so happy for you. jlee, it looks like i have the same plan as you. I go in Tuesday for b/w and u/s. I also start prometrium this sunday night 200mg by mouth. I will also probably be taking an HCG shot on Tuesday as well. My only symptoms of anything so far are slightly sore bbs and feeling a little bloated. I know what you mean by the killer 2ww. Ugh!!


chele - May 4

Hi everyone!!! Whoohoo Friday and my day is about to end or should I say begin...hahahaha Getting ready to leave work but had 1 second to check back.... SONYA, that is wonderful news.... if they keep more then doubling you may have another surprise in there!hahah; 0) Good luck all of you on your 2ww!!!!


jlee27 - May 4

Happymom, what is the prometrium for? I'm glad I have someone with me on the 2ww.


Sonyamac - May 5

Good luck-HappyMom & JLee on the 2ww-I am sending lots of baby dust your way..also to JG & Katt-good luck as well!
Thanks Chele again and everyone have a wonderful weekend! Shanlou-thanks agian for the email, glad that you checked in! Hope all is going well with you.
I hope to stay on this thread and hear about all our groups BFP!!! I hope that is okay with the rest??
BABY HUGS TO ALL............Sonya .



jlee...the prometrium is progesterone that helps to build up the lining of the uterus if you tend to run low. My sister is prego w/ baby #4 and has taken it for the last 3. She miscarried twice b/t 1 and 2 and as it turns out it was low progesterone and she had some blood disorder for which she had to start on baby aspirin and heparin shots. In any case, i took it for my first pregnancy and we both only had to take it for the first trimester until the placenta was mature enough to provide nourishment for the baby itself. I liken it to providing an extra blanket over a chilly baby :)


jlee27 - May 5

Happymom- I had low progesterone last month but I don't think I did the month before that because they didn't say anything then. Last month when they did the b/w they said it looked like I had ovulated but my progest. wasn't high enough to sustain a pregnancy. Is it unusual for it to be low one month but not another? Sonya- I would love for you to stay and keep me updated on what is going on.



Jlee, i don't really know what is expected w/ progesterone as far as low one month and not the next. I do know that mine is low more often than not and that is why i do the progesterone pill and the hcg because the hcg helps to boost the production of progesterone as well. So if you are doing b/w on Tuesday and they find that your progesterone is low then they may call for the hcg shot to help increase it.


AlisonG - May 5


Sorry everyone - I have to finally jump in. It's been almost a year that I've been reading these message boards and although I'm normally a talker, I felt like if I started typing, I'd be admitting to myself that it has gotten this bad that I am on an infertility board.

Please keep me in your thoughts if you can - I am sick-to-my-stomach nervous. We've been TTC #3 for a year (no prob with 1 or 2). Finally, I was diagnosed with unexplaioned thin lining. We did two months of femara+hcg+progesteron and this past month we did gonal-f + hcg+ iui (Thursday). The IUI caused a LOT of cramping because I had 5 (possibly) 6 eggs releasing - I won't know for sure until post o. u/s on Tuesday. But as of Tue (the last u/s and day og hcg, I had a 22, 19, 17, 17, 16, and 15). They thought all but the 15 would probably release (then I had a bunch of 10s and 11s).

I am freaking out - LITERALLY that either NONE or all 5 will take.

How many mature follicles did you all have at time of IUI?

I wanted my n.p. to do an u/s at the time of the iui but she said it wasn't necessary that they'd know on tue. how many released.


Sonyamac - May 5

welcome AlisonG...wow those are some good follies! When I conceived our 9 month old son-iui-most likely-I had 3 (that was OCt 2005), this time, I had 2 @ 19..and I am now 4 weeks pregnant...but when doing my iui's it was the third month for both my pregnancys-I am very blessed & Lucky! They say that with 3-4 follies that there is usual a pregnancy!! So good luck!
BABY HUGS & Dust to All............Sonya, Tyler & Baby to be...............


Sonyamac - May 5

AlisonG-when I say most likely-who knows whether it was the iui or just BDing?? But first time-I had 3 and this time I had 2...sorry to be so confusing in the previous post...


AlisonG - May 5

Hey thanks for the "hello," Sonya. Yeah, I know that the number of follicles was great but what I forgot to say was that my vibrant, young hubby's count (which we assumed would be normal) was 78 mil but only with 32% motility (they like to see >40).

So, maybe that's why they let me go with so many follies - who knows?

Also, did anyone else here NOT BD after IUI? They told me to BD on Friday (day after IUI) but I was so crampy, I couldn't do it.


AlisonG - May 5

Hey forgot one thing - you said they say with 3-4 follies there is usually a pregnancy???? HERE IS WHAT TOTALLY COFNFUSES ME . . . . . . . both the research I've done AND my clinic say that the chances of pregnancy with injectables can be anywhere between 20-25%. What confuses me is that as you get MORE MATURE follicles, your chances of pregnancy DON'T go up, but your chance of multiples does. The pregnancy rate and multiples rate are mutually exclusive. I am a bright person, but that's something that I don't quite comprehend. ANY THOUGHTS??



Welcome Alison G, it is great to have you with us. Let's see, on monday my follies were 20,17,17,16, 15 and a few below that i think. I took the shot that night and iui the next am. (they say your follies continue to grow till ovulation). I don't think i ovulated till the day after iui because that's when i felt the cramping and excessive cm. My dh and i bd'd the following afternoon. (maybe too late, but he worked the whole previous day. Anyway, last night I was looking in a journal about my first attempts/success at pregnancy and according to that, my follies were 2@19,17, 16 and the rest below that. So Alison, i wouldn't freak out too much about how many mature follies you had esp if motility wasn't super high, ( and 32% isn't horrible esp when the count is nice and high) Also on my first success, i never bd'd after the iui and we have a beautiful dd. I hope some of that helps!


Sonyamac - May 5

Hi Alison, when I started the IUI procedure, here in Canada in Kingston through a fetiity specialist, he gave us some reading material-it states that there is usually a pregnancy when there are 3-4 follicles, this was in a hand-oout that he give to his patients, and we don't have to pay, it is covered through our Provinces insurance, only the meds..so it is not some prviate clinic trying to get more patients by telling high success rate etc....I think that it depends on all the other factors as well. age, quality of eggs, quality of sperm etc.....best of luck....I am sending BABY HUGS your way............Sonya


Sonyamac - May 5

Alison, i forgot to mention that my dh also had poor quantity post wash, 12 mill. and I got preggers with our son Tyler..this time, he has 152 pre-wash, then 52 mill post wash...so, it only takes one! Just make sure that you get budy bding as well!


AlisonG - May 5

Wow, thanks everyone for your super fast answers. It looks like I'm not the only one checking these boards every hour or so!!!

Sonya that's neat to hear about the pamphlet stating that in writing - cool!

HAPPYMOM thank you as well. It's good to know we're not alone in this.

The funny thing is, I thought for sure it was just ME and my lining - so we were both shocked to find out that his motility was low.



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