IUI gals, come in here during your 2 week wait...
247 Replies
Tonya - October 4

Wow, Isa! You had some great follicles....That's alot more than I had. What meds were you on this past month?


Tracy - October 4

Hi. I have been through 6 cylcles of IUI and had a ectopic. I am currently waiting for the results of our IVF. I will be tested on 10/7. I am bleeding slightly which concerns me a bit. Does anyone know how long or how much blood is considered implantation bleeding? I have progesterone shots every night. I wish I was prescribed suppositories as my hips are extemely sore. The cost of follistim depends on the amount in the vial 300, 600, 900 and where you get it from. My insurance doesn't cover any of the treatments or medications so we go through Schraft's Specialty Pharmacy. They have the medications at a lower price and ship overnight. I think my follistim (600) was around $390. It has varied from cycle to cycle. It was as high as $490. All of my meds came to $1300 this cycle. OUCH! I am not up on all of the abbreviations but we have been ttc for 2 years - endometriosis, lost tubes due to ectopic and decreased egg quantity and quality + low count. We are a match! Best of luck to everyone! Oh 3 fair quality embryos transferred. We will be thrilled with any positive results. Can hardly wait until Friday.


Tonya - October 4

Welcome, Tracy...Friday is my day to find out, too. My friend who just did IVF 3rd time, is pregnant!! Woohoo!!! I'm so happy for her. What is your FSH?


Tracy - October 4

Hi Tonya _ It is so great to see a reply. I haven't had anyone to talk to (that understands) for 2 years! My FSH 1 year ago was 9.3 (I think). I know it is higher now because my follicles didn't react as well as they did a year ago so I had to endure 10 days of Follistim at 200 a day. The ultrsound showed 3 mature follicles and 2 that were a bit too small. Not a great response. The three all became embryos but were a grade C quality. (A - great B- good, C- fair - some pregnancy reported D poor no recorded pregnancies) Last time we had a B and 2 C's. I got pregnant but miscarried. All three C's were placed back in 9/25. We refer to them as Lucky Number Seven and Her Four-Celled Sidekicks. (1 seven-celled embryo and 2 four-celled - Not fast dividers - Darn.) My husband and I have to have some humor because all of this is quite painful. My thoughts will be with you on Friday. Again, thank you for responding and good luck!


Lee - October 4

Hey Tracy
I had three embryos go in, RE called them ugly. They were poor quality. My ugly embryo is in the other room doing a puzzle with her dad :) Good luck!

As for the progesterone shots, you need them. Whe you ovulate the egg comes out and the follicle fills with fluid that is progesterone which builds up to support the baby. With IVF they removed the follicles from you so you need a whole lot more than someone with IUI. I have never had implantation bleeding, so I profess to know nothing, but please keep the faith. There are three little survivors in there, think about that and tell yourself one will make it! I'll be watching for your posts.


Tonya - October 4

Lee, what a great story...See, Tracy, keep the faith...it worked out for Lee. Nice talking with both of you... :)


isa - October 4

Tonya, I was on clomid 100mg days 2-5, then started hmg shots called Lepori (I did 225mg each night) for 4 nights, started estradial estrogen on day 10 because my linging was too thin for the size embryos and i took 2mg- 2x/day for 10 days. I started progesterone suppositories day after 2nd iui and i do one in am and one in pm (rectally). They were very pleased with my follicles but we have male issues so we dont know if this will work or if we have to do ivf -icsi (which unless is covered dh and i have already said no.) Here is would be $6000/month plus expensive meds.


isa - October 4

Tracy welcome and wow what a story. Oct 7 is a big day for tests. I'll keep fingers crossed for you and 'glue' ....re implantation bleeding I was told it could be anything that doesnt soak a pad and is less than your usual, could be pink or brownish tinged.It varies from person to person and few people actually get it according to my nurse at the clinic. I was told to keep taking my prog supps until i know absolutely certain it's af but since i am away this weekend i dont get my bloodtest so i have to rely on hpt's. Lee congrats on your ugly embro !


Tracy - October 5

Thanks for the encouragement Lee! I have been so anxious lately and emotional! I am glad to hear about your blessing. I hope one of my "Grade C" embryos buried itself deep and is planning to stay for the duration! I only have 2 more days to wait and I continue to spot. I sure hope it isn't AF starting off slowly. The doctor told me that the medications I am on can also cause some bleeding pregnant or not. I have been getting my hopes up high. I guess I'd rather be cautiously optimistic than bummed out all week. I


Lee - October 5

Now that is the right attitude! I always told myself that it would hurt just as much if I tried not to get my hopes up or if I was an optimist, so I went in knowing that "what will be will be" and I was right. Unless your AF normally sneaks in slowly, I wouldn't attribute light spotting to medicine or baby, just wait it out if your doc says it is okay. I will say a prayer for you, I know it is hard but will be so worth it if it is good news.


Tonya - October 5

Hi everyone, just checking in....had some AF type cramps last night...not a good sign. Isa, that's unreal about how much that IVF - ICSI costs! That's a lot...Tracy, Isa hang in there...waiting on Friday.... Babydust


isa - October 5

checking in, temp problems today. woke up earlier than normal and it was down to 97.7 (coverline is 97.6 this month). I'm 9DPO. Still cramping but losing hope. Stupidly did an hpt last night (why ? I dont know I knew it would be too soon, why do we do this to ourselves bpn but i knew before i took it that would happen so why did i do it??)ok enough rambling. Hope you guys are feeling something only 2 more days for some of you til 10/7 and testing day yeah!


Edy - October 5

Tonya and Tracy- Good luck on Friday. Tracy- I get my meds from Schraft's pharmacy too. Where do you live? I had to buy 2 boxes of 600iu Follistim to start with and Lupron. The HCG trigger shot is almost $30 cheaper. I will start Lupron on 10/12. This is my 1st IUI. Wish everyone the best!!!


Colleen - October 5

Hi, had by first IUI on 9/28. I'm 37, dh 35. Took Clomid 100mg for 5 days. Went to RE today for a progesterone level which was greater than 50. They told me to take pregnancy test if I'm late or call them on my first day of bleeding. I can't test until 10/10; due for period 10/11. Can anyone tell me if the progesterone level indicates something?????thank you


for colleen - October 5

hi colleenProgesterone in Pregnancy
When Normal Values What Level Means
Mid-Luteal Phase 5+ ng/ml ... a level of 5 indicates some kind of ovulatory activity, though most doctors want to see a level over 10 on unmedicated cycles, and over 15 with medications. There is no mid-luteal level that predicts pregnancy.
First Trimester 10-90 ng/ml Average is about 20 at 4 weeks LMP, and 40 at 14 weeks LMP. It is important to note that while a higher progesterone level corresponds with higher pregnancy success rates, one cannot fully predict outcome based on progesterone levels. Progesterone supplementation is unlikely to help if started after a positive pregnancy test.
: The doc was probably checking to make sure you actually ovulated- normally they do it 7 days after you think you ovulated.


Toni - October 5

Hi guys! Isa I too had 4 follicles on monday before my trigger shot that night. They were around 22mm each except one that was 17. Dh had basically average number after washing and great motillity. I can't wait to see if it worked for you guys! I just started the dreaded two week wait! And Isa, I am cramping also and wondering if it will last like yours has.



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